Històries independents a través de les quals Jim Jarmusch presenta el panorama nocturn de cinc grans ciutats (Los Angeles, Nova York, París, Roma i Hèlsinki), amb un taxi, i el que en ell hi passa des del vespre fins a la matinada d'un mateix dia.
30-minute short subject film that would become Stranger Than Paradise. This short was released as a standalone film in 1982, and shown as "Stranger Than Paradise" at the 1983 International Film Festival Rotterdam. When it was later expanded into a three-act feature, that name was appropriated for the feature itself, and the initial segment was renamed "The New World".
William Blake decideix abandonar el seu lloc de comptable a Cleveland (Ohio) després de rebre una oferta de treball a Machine, una inhòspita ciutat industrial a l'Oest dels EUA. Però quan hi arriba, resulta que el seu lloc l'ocupa una altra persona.
A cinematic portrait of the homeless population who live permanently in the underground tunnels of New York City.
An African-American Mafia hit man who models himself after the samurai of ancient Japan finds himself targeted for death by the mob.
An obsessive-compulsive Japanese librarian living in Bangkok spends most of his days contemplating suicide in his apartment. His life changes when he witnesses the death of a young girl and becomes acquainted with her elder sister.
A blue-collar worker on New York's depressed waterfront finds his life changed after he saves a woman attempting suicide.
In a vignette called "Strange to meet you," Roberto sits at a small table in a coffee bar. Five cups of coffee and two ashtrays are in front of him; he drinks and smokes. Steven joins him. They start a conversation about cigarettes and coffee. Steven likes to drink coffee before he sleeps, so he can dream faster. The conversation jumps around. "You know my mother?" asks Roberto. Steven describes coffee Popsicles. They switch seats; then switch back. Steven has to leave for a dental appointment he's not looking forward to. Roberto makes a startling offer, inspired no doubt by the coffee and cigarettes.
Original i extravagant revisió del mite de Don Juan. Després de ser abandonat per la seva última conquesta (Delpy), Don Johnston (Bill Murray) rep una carta anònima en què se li informa que té un fill. Tan inesperada notícia l'impulsa a emprendre un viatge a la recerca de les antigues amants per resoldre el misteri.
A brother and sister, sitting in a coffee bar, bicker mildly about whose idea it was to come to Memphis and which kind of cigarette is fresher. Danny, their waiter, comes by offering refills; after determining they are twins, he guesses which is the evil one. Without a pause, he sits down and offers his theory about Elvis's twin. He drones on. The good twin finally speaks up, giving her own opinion. The waiter is unfazed. After his boss finally calls him back to work, the twins are free to resume their bickering amidst the coffee and cigarettes.
En Lucas i en Jacques es coneixen a l'hospital. En Lucas, un vagabund jove que dorm en una caixa de cartró sota una autopista, hi ha arribat després d'un intent fracassat de suïcidi. En Jacques, un vell rondinaire que regenta un bar, està ingressat a causa d'un enèsim infart. Veient que li queda poca vida i no té ningú a qui deixar el negoci, l'ancià decideix ensenyar l'ofici al jove. Tot va bé fins que un dia entra al bar l'April, una hostessa borratxa en dificultats a la qual en Lucas vol ajudar.
Ambientada al sud rural dels Estats Units als anys quaranta, narra una infància i una adolescència brutals marcades per la pobresa i la violència en un ambient de fanatisme religiós i xenòfob.
La Donavan Turner, una dona atractiva i intel·ligent a punt de fer trenta anys, és propietària d'una cafeteria entranyable en un poblet costaner i, des que el seu xicot de sempre va marxar a viure a Chicago, busca sense èxit el nou amor de la seva vida en cites que no solen ser gaire reeixides. Per acabar-ho d'adobar, els números de la cafeteria no acaben de quadrar i el propietari del banc on té la hipoteca l'amenaça amb un embargament immediat. I és just llavors quan coneix en Ben, un autor d'obres de teatre de Broadway que, després d'un parell de fracassos sonats, arriba al poble buscant la inspiració.
Today, there are more people in the world who play League of Legends than there are people who live in France. We wanted to look inside this rapidly expanding world of competitive gaming, so VICE host Matt Shea flew to South Korea, a country where so-called "eSports" can either make you rich and famous or land you in rehab.
In the future, a health nut and his tag-along girlfriend become trapped in a drive-in theater that has become a concentration camp for outcast youths.
A woman leaves for a quiet weekend in the country after losing her job and imploding her latest dysfunctional relationship. She rents a country house from an old-fashioned widower who’s struggling to hide his psychopathic tendencies. Soon, two generations collide with terrifying results.
Red-haired, sex-obsessed manchild Lucio lazes all day long with his friend Pino until he falls for the beautiful head of the local loony bin. A retelling of 'Pinocchio' from the perspective of a Candlewick-like character.
Given incredible power by an ancient Celtic Cross. Callan continues to fight evil... Now, joined by a team of weapons experts, Callan battles an unstoppable empire in Los Angeles.
5 best friends, in search of finding ways to get rich, finally find a lot of gold in the forest. Just as they think they finally did it, they get in trouble with a German godfather who kidnapped one of them since he wanted the gold. The besties finally save their friend and return their usual loser days.
Feliks, professional killer, has only 24 hours to get to the distant island, where his beloved woman and the money for the custom made is waiting for him. Lyova Shalamov and his brother Garik have also 24 hours to find and to kill Feliks.