An entire overview of the global and culture phenomenon franchise, The Hunger Games series.

2CD/Blu-Ray Following the release of their 2017 album, 'Defying Gravity', Mr. Big set out on a trek that took them all over the world to promote the new release in a live setting. Anyone who has ever had the distinct pleasure of seeing the band live knows that the virtuoso musicianship and incredible vocals are on full display in this setting. By this time, drummer Pat Torpey's battle with Parkinson's Disease had been made public, but Pat toured with the band regardless and sat behind the drum kit for select songs, while also providing background vocals, tambourine, etc. on other tracks when Matt Starr was taking his turn on the kit.

Loki declares he wants to be an Avenger, so Iron Man decides to make Loki an "Avenger In Training." It's a great plan until Thanos arrives on Earth looking for Loki.

Els membres d'una expedició sobre els inques van apareixent adormits en una profunda letargia, i al seu costat sempre hi ha els trossos d'unes misterioses boles de cristall. El professor Tornassol es posa el braçalet d'una mòmia del Perú, i poc després és raptat. En Tintín i el capità Haddock el busquen i viatgen fins al Perú per a intentar resoldre aquest enigmàtic cas.

Tintín compra la maqueta d'una galió al mercat d'antiguitats on, per casualitat, descobreix un enigma deixat pel cavaller d'Hadoque el segle XVII, que resulta ser l'avantpassat del seu amic, el capità Haddock. Aquest enigma podria portar-los al tresor amagat del pirata Rackham el Roig. Per desentranyar l'enigma, Tintin i Haddock han d'obtenir tres models idèntics del galió, però descobreixen que uns criminals també estan darrere d'aquestes naus i estan disposats a matar per poder obtenir-les. El secret de l'Unicorn es la primera part d'una aventura que continua al següent episodi, el tresor de Rackham el Roig.

For the last quarter century, Houston native Arden Eversmeyer journeyed across the country to record hundreds of oral "herstories" with a mostly invisible population that is rapidly disappearing. Old Lesbians honors Arden's legacy by animating the resilient, joyful voices she preserved in the Old Lesbian Oral Herstory Project, from first crush to first love, from the closet to coming out, and finally from loss to connection.

After the Combiner Wars ended, Cybertron started to be rebuilt. However, an undead Starscream has been reincarnated as Trypticon, wreaking havoc around him. To combat this menace, Windblade gathers up a ragtag team of Transformers, including Optimus Prime and Megatron, to resurrect an ancient ally. And while some may be forever changed by the events, others may not emerge with their sparks intact.

As the Overfiend slumbers, the mad emperor Caesar rises to power, enslaving a new race of demon beasts. Into this cruel existence is born the Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend's nemesis. As the blood-thirsty beasts capture the tyrant's daughter in a brutal coup, the Overfiend must awaken to an apocalyptic battle of the Gods.

Mentre caminava pel mig del camp, Tintín veu un avió aterrant amb dificultats. S'ofereix a ajudar el pilot i el passatger, però li disparen. Tot just sortint de l'hospital, Tintín segueix el rastre dels seus agressors a Anglaterra, on l'avió es va estavellar. Seguint la pista dels malfactors descubrirà els secrets que oculten els murs del Castell de Ben More, a l'illa Negra, així com també el seu misteriós monstre.

Tintín viatja aquest cop cap a un país imaginari: Sildàvia. Allí roben un ceptre que és necessari perquè el dia de San Vladimir el rei sildau pugui continuar regnant. Tintín s'assabenta que és el país enemic de Bordúria qui l'ha robat per a poder envair-los i el recupera, convertint-se en un heroi nacional. La història del conflicte Sildàvia - Bordúria guarda certa similitud amb conflictes de l'època a Europa.

Following the events of Volume 1, the mutated glee club continue their violent rampage in Tromaville. Chrissy and Lauren, two innocent lesbian lovers, must fight not only the Cretins, mutants, and monsters but also the evil Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomerate. Can they, and Kevin the Wonder Duck, save Tromaville High School and the world?

Després d'haver desarticulat una important banda de narcotraficants, en Tintín està gaudint de l'hospitalitat del Maharahà de Rawhapurtalàh , quan un xinès el visita per donar-li un missatge, però una sageta impregnada amb el perillós verí raidjadjà fa que el missatger es torni boig, havent-li pogut dir tan sols dues paraules, «Mitsuhirato» i «Xangai». En Tintín no dubta en viatjar a la ciutat xinesa de l'extrem orient, per esbrinar que succeeix, sobretot quan és rebut pel senyor Mitsuhirato, un representat japonès a la Xina, que li diu que el missatger havia d'advertir-lo que el Maharahà està en perill i ha de tornar a l'Índia.

El món és a un pas de la guerra i al mercat ha aparegut gasolina adulterada que fa explotar els motors dels cotxes. Tintín pren un vaixell per anar a l'Orient Pròxim a investigar. Tintín desembarca a Khemed (un país imaginari) on hi ha una lluita pel poder entre l'emir Ben Kalish Ezab i el xeic Bab el Ehr, cadascú finançat per una companyia petroliera diferent, l'Arabex i la Skoil Petroleum respectivament. Tintín es troba amb el doctor Müller que treballa per la Skoil. Müller segresta el príncep Abdallah per obligar l'emir a expulsar Arabex del seu territori de manera que Skoil pugui controlar els pous de petroli, però Tintín interferirà en els plans del malvat doctor.

The boss of the Hung Hing gang, Tian Sang, has died. Ho Nam and Hon Bun find Sangs younger brother, Yang to lead the gang. Meanwhile, Hon Bun receives news that his younger brother, a leader of the Tuen Mun gang has been assasinated. They travel to Hong Kong to settle the matter.

Known for his unmistakable cascading strings and recordings such as Charmaine, Mantovani enthralled the world with his sublime arrangements. This is the story of the man and his music.

Tortured by the ghosts of the demonized insane asylum that killed the crew of GRAVE ENCOUNTERS, film students fight to escape death as their own paranormal investigation goes terribly wrong in this horrifying sequel.

Seventeen-year-old Jesse has been hearing terrifying sounds coming from his neighbor’s apartment, but when he turns on his camera and sets out to uncover their source, he encounters an ancient evil that won’t rest until it’s claimed his very soul.

Through seven scenes, the film follows the life and destinies of stray dogs from the margins of our society, leading us to reconsider our attitude towards them. Through the seven “wandering” characters that we follow at different ages, from birth to old age, we witness their dignified struggle for survival. At the cemetery, in an abandoned factory, in an asylum, in a landfill, in places full of sorrow, our heroes search for love and togetherness. By combining documentary material, animation and acting interpretation of the thoughts of our heroes, we get to know lives between disappointment and hope, quite similar to ours.

Highland Sunset and a final look at Class 37s on the West Highland Line to Fort William before the introduction of Class 66s. Crewe Open Weekend with a tour of Crewe Works during the open weekend of the 20th and 21st of May with a variety of traction plus coverage of specials to the event with 33 and 37 hauage. Class 58 Profile with only half of the original class still in action we take a look at the class from the 1980s to the present day. Devon Contrasts and Class 67 and 47 motive power along the famous stretch of sea wall from Starcross to Dawlish.