Noriko és una dona soltera de 27 anys que viu feliç amb el seu pare vidu, cuidant d’ell i encarregant-se de les feines de casa. L’home creu que ha arribat el moment que la seva filla es casi, encara que això signifiqui quedar-se definitivament sol. Noriko no està molt convençuda d’abandonar-lo, però acaba per acceptar la idea. No obstant això, el candidat ideal per contreure matrimoni s’acaba comprometent amb la millor amiga de Noriko.

Unsettling medical details on the JFK assassination are disclosed by seven doctors who were in the ER during a futile effort to save his life in 1963.

Jacek climbs into the taxi driven by Waldemar, tells him to drive to a remote location, then brutally strangles him, seemingly without motive.

A retired and widowed Chinese master chef Chu and his family live in modern day Taipei, Taiwan. He lives with his three attractive daughters, all of whom are unattached. Soon, each of the daughters encounter new men in their lives. When these new relationships blossom, stereotypes are broken and the living situation within the family changes.

The 1980s, the Tuscan countryside. Two young lovers are driving east to enjoy the dawn but they end up at the scene of a crime and become the new target of the criminals

From groundbreaking human cloning research to a scandalous downfall, this documentary tells the captivating story of Korea's most notorious scientist.

When her family moves from New York City to New Jersey, an 11-year-old girl navigates new friends, feelings, and the beginning of adolescence.

A flying saucer lands in the backyard of an elderly suburbanite with memory problems, who forms a bond with the scared alien inside.

Un passeig per la immensa biblioteca privada de l'escriptor i pensador italià Umberto Eco (1932-2016).

Three months after surviving a terrorist attack in a bistro, Mia is still traumatized and unable to recall the events of that night. In an effort to move forward, she investigates her memories and retraces her steps.

A recently retired man embarks on a journey to his estranged daughter's wedding, only to discover more about himself and life than he ever expected.

Centers around four friends who met while in high school and are bonded by an event that happens. Fifteen years later, they are suddenly forced to all come back together when one of them faces a crisis.

La Georgie, una nena somiadora de 12 anys, viu sola i feliç al seu pis de Londres, omplint-lo de màgia. De cop i volta, apareix el seu pare separat i l'obliga a enfrontar-se a la realitat.

A shy and mute seamstress goes insane after being attacked and raped twice in one day. She wanders the New York streets at night in a sexy black dress with her attacker's gun strapped to her garter belt, blowing away any man who tries to pick her up.

L'extraordinària i esgarrifosa història de l'estafador professional Robert Freegard, que es va fer passar per un agent del MI5.

Talented and cutthroat hairstylists at a competition find one of their own murdered before judging can begin. Winding through neon-lit halls, competitors unspool long-simmering resentments and lies as they search for the killer among them.

Confined to a claustrophobic hotel room, the heir to a hotel empire and the dominatrix who has primed him for success become locked in a battle of wits and wills as he tries to end his relationship with her.

En una entrevista a fons, la Isabella, una estrella de Hollywood, explica com va començar la seva carrera. Ella confessa d'entrada que li agraden els finals feliços, la fantasia i la màgia. La història que explica té unes bones dosis d'aquests elements, i no sabem si acabar-nos de creure que va ser descoberta per un director de teatre que la va conèixer quan va demanar una prostituta de luxe en un hotel, que l'home li va donar un munt de diners perquè abandonés aquell ofici, que el primer paper que va aconseguir va ser justament el d'una prostituta, i que l'havia d'interpretar al costat de la dona del director que li havia canviat la vida. Tot plegat, un bon embolic.

Two estranged siblings return home to the sprawling ranch they once knew and loved in order to care for their ailing father.

Eden goes to a coveted 'Heaven and Hell' party, hoping to get a letter of recommendation to an elite university from the wealthy parents of her classmate, but the party quickly turns into a fight for her life.