Two soldiers from opposite sites get stuck between the front lines in the same trench. The UN is asked to free them and both sides agree on a ceasefire, but will they stick to it?

Run Boy Run is the true story of Jurek, an eight-year-old boy, who escapes from the Warsaw ghetto, then manages to survive in the woods and working as a farmhand, disguising himself as a Polish orphan. He encounters people who will betray him for a reward, who will beat him up or try to kill him, and he meets those, who will do and risk almost everything to help him. Jurek’s resilience is put to the ultimate test, when an accident cripples him, making it harder to find work. But he struggles on against all odds. Eventually the Russians reach his area and Jurek even finds a family where he could stay. Yet he is betrayed again, and a young man from a Jewish orphanage forcefully tries to bring Jurek back to his people and his faith.

In the not-too-distant future, androids have come into common usage. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled as "android-holics". Rikuo Sakisaka, who has taken robots for granted for his entire life, one day discovers that Sammy, his home android, has been acting independently and coming and going on her own. He finds a strange phrase recorded in her activity log, "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?". He, along with his friend Masakazu Masaki, traces Sammy's movements and finds an unusual café. Nagi, the barista, informs them that the café's main rule is to not discriminate between humans and androids. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools.

Kresten, newly wed, is on the threshold of a great career success in his father-in-law´s company. But when the death of his own father takes him back to his poverty-stricken childhood home, far out in the country, his career plans fall apart. For one thing he has to deal with his loveable, backward brother, who is now all alone; for another, he meets a stunning woman who comes to the farm as a housekeeper, in disguise of her real profession as a call-girl.

A bang at the Eberhofer farm: Grandma goes on strike and wants to get rid of the family care in the future. Pure chaos! The family is supposed to learn how to take care of themselves. Now, of all times, Susi temporarily takes over Niederkaltenkirchen's town hall as deputy mayor and, with her newfound power, reduces Franz's position to part-time so that he can take care of son Pauli in the future. This action touches the Eberhofer's masculinity sensitively. Fortunately, it doesn't take long for a crow to pick up a human ear, and what should have been a deadlocked missing person's case surprisingly develops into a tricky murder case that once again unites Franz and Rudi as an investigative dream team in top form.

Sherlock Holmes i el Dr. Watson investiguen el cas d'un assassí en sèrie que mutila el dit índex de totes les víctimes.

Cinc homes s'asseuen al compartiment d'un tren cap a una destinació desconeguda. Poc després arriba un home misteriós, d'aspecte sinistre, que es presenta com el Doctor Schreck. Treu un joc de tarot i assegura als viatjants que els pot predir el futur. Els cinc homes no s'ho acaben de creure, però Schreck aconsegueix convèncer-los un darrere l'un. Els seus destins es veuran revelats a través d'històries diferents, que tenen totes com a vincle l'enigmàtic Doctor Schreck.

Sir James Forbes arrives in a remote Cornish village to identify a mysterious plague afflicting the population. Local squire Charles, a disciple of Haitian witchcraft, is using the voodoo magic to resurrect the dead to work in his decrepit and unsafe tin mines that are shunned by the local population. But his magic relies on human sacrifice and he unleashes his army of the undead on the unsuspecting village with horrific consequences.

In a parallel present, delivery man Ray Tincelli is struggling to support himself and his ailing younger brother. After a series of two-bit hustles and unsuccessful swindles, Ray takes a job in a strange new realm of the gig economy: trekking deep into the forest, pulling cable over miles of terrain to connect large, metal cubes that link together the new quantum trading market. As he gets pulled deeper into the zone, he encounters growing hostility and the threat of robot cablers, and must choose to either help his fellow workers or to get rich and get out.

Com a requisit per treballar en un asil psiquiàtric, el jove Dr. Martin haurà d'entrevistar diversos pacients "incurables" d'aquesta institució, i després d'escoltar les seves històries, decidir quin és el Dr. Starr, el seu predecessor, qui va embogir. Així, Martin tindrà accés a les històries patològiques més aterridores: la venjança d'ultratomba d'una dona esquarterada; un maniquí que cobra vida gràcies a la màgia negra; una jove drogoaddicta controlada per una entitat maligna; un ex-metge que vol transferir el seu esperit a un diminut autòmat. Són només al·lucinacions dels pacients, o són testimonis verídics? Quin és l'enigmàtic Dr. Starr?

The year is 2509 and not only has Earth lost contact with the Ishimura and Isaac Clarke, but now also the USG O'Bannon, the first responder ship sent to rescue them. Four crew members of the O'Bannon have survived. But what happened to the rest of the crew? What were they doing? What secrets are they keeping? All to be the Aftermath! --- Dead Space: Aftermath is a fast paced, horrifying thrill ride told through the perspective of the four survivors by several renowned international directors. Dead Space: Aftermath is an animated film that bridges the storyline between the video games Dead Space and Dead Space 2.

Four actors go to a cabin in the woods to write, direct, and act in a film that will jump-start their careers. Their idea is a horror film about a man with a bag over his head, but what happens when that man mysteriously shows up?

After a spate of murders, the villagers of Schtettel kill the depraved perpetrator, Count Mitterhouse. Fifteen years later the Circus of Nights appeared in the plague-ridden village and its performers include Mitterhouse's mistress, children and cousins. They have come to Schtettel to fulfil the Count's last words, an evil, vicious curse of death and destruction on those who participated in his impaling. The children of Schtettel become the targets for a brutal and devastating revenge as the Vampire Circus rehearses for its most deadly performance.

In the 15th century, a young goatherd living alone in a mountain hut feels a dark presence in the woods.

Quan tant la llei com la màfia et volen veure mort, has de posar tots els mitjans al teu abast per escapar. Això és el que els passa a Piper i Dodge, una parella de convictes que no es coneixen però que, en estar emmanillats, hauran de compartir per força els seus destins.

When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true. Together, they soon face challenges that turn them into heroes. But caught up in the excitement of their new lives, Geoff and Drake fail to see the hidden dangers that surround them.

A group of people who feel betrayed by their government and let down by their police force form a modern-day outlaw posse in order to right what they see as the wrongs of society.

A top surgeon is besotted with a beautiful woman who once rebuffed him. Unable to come to terms with life without her, he tries to convince her that they need each other. She has other ideas, but a horrific accident leaves her at his mercy.

Lizzie Borden High's class of '72 are going through the motions at their tenth-year reunion, until deranged alum Walter Baylor, driven insane by a sadistic senior-year prank, escapes from the mental institution and crashes the party. When guests start getting bumped off, the other alumni, including snooty yacht salesman Bob Spinnaker, class tease Bunny Packard, and class zero Gary Nash, spring into action to uncover the culprit.

Two brothers, both with troubled paths, find themselves in the middle of one last bank job.