Following a brutal series of murders taking place on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, Gotham City's young vigilante known as the Batman sets out to pursue the mysterious serial killer alongside police officer James Gordon and district attorney Harvey Dent.

Una jove i audaç marieta queda atrapada, per accident, en una caixa amb destí a Guadalupe, un petit arxipèlag de les Antilles, en el mar Carib.

Iron Monkey teams up with his blind friend Jin to bring underworld agent the Tiger to justice. When Jin's son arrives he soon becomes caught up in the conflict, leading to Jin's death. Jin's son now joins the Iron Monkey to avenge his father's memory, as they launch an attack on the Tiger's lair.

El descarat però brillant empresari Tony Stark s'enfronta a un malvat amb un poder sense límits. Quan l'Stark comprèn que el seu enemic ha destruït el seu univers personal, s'embarca en una recerca angoixant per trobar els responsables. Aquest viatge posa a prova la seva enteresa una vegada i una altra. Acorralat, l'Stark ha de sobreviure tot sol confiant en el seu enginy i el seu instint per protegir les persones que estima. Durant la seva lluita, l'Stark coneix la resposta a la pregunta que el turmenta en secret.

Gary Johnson és l'assassí professional més buscat de Nova Orleans. Per als seus clients és com un personatge sortit d'una pel·lícula: un misteriós pistoler a sou. Però qui el contracti per eliminar un cònjuge infidel o un cap abusiu, serà millor que es cuidi bé l'esquena: en realitat, Gary treballa per a la policia.

When a young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, she encounters a darkness that causes her to question her own faith and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy that hopes to bring about the birth of evil incarnate.

AA is a portrait of the dream diaries of Russian avant garde feminist poet and photographer Anna Alchuk.

Set in the golden era of Grand Prix Racing '1' tells the story of a generation of charismatic drivers who raced on the edge, risking their lives during Formula 1's deadliest period, and the men who stood up and changed the sport forever.

Five years after an unexplained malfunction causes the death of 15 tour-goers and staff on the opening night of a Halloween haunted house tour, a documentary crew travels back to the scene of the tragedy to find out what really happened.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

A 'leisurely drive' planned in honor of Radiator Springs’ town founder, Stanley, turns precarious as Baja pros descend on the town and challenge Lightning McQueen to an off-road race. Meanwhile, the townsfolk, led by a Stanley-costumed Mater, enjoy the planned 'leisurely drive' to retrace Stanley’s original frontier route. Thinking they’re on the same course, a wrong turn sends McQueen and the Baja pros on a treacherously wild bid for survival. The misunderstanding leaves the racing professionals in awe of the 'legend' of Stanley: the Original Off-Road Racer.

A fast-talking lawyer transforms his body and takes a vow of silence, not to be broken until he finds out who killed his wife and daughter and has his revenge.

A weekend get-away for two lovers turns into a nightmare of psychological mind games when their infidelity is discovered.

Fighting through creature-infested lands and pursued by bounty hunters, Marek and her company are in a race to recover all the shards of the Darkspore before it falls into the hands of an evil wizard.

Strangers trapped at an eerie travel oasis in the desert must unravel the mystery behind their visions of dying people while they are preyed upon by a decaying creature.

On the trail of a missing friend who had been experimenting with mind-altering drugs, a young journalist - aided by a rogue counter-culture writer, finds herself drawn into the dangerous world of top-secret government chemical research and the mystery of a disturbing radio signal of unknown origin.

A family of four is quarantined in their home as a virulent strand of the flu spreads into town and they are forced to the extreme to escape alive.

This melodrama investigates the life of a sex worker, in a pseudo-documentary style.

Detective Klaski investigates the death and mutilation of three men and soon crosses paths with Remy, an entomologist. Soon, he discovers that she is being stalked by a giant shape-shifting insect who is bent on taking over New York.

When a young woman takes a trip down Rogue River, her car mysteriously disappears. Lost without transport or communication, she accepts the hospitality of a stranger who offers her shelter for the night at his cabin. With no other options available, she reluctantly accepts only to forever regret it. The ensuing hours yield nothing but torture, indescribable pain, and horrific agony. If you've seen Misery, you've seen nothing. This movie starts where horror films end and leaves viewers paralysed by fear and disgust.