Live from the 2008 Salzburg Festival now gives "Irmingard" on DVD. Mnozil Brass wrote her first opera. They shine at the same time as an actor, singer, orchestra and ballet footed. Love and bats, intrigue, jealousy and a real dragon guarantee an opera spectacle as it has never seen the world. "Irmingard" was commissioned by the Salzburg Festival and the Ruhrtriennale 2008

The announcement of a nation-wide lock-down due to the spread of COVID-19 pandemic disrupts the peace of a family. What follows is a series of bizarre events as one of them tries to invite the spirit of a family member.

After awakening in her basement, the protagonist finds herself cursed by an object, rendering her unable to blink. Haunted by a sinister silhouette creature that appears from various locations, she realizes her only chance of defeating it lies in mastering the ability to confront the creature without averting her gaze.

Two young girls find themselves alone in the forest but for a gaggle of goblins with mischevious intent. Adapted from the Christina Rossetti poem, The Goblin Market is a tale of two girls, their relationship and how it is affected by temptation and the pull of the woods. Keeping Rossetti's characters but altering their relationship slightly, Daisy Adders creates a film full of whimsy and woodland joy with a dark, mystical side to it.

Paul Shartis's Ray Gun Virus (1966) is a transfixing, must-see-in-person “flicker” film that distills the cinematic experience to projected light and color patterns, allowing “the viewer to become aware of the electrical-chemical functioning of his own nervous system.”

Wanneer een salarisman van middelbare leeftijd onbewust wordt gebruikt door drugshandelaren, wordt hij onteerd en vuurt hij terug op de Yakuza-bazen, met destructieve gevolgen.

World traveler and adventurer Gulliver is invited to return to Lilliput, the town he previously saved from the enemy fleet of the neighboring Blefuscu.

Detective Mike Carter wordt ontslagen en neemt een baan als bodyguard van Gene Dyson, de eigenares van een inpakbedrijf. Ze heeft de laatste tijd doodsbedreigingen ontvangen en voelt zich niet veilig meer.

Lithuania, 1941. German tanks and motorized columns broke into the border military town. Seven Soviet soldiers were cut off from the garrison. Without food and weapons, they went through the occupied territory to the location of the Red Army units.

A duck struggles mightily and finally hatches her eggs in the bitter cold. All but one, that is: poor little Robespierre. Mama doesn't notice him missing until after he has sprouted legs and run off in search of warmth.

Road of no Return follows the final nine days in the lives of four atypical hit men who are secretly brought together in a covert operation to fight the drug trafficking epidemic in the country.

Een laffe man met zwakke ogen verliest zijn bril op straat en plotseling verschijnt er een leeuw voor hem, waarvan wordt aangenomen dat het een schaap is. Hij besluit het op te sluiten in een slagerij en ontdekt dat hij als leeuw gevangen zit.

Korte film: Als we een jaar of twintig zijn, als we in de buitenwijken wonen, als we ons daar vervelen, als we daar ook slecht ademen, dan gaan we als de zondag aanbreekt naar het platteland om wat frisse lucht te drinken. Maar als er vier jongens zijn en er zijn maar twee meisjes, als we niet echt weten wat we moeten doen of hoe we het moeten doen, als we eindelijk overhaast zijn, dan jagen we de meisjes weg en gaat iedereen zielig naar huis. Twee meisjes vergezellen vier jongens naar een picknick, die maar één idee in gedachten hebben... maar alles verloopt niet zoals gepland.

The piano tuner Ota is still in mourning for the loss of his beloved wife. He would like to go on, but he can’t find the beach where his wife wanted her ashes to be scattered. While helping his friend Kojima with his antique shop, Ota meets the old Kuzo, a ventriloquist with a mysterious and fascinating female puppet, Aria, and his disciple, Senju. But during a show, the old man collapses. At the hospital, he asks Ota to find a piano he sold a long time ago to a pawn shop, and dies. Ota and Senju decide to look for the piano, even if Kuzo will not be able to enjoy it anymore, as a way to carry on the master’s memory. Just before the departure, a mysterious and beautiful woman enters the antique shop, claiming to be Kuzo’s daughter. She wants to join them in the quest for the piano. The three leave in search of the long forgotten piano: they will meet a number of uncommon characters, who will guide them in a journey through the master’s past, and their memories, towards the future.

The second of two planned sequels to the 2023 film Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.

Alexandria Wright meets Elijah Martinez and the demonic journey begins. Elijah Martinez finds himself ensnared in a romantic involvement with Alexandria Wright, an unfaithful Covert Narcissist. She convinces him they are soulmates and they take a vow before God for His blessing with the penalty of betrayal being death. After years pass, Alexandria forgets the vows and begins cheating behind Elijah's back. Just a week before Christmas, she abruptly betrays him. To his astonishment, she swiftly transitions to a new relationship, bringing with her the unsettling secret of transmitting an incurable sexually transmitted disease to her new partner. Then came Karma. Her victims arrive to spit on her dirty grave as her demise finally arrives.