Ten of Muhammad Ali's former rivals pay tribute to the three-time world heavyweight champion.
As anger and resentment grow in the face of social inequalities, many citizens-led protests are being repressed with an ever-increasing violence. In this documentary, David Dufresne gathers a panel of citizens to question, exchange and confront their views on the social order and the legitimacy of the use of force by the State.
Texaneren Nicholas Barclay forsvandt sporløst, efter at han løb hjemmefra som 13-årig. Tre år senere dukker den 23-årige franskmand Frédéric Bourdin op hos det spanske politi og præsenterer sig som Barclays teenagesøn. Nicholas' efterladte får overbevist sig selv om, at svindleren taler sandt. Og dét på trods af, at Frederic slet ikke ligner Nicholas og taler med en uforklarlig europæisk accent.
Brash boxer Cassius Clay burst into the American consciousness in the early 1960s, just ahead of the Civil Rights movement. His transformation into the spiritually enlightened heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali is legendary, but this religious awakening also led to a bitter legal battle with the U.S. government after he refused to serve in the Vietnam War. This film reveals the perfect storm of race, religion and politics that shaped one of the most recognizable figures in sports history.
Handlingen følger FBI-manden Will Grahams jagt på seriemorderen “The Tooth Fairy”, der specialiserer sig i at bryde ind hos børnefamilier og udrydde far, mor, børn og kanariefugl. Graham har egentlig trukket sig tilbage efter den traumatiserende oplevelse, det var at fange Dr. Lecter. Han er kort og godt blevet bange for sig selv efter at have været “inde i hjernen” på den geniale psykopat, men må nu modvilligt opsøge denne i håb om at opspore “The Tooth Fairy”...
In 1986, Louis Malle examines the immigrant experience in America by interviewing newcomers from various professions nationwide, highlighting their struggles in a multicultural society.
Director James Toback takes an unflinching, uncompromising look at the life of Mike Tyson--almost solely from the perspective of the man himself. TYSON alternates between the controversial boxer addressing the camera and shots of the champion's fights to create an arresting picture of the man.
Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich meets with Americans from all walks of life as he chronicles a seismic shift in the nation's economy.
A family in East Germany finds millions in soon-to-be-worthless marks during 1990's reunification, and takes what they can carry.
Et mystisk mærke med form som et "Z" begynder at dukke op forskellige steder i kongeriget, både på ting og på indbyggerne. Nu må Odette, Derek, Alise, Lucas og alle deres venner samarbejde for at regne ud, hvad det betyder, og hvem der står bag.
When Spanish record producers express interest in Cuban musicians Ruy and Tito, the longtime friends are faced with the prospect of leaving their loved ones behind. After years of hoping and dreaming, they've finally earned the opportunity to bring their music to the rest of the world. But are the emotional trade-offs worth it in the end?
Da Rannulph Junah (Matt Damon) - den bedste amatør golfspiller i 1910´erne - vender tilbage fra 1. verdenskrig, vender han tilbage med håbet om at glemme og at blive glemt. Han bliver dog overtalt til at spille igen, og da han møder den mystiske Caddy Bagger Vance (Will Smith), begynder han oven i købet også at spile godt.
I smølferne og den fortryllede fløjte møder du smølferne for allerførste gang. Kongens tro væbnere, Henrik og Hagbart, opdager ved et tilfælde at den fløjte, kongen ville smide væk, har en fortryllende effekt - den får folk til at danse helt ukontrolleret. Men den udspekulerede Franz Frækkelin får fingre i fløjten sendes Henrik og Hagbart til Smølfeland, hvor den fortryllede fløjte oprindeligt blev bygget. Sammen med smølferne går jagten nu ind på Frækkelin og den fortryllede fløjte.
Rod Goldman and Al Silverman are street performers who work the tourist scene of Times Square. Goldman gets no respect and Silverman is the first one to make sure of that.
Based upon the final confession of Adolf Eichmann, made before his execution in Israel, of his role in Hitler's plan for the final solution.
Musicfilm with unpublished images from the life of the most famous Italian trapper: Sfera Ebbasta. Between concerts, studio sessions and lifestyle, the movie retraces his entire artistic career from the beginning together with producer Charlie Charles, to international success. With testimonials from Marracash, Shablo, Steve Aoki and Rvssian.
Jamie Foxx (Any Given Sunday) er den uheldige røver, der bliver smidt i fængsel for at stjæle rejer (ja, rejer!). Han havner i samme celle som den ene af røverne fra et stort guldrøveri. Den anden røver er stadig på fri fod. Den tilfangetagne véd, hvor guldet er, men desværre dør han kort tid efter. Den skruppelløse betjent Edgar Clenteen (hvordan finder de på de navne!?) indopererer en sender i Jamie i håbet om, at røveren har sladret, og at Jamie således vil lede ham til guldet.
Local boy Ryan Dunne, now a pitcher for Boston College, meets Tenley Parrish, the daughter of a wealthy couple who summer on the Cape. Ryan and Tenley fall in love, much to the chagrin of their families, while Ryan clings to one last hope of being discovered and signed to a pro baseball contract.
James West og Artemus Gordon er to hemmelige agenter som arbejder for USA´s præsident. Begge kaldes til Det Hvide Hus for sammen at løse en opgave: at finde den mand der står bag kidnapningen af verdens førende videnskabsmand. Deres arbejdsmetoder er forskellige som dag og nat, men de får uventet og ikke helt uønsket hjælp af den smukke Rita Escobar. Samtidig finder de en værdig modstander i den brilliante og afskyelige Dr. Arliss Loveless...
The screenplay for Khibula was inspired by the real events taking place in Georgia briefly after the country regained its independence in 1991. Zviad Gamsakhurdia, the first president of Georgia, elected by the majority of votes, was driven into exile by coup d'etat. Even though he returned to regain power soon after, political clashes once again forced him to flee into the mountains. Based on the final chapter of the first President's life, the film starts off by following his journey accompanied and pursued by both friend and foe.