Are you ready for the GCW: Fight Club 2? On February 4th GCW: Fight Club 2 is live on FITE straight from Houston Premier Arena, TX! Check the full lineup below: 4-way match Mascara Dorada vs Gringo Loco vs Blake Christian vs ASF Atticus Cogar vs Gino Medina All-Star Scramble Matthew Justice vs Allie Katch vs Grim Reefer vs Jimmy Lloyd vs Jordan Oliver vs Chris Carter GCW Extreme Championship AJ Gray vs Mysterious Q Bryan Keith vs Effy Ninja Mack vs Nick Wayne Loko Wrestling Championship Dante Leon vs Sam Stackhouse Matt Tremont vs Sadika *lineup subject to change

Experts set out to prove that female great white sharks rule the ocean.

Intertwined stories from the gladiator/athletes participating to the Calcio Storico Fiorentino yearly championship.

Desventures d'un jove extraterrestre en un examen, que amb una nau de complicats botons ha d'abduir un home dormint. La seva manca de destresa fa que l'home es doni cops, la casa es destrueixi i altres desastres, sense aconseguir el seu objectiu i miraculosament sense despertar la víctima.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

A group of friends have created a brand new subculture that is taking over the streets of Glasgow. They've established their very own fight club, but this is no ordinary wrestling event - this is brutal, riotous chaos. Fights don't always stay inside the ring, people are bounced off the side of buses and thrown off balconies in pubs. They now plan the biggest show of their lives. The stakes are high, will it bring them the fame and recognition they need to survive?

David Wozniak is a perpetual adolescent who discovers that, as a sperm donor, he has fathered 533 children. He is advised that more than 100 of his offspring are trying to force the fertility clinic to reveal the true identity of "Starbuck," the pseudonym he used when donating his sperm. To make matters worse, his girlfriend Valérie is pregnant with his child, but doesn't feel that he is mature enough to be a father.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.

Aquesta vegada Manny, Sid i Diego tindran la missió d'informar els resta animals que l'edat de glaç s'acaba, però que una gegantina inundació podria acabar amb la preciosa praderia.

If hugs are tangible why am I hugging the void

L'eterna persecució de Scrat de la seva gla aquesta vegada té conseqüències catastròfiques per tot el món. Obsessionat amb la seva gla, Scrat la persegueix fins al mateix nucli de la Terra a on, inconscientment, canvia el rumb de les plaques tectòniques i provoca la deriva dels continents. La separació de Pangea i la nova formació dels continents afecta la vida dels habitants del planeta entre els quals hi ha Manny i els seus companys.

En Kirikú és un petit heroi que viu en un poblat de l’Àfrica, rodejat de natura i animals salvatges. És un nen menut però decidit, despert, astut i generós. El seu avi, des del tron de la gruta blava, ens explica amb tots els ets i uts la manera com en Kirikú es converteix en jardiner, detectiu, comerciant, viatger, metge… i com l’heroi més petit i valent de tots haurà de buscar en el seu interior per trobar l’astúcia, la generositat i el valor necessàries que l’ajudaran a triomfar sobre el mal.

The grandfather welcomes us into his blue grotto, there was still beautiful memories of childhood to tell Kirikou: the times when he helped the men and women of his village and elsewhere ... He tells us how Kirikou, thanks to his bravery and intelligence, came to the aid of the strong woman. He tells us by what trick the little hero found the grumpy old man, who had been lost in the bush, and how a cherry threatened by the witch was finally able to pass on his knowledge to the villagers. We also discover the secret of a mysterious blue monster, and finally through a flute linked to the family of our small and valiant heroes, the magical power of music.

Durant una expedició científica a Islàndia, el visionari científic Trevor Anderson (Brendan Fraser), el seu nebot Sean (Josh Hutcherson) i la seva bella guia regional, Hannah (Anita Briem), queden atrapats en una cova. L'única possibilitat d'escapar d'allí és endinsant-se a les entranyes de la Terra. Recorrent mons mai vistos, el trio es troba cara a cara amb criatures increïbles. Però l'activitat volcànica del lloc és cada vegada més intensa, per la qual cosa hauran de trobar urgentment una manera de poder tornar a la superfície abans que sigui massa tard.

With the first anniversary of her wedding to Tarzan beckoning, Jane ponders how to make it the perfect English celebration.

Krishnakumar is a resident of an agraharam in Kalpathi. Along with his studies, he pursues a career as a percussionist and teaches the mridangam to local students. He is in love with a girl—the daughter of a family friend. Their relationship is not only approved, but supported by both families. Kichu moves on to the city of Kochi (Ernakulam) to enroll at an engineering college. The villain - Sudhi - is a senior student and the youngest of three brothers; he pursues a real estate business and routine crimes associated with it. In all his villainous endeavours on the campus he is supported by his brothers.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

In the time of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Yongzheng created a secret army known as the Guillotines. It was the job of the Guillotines to protect the Emperor by killing anyone who posed a threat to him or his rule. After 348 successful missions to eliminate their target, the 349th assignment proves to be their last.

This Best Short Subject Academy Award winning film begins in the spring of 1940, just before the Nazi occupation of the Benelux countries, and ends immediately after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It chronicles how the people of "Main Street America", the country's military forces, and its industrial base were completely transformed when the decision was made to gear up for war. Original footage is interspersed with contemporary newsreels and stock footage.