L'Scooby-Doo i els seus amics es troben en un campament d'estiu en què cada vegada que algú explica una història de por, la criatura de què parla cobra vida. Però la colla no s'espanta tan fàcilment. Es reuneixen al voltant de la foguera per rostir alguns nois dolents. L'Scooby-Doo, en Shaggy, en Freddy, la Daphne i la Velma intenten obtenir pistes per resoldre els misteris de l'Home del Bosc, el Pescador i l'Esperit del Canó Negre. I, per descomptat, en Shaggy i l'Scooby-Doo segueixen molt de prop el cas.

Durant la visita a la germana petita de la Vilma, la Madelyn, que estudia a l'acadèmia de màgia d'en Whirlen Merlin, en Shaggy, l'Scooby-Doo i tota la colla s'hauran d'enfrontar a molt més que un conill que surt d'un barret. Un ambiciós magnat dels gelats vol comprar el castell on hi ha l'acadèmia, on es passegen un esperit que fa posar els pèls de punta a tots, i el griu, un ésser mitològic meitat drac meitat lleó, que sembla molt real. En Shaggy, l'Scooby, la Daphne, en Fred i la Vilma aprendran els trucs per descobrir tots els secrets i salvar l'acadèmia.

If Stan, Kyle and Cartman could just work together, they could go back in time to make sure Covid never happened. But traveling back to the past seems to be the easy answer until they meet Victor Chaos.

Es tracta d'un especial i crossover pel tercer any de l'anime Toriko. Tracta d'una carrera en que participen els personatges dels animes en qüestió. Versió original subtitulat a castellà.

A submarine expedition to salvage the remains of Mechagodzilla is thwarted by a massive dinosaur named Titanosaurus. An Interpol investigation leads biologist Ichinose to uncover the work of Dr. Mafune and his mysterious daughter Katsura. Aligned with the Black Hole Aliens, Katsura's life becomes entwined with the resurrected machine.

A group of high school friends reunite after two years when one of their fathers' committed suicide. They all spend the night at their friend's place. When darkness falls, strange things begin to happen to them one by one. It is as if someone is using the black arts on them in revenge for an act this group of friends committed together back at high school.

A young and unskilled fairy godmother that ventures out on her own to prove her worth by tracking down a young girl whose request for help was ignored. What she discovers is that the girl has now become a grown woman in need of something very different than a "prince charming."

A BMX racer, who lives in a small town with his mother and sister, is faced with a tough decision, qualify for Helltrack or take his SATs in order to attend college.

Shaun Boswell és un noi que no acaba d'encaixar a cap grup. La seva única connexió amb el món d'indiferència que l'envolta és a través de les carreres il·legals, cosa que no l'ha convertit en el noi favorit de la policia. Quan amenacen d'empresonar-lo, el manen fora del país a passar una temporada amb el seu oncle, un militar destinat al Japó. Al país on van néixer la majoria dels cotxes modificats, les simples carreres al carrer principal han estat substituïdes per l'últim repte automobilístic que desafia la gravetat, les carreres de "drift" (arrossegament), una perillosa barreja de velocitat en pistes amb corbes molt tancades i en ziga-zaga. En la seva primera incursió al salvatge món de les carreres de "drift", Shaun accepta ingènuament conduir un D.K, el Rei del Drift, que pertany als Yakuza, la màfia japonesa. Per pagar el seu deute, no té més remei que fer-se amb l'hampa de Tòquio i jugar-se la vida.

Desesperat per evitar el judici de la seva família sobre la seva perpètua condició de solter, Peter convenç el seu millor amic Nick perquè s'uneixi a ell durant les vacances i fingi que ara estan en una relació. Però quan la mare de Peter li monta una cita a cegues amb el seu entrenador James, el pla surt malament.

Elena Houghlin is a scientist, engineer and inventor of Calisto -- a sustainable energy source that will revolutionize the way people use power. It will be ready as soon as she works out the last issue, if not it could be turned into a dangerous weapon. But when the cutting edge technology is pushed to an investor before she can do that, Elena turns to the Townsend Agency for help. Now, it's up to the Angels -- Jane, Sabina, and the newly recruited Elena -- to retrieve Calisto before it can be transformed into a weapon of mass destruction.

Superman’s clone, Bizarro, has become an embarrassing problem. Chaos and destruction follow Bizarro everywhere as he always hears the opposite of what is said, says the opposite of what he means and does the opposite of what is right. And when the citizens of Metropolis keep confusing Bizarro with Superman, the Man of Steel decides it’s time to find a new home for him…on another planet! It’s up to the Justice League to come to terms with their backward counterparts and team up with them to stop Darkseid and save the galaxy!

A woman returns to her family home and discovers it to be inhabited by monsters.

Alain Moreau's investigation into the death of his identical twin brother leads him from the beauty of the south of France to the mean streets of New York City and into the arms of his brother's beautiful girlfriend. Pursued by ruthless Russian mobsters and renegade FBI agents, the duo race against time to solve his brother's murder and expose an international conspiracy.

A deadly virus threatens to wipe out an entire Rocky Mountain town, leaving the town doctor to find some way to escape the soldiers who enforce the town's quarantine and devise an antidote. Matters take a more deadly turn after the physician is captured by a dangerously unstable band of militia extremists.

Chance Harris looks to find a balance between his school, work, relationships and opportunity to perform at the nationally televised step competition during homecoming weekend at Truth University.

Ten years after the first American Pie movie, three new hapless virgins discover the Bible hidden in the school library at East Great Falls High. Unfortunately for them, the book is ruined, and with incomplete advice, the Bible leads them on a hilarious journey to lose their virginity.

Una banda de lladres planeja un atracament durant un huracà i es troba amb problemes quan un policia en desgràcia intenta obligar tothom a l'edifici a evacuar.

When a young man agrees to housesit for his boss, he thinks it'll be the perfect opportunity to get close to the woman he desperately has a crush on – his boss's daughter. But he doesn't plan on the long line of other houseguests that try to keep him from his mission. And he also has to deal with the daughter's older brother, who's on the run from local drug dealers.

A group of gay teenagers are picked off by a mysterious killer during the first month of their senior year, while insecure boy Micah goes through a crisis of self-worth as he can't grasp why the killer has no interest in coming after him.