On a January night in 1985, music's biggest stars gathered to record "We Are the World." This documentary goes behind the scenes of the historic event.

A young mother’s mysterious death and her son’s subsequent kidnapping blow open a decades-long mystery about the woman’s true identity, and the murderous federal fugitive at the center of it all.

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

Mia and Kyle, two misfit American teens, travel to Spain in search of Mia's birth mother. As the pair road trip through the picturesque cities of Andalusia and fall in love, they discover that the most important question isn't who gave you life, but what you decide to do with it.

El 1961, un taxista de 60 anys va robar el retrat de Goya del duc de Wellington de la National Gallery de Londres. Va ser el primer (i continua sent l'únic) robatori a la història de la Galeria. El que va passar a continuació es va convertir en una cosa llegendària.

Baltimore, la nit de Cap d'Any. Un ferotge atac produït per un únic home deixa un saldo de 29 morts i ni una sola pista. Eleanor Falco (Shailene Woodley), una retreta però alhora talentosa policia de baix rang, és reclutada per l'agent especial de l'FBI Geoffrey Lammark (Ben Mendelsohn) per integrar l'equip a càrrec de la identificació i captura de l'homicida.

London, the early 1950s. Born deaf, Mandy is mute for most of her childhood. As she reaches school age her family itself is in danger of breaking up. Christine, Mandy's mother, has heard of a residential school for the oral education of the deaf.

Una mare intenta protegir als seus fills de les mans de la seva violenta ex-parella en aquest terrorífic thriller. Un asfixiant exercici de "Home Invasion" que ens trasllada als passadissos de "L'habitació del pànic". Una jove mare queda tancada dins del rebost de casa seva per culpa del seu ex-xicot. Haurà d'utilitzar tot el seu enginy per a protegir als seus dos fills petits, que han quedat fora, d'un perill cada vegada més gran mentre troba una manera d'escapar.

La Christine és una sensesostre solitària de vida dissortada que vagareja entre els carrers i els menjadors socials de París. Una nit de ple hivern es troba amb en Suli, un nen africà de vuit anys, al davant del seu aixopluc. En un primer moment, la Christine se'n vol desfer, però fa un fred que pela, l'infant està sol i no parla francès. Llavors s'adona que ha perdut la seva mare i decideix ajudar-lo a trobar-la. Units per la seva condició marginal, comencen la recerca pels barris perifèrics i entre els col·lectius d'immigrants que malviuen a la capital francesa.

Fausto and Esther childhood was tormented. Fausto, trying to escape from his father. Esther, mistreated by her brother-in-law. They both begin to be involved in a supernatural situation. Over which they have no control.

A curse is placed on grinchy Chuy, who wakes up to find he's lived a full year, but is doomed to remember only Christmas Day. Every year. From now on.

Bullied by his boss, worked around the clock, he's nothing more than a corporate drone. All it takes is a zombie outbreak for him to finally feel alive!

En el fons de la muntanya Dovre, alguna cosa gegantina es desperta després de mil anys de captiveri. La criatura destrueix tot al seu pas i s'acosta ràpidament a Oslo.

Eight short stories of seduction and illicit encounters between lovers, filled with humor and eroticism, which use a circular structure located in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of a colonial city of Mexico.

Having cleared his name, genius mechanic Lino has only one goal in mind: getting revenge on the corrupt cops who killed his brother and his mentor.

Seven mini-stories of adultery: a widow misbehaves at her husband's funeral, a wife turns to streetwalking for revenge, a prudish girl surprises, a neglected wife vies for her husband's attention, a fight over a dress, a death pact, and a detective revealed as a jealous husband's spy.

Based on one of the most shocking and gruesome murder cases in Brazil, the film presents de Suzane von Richthofen's point of view of the events that led to the death of her parents.

Le Ying has stayed at home for many years doing nothing. After graduating from college and working for a period of time, Le Ying chose to withdraw from society and not held contact with her social circle. This was the best way she believed to "reconcile" with herself. One day, due to several "tricks" of fate, she decided to change her life.She met boxing coach Hao Kun. Just when she thought her life was about to get on the right track, life tests her again.

Un grup d'amigues d'un internat ha d'enfrontar-se als sanguinaris atacs d'un assassí. Tan elegant com vibrant, aquest "slasher" carregat de bruixeria, fantasmes i gore farà les delícies dels fans de "The Craft" o "El internado". Camille Meadows arriba a la prestigiosa Acadèmia Edelvine per a noies. Res més arribar, un grup de joves li conviden a fer un ritual nocturn, cridant a l'esperit d'una estudiant morta. L'endemà descobreixen que una de les noies ha mort.

Quan l'algutzir Charlie McFadden està a punt de destruir els dos últims ous de Critters, rep un missatge en què se li prohibeix exterminar una raça. Les seves ordres són dipositar els ous en un transbordador espacial, però Charlie es queda a dins, vagant a partir de llavors per l'espai...