Continua l'aventura d'en Bilbo Saquet i el seu viatge amb el mag Gàndalf i els tretze nans liderats per Thorin Escut-de-roure per reclamar l'antic regne nan perdut d'Erèbor. Després de moltes aventures i molts perills, el grup haurà d'enfrontar-se al terrible drac Smaug, que amaga el tresor dels nans, i que posarà a prova la força de l'expedició.

Després d'haver recuperat el regne del Drac Smaug, la Companyia ha desencadenat, sense voler-ho, una potència maligna. Un Smaug enfurismat vola cap a la Ciutat del Llac per acabar amb qualsevol resta de vida. Obsessionat sobretot amb el regne recuperat, Thorin sacrifica l'amistat i l'honor per mantenir-lo mentre que Bilbo intenta frenèticament fer-lo veure la raó per la qual el hòbbit pren una decisió desesperada i perillosa. Però encara hi ha més perills per endavant. Sense l'ajuda aparent del mag Gandalf, el seu gran enemic Sauron ha enviat legions d'orcs cap a la Muntanya Solitària en un atac furtiu. Quan la foscor s'acosta sobre ells, les races dels Nans, Elfs i Homes han de decidir si unir-se o ser destruïts. Bilbo es trobarà així a la batalla èpica dels Cinc Exèrcits, on el futur de la Terra Mitjana està en joc.

A heroic version of Lex Luthor from an alternate universe appears to recruit the Justice League to help save his Earth from the Crime Syndicate, an evil version of the League. What ensues is the ultimate battle of good versus evil in a war that threatens both planets and, through a devious plan launched by Batman's counterpart Owlman, puts the balance of all existence in peril.

Quan Tony Stark intenta reactivar un programa caigut en desús l'objectiu del qual és mantenir la pau, les coses comencen a torçar-se i els herois més poderosos de la Terra, incloent Iron Man, Capità Amèrica, Thor, L'Increïble Hulk, Vídua Negra i Ull de Falcó, hauran d'afrontar la prova definitiva quan el destí del planeta es posi en joc. Quan el malvat Ultron emergeix, correspondrà als Venjadors aturar els seus terribles plans, que juntament amb incòmodes aliances portaran a una inesperada acció que aplanarà el camí per a una èpica i única aventura.

Malcolm is carefully surviving life in a tough neighborhood in Los Angeles while juggling college applications, academic interviews, and the SAT. A chance invitation to an underground party leads him into an adventure that could allow him to go from being a geek, to being dope, to ultimately being himself.

El descarat però brillant empresari Tony Stark s'enfronta a un malvat amb un poder sense límits. Quan l'Stark comprèn que el seu enemic ha destruït el seu univers personal, s'embarca en una recerca angoixant per trobar els responsables. Aquest viatge posa a prova la seva enteresa una vegada i una altra. Acorralat, l'Stark ha de sobreviure tot sol confiant en el seu enginy i el seu instint per protegir les persones que estima. Durant la seva lluita, l'Stark coneix la resposta a la pregunta que el turmenta en secret.

For ages, Odin has protected his kingdom of Asgard. But every winter, the All-Father must rest and regain his strength for one week. During this time, all of Asgard's foes (including trolls, giants, dark elves, and demons) try to claim the realm for their own, but they are always stopped by Odin's son, the mighty Thor, albeit with the loss of many brave Asgardian warriors. Loki, god of mischief, has kidnapped Dr. Bruce Banner and brought him to Asgard with the help of Amora, once Thor's lover, now the supervillain known as the Enchantress. Loki makes Banner angry and he changes into the Hulk. The Enchantress then casts a spell over the Hulk which separates Banner from his monstrous alter-ego and grants Loki control over the Hulk's body.

A group of martial artists seek revenge after being crippled by Tu Tin-To, a martial arts master, and his son.

In Marseilles (France), skilled pizza delivery boy Daniel who drives a scooter finally has his dreams come true. He gets a taxi license. Caught by the police for a huge speed infraction, he will help Emilien, a loser inspector who can't drive, on the track of German bank robbers, so he doesn't lose his license and his dream job.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Quan Jack Sparrow torna a trobar-se amb una dona que havia conegut anys enrere, no sabeu si es tracta d'amor o si ella és una estafadora sense escrúpols que l'està utilitzant per trobar la llegendària Font de la Joventut. A tot això, Jack és capturat per la Venjança de la Reina Anna, el vaixell del temible pirata Barbanegra, que l'obliga a unir-se a la seva tripulació, cosa que li farà viure una inesperada aventura en què no sap qui inspira més por si Barbanegra o aquella dona que torna del passat.

Un extraterrestre assassina al jove Agent K l'any 1969, alterant la línia espai-temps i posant en perill el planeta Terra. El veterà Agent J haurà de tornar fins a aquell any, hores abans del crim, per salvar l'agent, l'Agència, la Terra i, de retruc, tota l'Humanitat. Mentrestant, l'actual Agent K espera nerviós que l'assumpte es resolgui favorablement, perquè ell seria el primer damnificat.

As his wedding day approaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of Atlanta with product.

A father and son go on the run after the dad learns his child possesses special powers.

Battle-scarred and disillusioned by the war, Corporal Chris Merrimette is put in charge of a unit whose next mission is to resupply a remote outpost on the edge of Taliban-controlled territory. While driving through the hostile Helmand province, a Navy SEAL flags down their convoy and enlists the unit on an operation of international importance: they must help an Afghan woman famous for her defiance of the Taliban escape the country. Without tanks or air support, Merrimette and his team will need all the courage and firepower they can muster to fight their way across the war-torn country and shepherd the woman to safety.

Boog, Elliot, and their forest friends return with an all-new adventure, this time in a Big Top Circus! The comedy begins when Boog's pals choose their family obligations over the annual guy's trip, and a disappointed Boog decides to take a trip of his own, which leads him right into the middle of a circus ring...literally. When he switches places with a devious look-a-like circus grizzly and falls for an alluring Russian troupe member, he'll come to realize that maybe you don't have to choose between family and friendship after all.

Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.

Tortured by the ghosts of the demonized insane asylum that killed the crew of GRAVE ENCOUNTERS, film students fight to escape death as their own paranormal investigation goes terribly wrong in this horrifying sequel.

Quan Michael Myers tenia sis anys va apunyalar la seva germana fins a la mort. Durant molts anys va estar tancat al centre psiquiàtric Smiths Groves, però va aconseguir escapar i sobtadament, Halloween es va convertir en un sinònim de bogeria. Un a un, cada membre de la seva família va ser assassinat fins que només va quedar Jamie Lloyd, la seva neboda de nou anys. En Haddonfield, la nit d'Halloween no és una festa qualsevol perquè sempre durant aquesta celebració, Michael decideix visitar el seu poble natal amb un únic objectiu...

An embarrassing video of Anthony surfaces online right before his fifth high school reunion. The Smosh dudes then race to pull down the clip before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his teen crush Anna.