As the Twelfth Doctor nears regeneration, he stumbles on his first incarnation, also refusing to change. It takes a captain, a glass avatar and a familiar face to convince the Doctors the universe still needs them.

In this epic two-part finale, the Doctor comes face to face with the mysterious Missy, and an impossible choice is looming. With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies, and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role.

Documentary about the arena-packing Swedish DJ, chronicling his explosive rise to fame and surprising decision to retire from live performances in 2016.

Amy Pond and Rory Williams are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way the Eleventh Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

In a Mars base, the inhabitants are being infected by a mysterious water creature which takes over its victims. The Doctor is thrust into the middle of this catastrophe, knowing a larger one is waiting around the corner.

The newly-regenerated Doctor arrives in Victorian London, and Clara Oswald struggles to embrace the man he has become. All the while, they reunite with the Paternoster Gang to investigate a series of combustions that have been occurring all around the city.

The Doctor has retired to 1892 London. Despite the protests of his allies, he is determined to keep out of mankind's affairs. However, a governess named Clara has stumbled upon a plot which only the Doctor can unravel, involving the death of her predecessor in ice and the sinister Dr. Simeon, who controls monsters made of sentient snow. And there is another mystery afoot: Clara is the spitting image of Oswin Oswald, whom the Doctor saw die in the Dalek asylum...

A young bride in the midst of her wedding finds herself mysteriously transported to the TARDIS. The Doctor must discover what her connection is with the Empress of the Racnoss's plan to destroy the world.

恐れ知らずで楽しいことが大好きなネパールの登山家、ニルマル・"ニムス"・プルジャの目を通して、高地登山とネパールの深いつながりを探索する「ニルマル・プルジャ: 不可能を可能にした登山家」。世界に14座ある標高8000m以上の山すべての登頂を、世界最速記録の7年を破り、わずか7ヵ月で完全制覇する冒険を自ら「プロジェクト・ポッシブル」と名付けたニムス。熟練したシェルパたちとともに、エベレストやK2といった象徴的な山々を、極限の天候、生死を分ける決断、病に伏す郷里の母を思う心痛を乗り越え登ります。「ニルマル・プルジャ: 不可能を可能にした登山家」は、勇気、不屈の精神、そして人間の忍耐力の限界に挑む姿を描いた、スリリングでアクション満載の物語です。脚本・監督・プロデューサーを務めるのはトークィル・ジョーンズ。製作総指揮はジミー・チンとエリザベス・チャイ・ヴァサルヘリィ。Noah Media GroupとLittle Monster Filmsによる製作です。

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

映画「イノセンス」の舞台は、人々が電脳化され、声を出さずとも、コンピューター端末を打たなくとも、ネットワークを通じたデジタルコミュニケーションが可能になる一方、肉体の機械化も進み、人とサイボーグ、ロボットが共存する、2032年の世界。魂が希薄になった時代。決してそう遠くない近未来を舞台に物語の幕が開く。 主人公は、続発するテロ犯罪を取り締まる政府直属の機関・公安9課の刑事バトー。バトーは生きた人形(サイボーグ)である。腕も脚も、その身体のすべてが造り物。残されているのはわずかな脳と、一人の女性、素子(もとこ)の記憶だけ。 ある日、少女型のロボットが暴走を起こし、所有者を惨殺する事件が発生。「人間のために作られたはずのロボットがなぜ、人間を襲ったのか」。さっそくバトーは、相棒のトグサと共に捜査に向かう。電脳ネットワークを駆使して、自分の「脳」を攻撃する“謎のハッカー”の妨害に苦しみながら、バトーは事件の真相に近づいていく。


A creative and driven teenager is desperate to escape his hometown and the haunting memories of his turbulent childhood.


A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

Five years after their summer together in Barcelona, Xavier, William, Wendy, Martine and Isabelle reunite.


Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.

In the autumn of '43, Mina, a little girl of Jewish origin, is entrusted to farmers in the Cévennes. Shocked by Jeroboam's frustrated manners and Deborah's cruel reflections - who is still suffering two centuries later from the struggle between Protestants and Catholics - Mina thinks she'll find refuge with Jeannot. But the young boy doesn't like girls and mistreats Mina. Fortunately, she has a friend: the village pastor. Thanks to him, she can go to school. Despite their constant bickering, Mina takes a liking to Jeannot. She convinces him to come to school with her. Together, they go for walks or take advantage of the passage of maquisards to force open the cellar door where hams hang! The arrival of an "informer" at the little school and encounters with the Germans disturb Jeannot.

An embarrassing video of Anthony surfaces online right before his fifth high school reunion. The Smosh dudes then race to pull down the clip before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his teen crush Anna.