A doctor receives an early morning callout and is kidnapped. American detective Nick Logan assists Scotland Yard in tracking down the perpetrator.

During the Nazi-occupied Ustasha regime "NDH" in former Yugoslavia during WWII, little girl Dara is sent to the concentration camp complex Jasenovac in Croatia also known as "Balkan's Auschwitz".

Philip Hannon, a blind playwright living in London, overhears part of a conversation , that leads him into a desperate race, to find a kidnapped child. When he gets no help from the police, he along with his butler, and his ex fiancée, attempt to track down the crooks.

Television made him famous, but his biggest hits happened off screen. Television producer by day, CIA assassin by night, Chuck Barris was recruited by the CIA at the height of his TV career and trained to become a covert operative. Or so Barris said.

Tom Mullen és el multimilionari propietari d'una empresa aèria. La seva plàcida i envejable vida s'enfonsa quan segresten el seu fill. A punt de fer efectiu el rescat per la llibertat del noi, una circumstància inesperada el farà canviar d'estratègia: decidirà fer servir en la negociació uns mètodes poc ortodoxos, malgrat l'oposició de l'FBI i de la seva dona. Remake de la pel·lícula "Rapto" de 1956, dirigida per Alex Segal i protagonitzada per Glenn Ford.

A law student's theory about the recent deaths of two Supreme Court justices embroils her in a far-reaching web of murder, corruption, and greed.

Hwang Jang Lee is a corrupt Ming guard who frames John Liu for murder. A wanted fugitive, John hides out with a teen who is an expert in the infamous Iron Armor technique, a technique that means the expert can withstand anything. However, Hwang is an expert in it as well as the Eagle Claw's. Can John stop Hwang before it's too late?

Based on a true story of inmates at KZ Buchenwald that risked their lives to hide a small Jewish boy shortly before the liberation of the camp.

Los Angeles, 1954. Max Hoover és el cap de "La Brigada del Barret", un grup d'elit de la policia que en la lluita contra el crim organitzat aplica les seves pròpies regles i utilitza mètodes més aviat contundents. Però la situació es complica quan l'amant de Hoover apareix assassinada, cosa que posa en perill no només el seu matrimoni, sinó també la seva carrera i fins i tot la seva vida.

A boy is sent to a small town high school to complete his senior year.

L'agent de l'FBI LaCrosse està investigant un perillós criminal sospitós de múltiples assassinats i que té segrestat el seu fill. Però l'FBI l'aparta del servei actiu fins que s'acabi la investigació. LaCrosse haurà d'afrontar molts riscos a l'hora de perseguir els dos sospitosos principals, fins i tot l'actitud hostil del xèrif local, més preocupat de la seva reelecció.

Carl, a career criminal, receives an early release from prison and immediately begins preparations for his next big heist.

Grace (Julia Roberts), filla d'una família tradicional de l'alta burgesia del sud, porta una vida tranquil·la i despreocupada fins al dia que casualment descobreix les infidelitats del seu marit Eddie (Dennis Quaid). A partir d'aquell moment es rebel·la contra les convencions i les tradicions que li han estat imposades. La seva nova visió de la vida la portarà a enfrontar-se amb la mare (Gena Rowlands), amb el pare (Robert Duvall) i amb tots els que l'envolten; només comptarà amb la comprensió de la seva germana.

Rival Chicago reporters Sabrina Peterson and Peter Brackett join forces to uncover a train wreck conspiracy.

In the midst of his crumbling relationship, a radio show host begins speaking to his biggest fan—a young boy—via the telephone. But when questions about the boy's identity come up, the host's life is thrown into chaos.

Jealous, harried air traffic controller Max Fielder, recently dumped by his girlfriend, comes into contact with nuclear waste and is granted the power of telekinesis, which he uses to not only win her back, but to gain a little revenge.

After surviving an attempt on his life by his former partner, officer Cliff Garrett (Norris) exacts revenge on those who wronged him by going undercover as a hit man. He works to gain the reputation and trust needed in order to be accepted by the burgeoning Seattle-area criminal underworld, but it is all done in order to take it down from within.

Jimmy Alto is an actor wannabe who stumbles into the role of a lifetime. He becomes a vigilante crime-fighter, aided by his sidekick William, who has suffered a head wound and has problems with short-term memory. Jimmy's vigilante alter ego soon becomes a media wonder--but Jimmy remains a total unknown and his long-suffering girl friend Lorraine is getting fed up with the whole situation.

Mallory is the head of an elite government-run strike force dedicated to combating the supernatural. Her team includes the drag queen Vena Cava, an explosives expert; a mute, pre-teen telepath capable of possessing others named Talking Tina; and an armed governmental agent named Durand.

Corky Romano is a bumbling, simpleton, veterinarian and the youngest, outcast son of an aging gangster, named Pops Romano, who calls upon Corky to infiltrate the local FBI and retrieve and destroy evidence being used to incriminate Pops for racketeering charges.