Follows the dramatic journeys of video game developers as they create and release their games to the world. It's about making video games, but at its core, it's about the creative process, and exposing yourself through your work.

A Anderson, un gueto al sud de Los Angeles, sis membres d'una banda local moren en un violent enfrontament contra la policia. Els quatre caps de la banda es juramenten per venjar-se, sembrant el pànic si cal. L'endemà, Ethan Bishop, jove tinent de policia, ha de fer-se càrrec de les últimes hores de servei de la comissaria del districte 13, que serà traslladada a una nova ubicació. De nit només resten a les antigues oficines algunes caixes, dues secretàries, el mateix tinent i un sergent de guàrdia. Junts viuran un infern que no s'esperen.

A Washington, una periodista s'enfronta a una pena de presó per revelar el nom d'un agent de la CIA i ocultar les seves fonts d'informació. Basada en el cas real de Judith Miller, periodista del New York Times que va passar 85 dies a la presó per negar-se a revelar les seves fonts. Pre-estrenada al Festival de Toronto, per problemes econòmics de la distribuïdora no va arribar a estrenar-se a cinemes, passant directament a la primavera del 2009 al mercat de DVD.

After an American Navy base is annihilated by a secret weapon, Agent OSS 117 is sent to Japan to investigate the organization that's claiming responsibility, and threatening the US with another attack, if they don't pay.

Durant la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), a una ordre secreta de les forces aliades li encarreguen la missió de localitzar una fàbrica on enginyers nazis estan treballant en la creació d'un nou i poderós míssil. Un dels agents aconseguirà infiltrar-se a la factoria.

Comedy special starring comedian, author and all-round lunatic Steve-O, who went from humble beginnings as a circus clown to hitting the big time in 'Jackass'. Expect the unexpected as he performs hilariously outrageous stunts and riotous tricks that hold nothing back.

A young woman takes advice from the chalkboard notes that her mysterious house rental tenant leaves when a slick sales rep arrives with plans to buy her family’s prized winery.

Police officer Pipa works on her first big case while simultaneously investigating her boss, who is suspected of murder. The prequel to "Perdida".

Bonnie Bedilia stars in this psychological thriller about a woman who witnesses a murder and then flees. During her escape, she has a car accident. She becomes an amnesia victim and although, she doesn't know her own identity, is able to describe the murder, but doesn't remember where it occurred or who was involved.

A psychiatrist makes multiple trips through time to save a woman that was murdered by her brutal husband.

Don Henderson, un executiu d'una important cadena de restaurants de menjar ràpid de Califòrnia, ha d'afrontar un problema greu: ha d'esbrinar com i per què la carn de les hamburgueses més famoses de l'empresa està contaminada. La resposta no és fàcil; així que decideix abandonar el seu còmode despatx per endinsar-se al món dels escorxadors... Adaptació del llibre d'Eric Schlosser, que va estar entre els best-sellers de les llistes del New York Times.

In the 1950s, a Japanese-American fisherman is suspected of killing his neighbour at sea. For Ishmael, a local reporter, the trial strikes a deep emotional chord when he finds his ex-lover is linked to the case. As he investigates the killing, he uncovers some startling clues that lead him to a shocking discovery.

During Carnival in São Paulo, a young man and young woman who knew each other as children meet again after many years and the social barriers that have kept them apart. Bad decisions lead the boy to hide with the girl inside a whale float.

After Ben Garvey foolishly turned back to crime, he thought his life was over when he was sentenced to death by lethal injection. But his death sentence isn't quite what it seems, as Ben regains consciousness near an eerie psychiatric ward, where he's told he's been hired as the groundskeeper. With the state of his soul in question, and the love for his wife and daughter all the more real and powerful, Ben must figure out if he's truly cheated death, or if he's become part of something far more sinister.

Basada en fets reals. Kirsten Stewart donarà vida a l'actriu Jean Seberg, víctima d'un programa il·legal de vigilància de l'FBI, anomenat COINTELPRO. Tot plegat va passar després que l'actriu donés suport al Partit Pantera Negra als anys 60. Va ser tota una campanya per desacreditar l'actriu, que també va incloure la remor que estava embarassada d'un membre del partit i no del seu marit, una dècada després.

Rival Chicago reporters Sabrina Peterson and Peter Brackett join forces to uncover a train wreck conspiracy.

Tres amigues de trenta anys, Gayle (Poehler), Becky (Parker Posey) i Judi (Dratch), que han estat sempre unes pringadas, somien ser populars i fabuloses. Així que quan a Becky se li presenta l'oportunitat d'acompanyar Ashley, la filla adolescent del seu cap, a passar unes vacances universitàries a una illa, les noies decideixen canviar les seves avorrides vides de perdedores per biquinis i festes a la platja. Després de diversos barrils de cervesa, alguna cita i festes d'escuma, Becky, Gayle, Judi i Ashley comencen a adonar-se que potser no és aquesta la millor forma de vida possible.

Karen marries Arnold at his funeral and continues to get his money as long as she stays by his coffin. Meanwhile, various oddball relatives after Arnold's wealth are being killed in a creative variety of ways.

Una patrulla d'esquí intenta salvar una estació que està a punt de tancar-se perquè un individu pretén apoderar-se'n.

Thomas is a talented computer programmer living in a vibrant, urban metropolis. Lonely and unsure about life, he finds solitude in the world of internet chat rooms, webcam sites and virtual communication. One evening, Thomas witnesses the brutal murder of a webcam friend and in a vain attempt to protect her he becomes the prime suspect in the homicide. Determined to prove his innocence, Thomas teams up with Claire, a specialist in internet crimes to uncover the truth. To expose the murderer, Claire and Thomas decide to set up their own webcam site using Claire as the cyber bait. Somewhere down the line the truth becomes blurred and Thomas no longer knows where to turn or who to trust. As his life starts to spiral out of control, he has to face the terrifying reality that he could be the next victim.........the virtual nightmare has only just begun.