José Pedro de Freitas, better known as Zé Arigó, was a simple man who lived with his wife Arlete in Congonhas, Minas Gerais. During the 1950s, a time when Spiritism was not as well known and respected in the country, Arigó became a symbol of hope through his surgeries and spiritual cures. Based on a true story, Arigó, with the help of the spirit of Dr. Fritz, performed numerous spiritual surgeries on people from Brazil and the world.

Through revealing interviews with experts and victims' families, this gripping documentary examines the problem of deadly foodborne illness in the US.

L’Ernest i la Célestine tornen al país de l’Ernest per arreglar el violí espatllat. Quan hi arriben, s’adonen que fa anys que s’hi ha prohibit la música. Així, amb l’ajuda d’alguns amics, intentaran eliminar aquesta injustícia.

What happens when a machine makes life-or-death decisions? This documentary explores the dangers of artificial intelligence in military application.

«La batalla de l'any» tracta sobre els Jocs Olímpics de break dance, un torneig que se celebra cada any i que atreu als millors equips de tot el món; els nord-americans no l'han guanyat en quinze anys. El magnat de «Los Angeles Hip-hop» i l'ex B-Boy, Dante, volen posar al país que va iniciar l'esport en el lloc més alt.

While on a dangerous mission to recover the historic Judas Chalice, Flynn is saved by Simone. But when double-crossed by a respected professor and ambushed by a ruthless gang, Flynn realizes Simone's secret, his true mission and a shocking discovery are all lying within a decaying New Orleans crypt.

L'assassinat de Yara Gambirasio, de 13 anys, commociona la petita ciutat de Brembate di Sopra, Itàlia. Per portar el culpable davant la justícia, la fiscal Letizia Ruggeri només té una pista tènue: una mica d'ADN que no és de gaire ajuda sense una base de dades per comparar-ho. Basat en una història real.

When his beloved dog goes missing, a young man embarks on an incredible search with his parents to find him and give him life-saving medication.

The story of Javier who, at the age of 16, while kissing a girl for the first time, realized that he had a gift of romantic clairvoyance. Javier can see the future... and he finally knows who the love of his life is.

L'agent de l'FBI Stanley Lloyd custodia un diamant molt valuós durant un trasllat a un museu i té por que vagi a parar a mans del seu arxienemic, en Max Burdett. En Max i la seva sòcia Lola són una parella de lladres que sempre aconsegueixen el botí que volen i en surten impunes, i després de l'últim cop tenen previst retirar-se a viure tranquils fora de la jurisdicció de l'FBI. Però l'agent Lloyd no els deixarà en pau tan fàcilment i els anirà a trobar a Les Bahames.

An artist dumps her longtime boyfriend, but her attempt to take a break from dating ends when she quickly finds herself in two passionate romances.

Laura Price is a successful San Francisco lawyer on the cusp of promotion – a far cry from her childhood growing up on a tropical island with best friends Chip and Gem. When the firm’s biggest client – Chip’s grandfather – asks Laura to travel to the island and deliver a contract to make Chip his heir, she leaves behind her practice and fiancé Owen to convince her childhood friend to sign a contract that will make him a billionaire.

A masked maniac terrorizes the same small community where a murderer known as the Phantom Killer struck decades earlier.

Una reportera gràfica que, després d'un tràgic succés, fuig de tot i s'instal·la en un àtic a Nova York. El problema arriba quan es creua en el seu camí un criminal que busca una fortuna que es troba amagada precisament en la seva nova llar.

En Charles és un faldiller i l'Elaine, una caçafortunes. Tots dos aprenen a ser més humans quan es veuen obligats a unir forces per perseguir els seus dobles robòtics.

When a heartbroken scientist moves back home to start over, her scheming brother hires a handsome stranger to convince her to sell their land.

Quan un gir del destí fa que les seves famílies passin juntes el Nadal, la Charlotte es proposa demostrar que la vida de la seva amiga Jackie no és tan fabulosa com sembla.

Ryden Malby has a master plan. Graduate college, get a great job, hang out with her best friend and find the perfect guy. But her plan spins hilariously out of control when she’s forced to move back home with her eccentric family.

Think a rustic getaway with no cell service, Internet or social media is a romantic way to repair your marriage and sex life? Think again. Meet Dan and Jeanine Dewerson. The only spark in their bedroom is from the wall socket. Their daughter's best friend is her iPad. Dan's not going to take it anymore and plans a quiet, relaxing weekend in a remote mountain town. No kids, no phones, no social media, only clean fresh air and lots of romance. But what starts as the perfect weekend quickly becomes disastrous with unearthly encounters, strong edibles, and cranky odd locals. Without GPS to guide them or social media to stave off their boredom, Dan and Jeanine are forced to reconnect with each other. Can a "digital detox" really save their marriage and their sanity?

At the turning point of the Iran-Contra affair, Elena McMahon, a fearless investigative journalist covering the 1984 US presidential campaign, puts herself in danger when she abandons her assigned task in order to fulfill the last wish of her ailing father, a mysterious man whose past activities she barely knows.