In the Nazi-occupied Netherlands during World War II, a Jewish singer infiltrates the regional Gestapo headquarters for the Dutch resistance.

França, segle XVIII. La perversa i fascinant Marquesa de Merteuil planeja venjar-se del seu darrer amant amb l'ajuda del seu vell amic el Vescomte de Valmont, un seductor tan amoral i depravat com ella. Una virtuosa dona casada, Madame de Tourvel, de la qual Valmont s'enamora, es veurà involucrada en les insidioses maquinacions de la marquesa.

El coronel Claus Von Stauffenberg, un aristòcrata alemany, torna d'Àfrica greument ferit. Un cop recuperat s'uneix a la resistència alemanya i es converteix en el cervell de l'Operació Valquíria, l'objectiu de la qual era derrocar el règim nazi i acabar la guerra eliminant Hitler. L'atemptat, que va fracassar per diverses circumstàncies, va consistir a col·locar una bomba en el búnquer del Fhürer l'any 1944. El pla, a més, preveia la creació d'un govern a l'ombra que es faria càrrec del país després de la mort del dictador.

Phil és un addicte al mòbil sense amics ni vida amorosa. Després de comprar un altre mòbil, descobreix Jexi, l'assistent virtual. Amb la seua ajuda, Phil comença a viure per primera vegada. A mesura que es torna menys dependent del mòbil, Jexi desenvolupa una actitud per a acaparar-lo per complet.

El coronel John Matrix, expert en arts marcials, és un comando sense igual; tot i això, a causa del nombre d'operacions especials en què ha intervingut, ha estat 'jubilat' per protegir-lo dels qui voldrien venjar-se'n. Però un dictador sud-americà despietat i venjatiu ha aconseguit localitzar-lo i segrestar la seva filla. Per recuperar-la, Matrix haurà de tornar a Sud-amèrica amb una darrera missió: acabar amb el president Velásquez.

A family living on a farm finds mysterious crop circles in their fields which suggests something more frightening to come.

When a willful young man tries to venture beyond his sequestered Pennsylvania hamlet, his actions set off a chain of chilling incidents that will alter the community forever.

1999. Nord de la Xina. Un expolicia i la seva exparella, fan un seguiment de la investigació d’una sèrie d’assassinats, que van acabar amb les seves carreres professionals. Ara es produeixen uns assassinats idèntics.

An ordinary man sees a bright light descend from the sky, and discovers he now has super-intelligence and telekinesis.

Julia Cotton, her step daughter Kirsty, and the sinister Dr. Channard are sent into the dominion of the Cenobites themselves.

The scientist father of a teenage girl and boy accidentally shrinks his and two other neighborhood teens to the size of insects. Now the teens must fight diminutive dangers as the father searches for them.

Burned by a bad breakup, a struggling New York City playwright makes an unlikely connection with a divorced app designer she meets on a blind date.

After getting threatened by Kelly's friends and family, Constable Fitzpatrick places the blame on Ned Kelly and exaggerates what happened. With the biggest ever award available, Kelly and his gang set into the wild, to remain hidden from everyone who seeks them. Even if it means having his family arrested, the members of the Kelly Gang stay hidden and plan a way to get their names cleared.

Karen, Sarah, and Emma Tunney are all moving to a small town in Pennsylvania where, unknown to them, in 1913, a horrid mine accident trapped dozens of children alive, underground. But there's a problem. They're still alive.

A representative of an alien race that went through drastic evolution to survive its own climate change, Klaatu comes to Earth to assess whether humanity can prevent the environmental damage they have inflicted on their own planet. When barred from speaking to the United Nations, he decides humankind shall be exterminated so the planet can survive.

Cleveland Heep intenta de passar desapercebut entre les llums foses i els electrodomèstics trencats dels apartaments The Cove. Però a la nit en què la seva vida donarà un gir, Cleveland descobreix a una altra persona amagant-se dins la rutina quotidiana del seu modest edifici, una misteriosa jove anomenada Story que viu als passatges sota de la piscina. Cleveland esbrina que Story és en realitat una "narf", un personatge semblant a una nimfa, sortida d'una història èpica per a nens i que està sent empaitada per uns monstres malintencionats entestats a impedir que faci el perillós viatge de tornada des del nostre món al seu.

A group of friends pays a late-night visit to the city morgue to surprise Amy on her birthday. But the surprise is on them when the one-eyed corpse of brutal psychopath Jacob Goodnight unexpectedly rises from a cold sub-basement slab, turning their wild party into a terrifying slay-fest.

When the dead discover a means to contact the living through electronic devices, cellphones and computers become open gateways to monstrosities and destruction.

The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.

When young Joshua learns that he will be going on vacation with his family to a small town called Nilbog, he protests adamantly. He is warned by the spirit of his deceased grandfather that goblins populate the town. His parents, Michael and Diana, dismiss his apprehensions, but soon learn to appreciate their son's warnings. Guided by his grandfather's ghost, will Joshua and his family stand a chance in fighting off these evil beings?