A group of old friends have a tradition of going to a public bathing house on New Year's Eve. Occasionally too much vodka and beer makes two of them unconscious. The problem is that one of them (Sasha) has to go to Leningrad but another one (Zhenya) goes. Zhenya wakes up at Leningrad airport. Believing that he is still in Moscow he takes a taxi and goes home. The street name, building and even apartment number, the way an apartment complex looks the same and the key coincide completely - just typical Soviet-type 'economy' architecture. Imagine the surprise of Nadya when she enters her apartment and finds a man without trousers in her bed. What's more - Nadya's fiancé also finds him there...

El fantasma d'una escolar aguaita una dona divorciada i la seva filla jove després de mudar-se a un vell edifici.

In the middle of a war between two kingdoms queen died tragically while giving birth to her third daughter. The king wanted a male heir to his throne and torn by the death of his wife, decides to sacrifice the girl and leads to the Cave of the Golden Rose to give her to the monster. The child is saved by the White Witch who promises her a wonderful future. With a rebellious temperament, the princess, named by his father Fantaghiro behaves like a tomboy. But one day she must confront the enemy, the king Romualdo, which is in love with her.

A hotel clerk searches all over Le Havre for the fairy who made two of his three wishes come true before disappearing.

In an attempt to pull her family together, Adèlle travels with her young daughter Sarah to Wales to visit her father. The morning after they arrive, Sarah mysteriously vanishes in the ocean. Not long after, a little girl bearing a striking resemblance to their missing daughter reveals that she has retuned from the dead — and that Sarah has been taken to the Welsh underworld.

La tranquil·la ciutat de Batàvia ja no és el que era. La violència, els robatoris i la gran taxa de criminalitat fan dels seus carrers un lloc inhabitable. Enmig d'aquest caos viu Srimaya, una jove aspirant a actriu que, gràcies a Bono un director de cinema i el seu ajudant Wanwan, acabarà convertida en una superheroïna per a acabar amb el crim de la ciutat i en un fenomen viral de les xarxes socials.

A teenage girl moves into a remote country home with her family, only to discover that the gloomy old house has a horrifying past that threatens to destroy them.

La Linda té un matrimoni aparentment perfecte amb el seu marit, en Mark, i una filla de vuit anys, la Chloe. L'arribada d'una nova cangur de divuit anys, la Heather, és molt benvinguda per tota la família, però aviat es comença a revelar com una manipuladora amb males intencions.

L'any 1818 la família Bell comença a percebre fenòmens estranys. Al principi són petits sorolls, alguna respiració i alguns passos; però amb el temps, la intensitat d'aquestes manifestacions paranormals augmenta. L'esperit que les produeix es torna agressiu i comença a descarregar ira sobre en John Bell i la seva filla Betsy, víctima d'atacs violents i constants. El 1998 es troba el manuscrit d'un mestre d'escola que havia conviscut amb els Bell, en què s'explica la causa del malefici.

A family moves from New York into an old mansion in the countryside, still filled with the previous owner's things. As they begin to make it their own, a series of events begin to occur that makes them believe that the former inhabitants are not yet gone.

For the Olympique de Paris soccer team, this away match scheduled against Caplongue was merely supposed to be one last chore before the end of the professional season. Yet no one could ever have imagined that an unknown rabies-like infection was going to spread like wildfire, turning this small town’s inhabitants into ultra-violent and highly contagious creatures.

Sandy's past transgression, with her fiance's best friend Roman, comes back to haunt her when he becomes their best man. Roman is mentally unbalanced and determined to make Sandy his own bride.

Everyone knows everyone in the southern town of Baymont. So when tattooed, sweet-talking Josie struts into town, heads turn. Striking up relationships with young punk Gator and loner Hank, she quickly becomes a hot topic of local gossip.

Six inner city orphans find themselves out of their element and immersed deep into the heart of nature. Beyond the constructs of society a new reality emerges and a bigger universe is revealed. But are their guides really there to help them grow or do they have alternative motivations? The deeper into the wild they go, the more they learn, and the greater the danger they are walking into. It will take all they have to pull together, discover who they are, and get home alive.

Ben and Bill are the two worst, completely useless agents - real losers. But who else would you send on a super-difficult top-secret mission? The French have just sold a new high-power M51 rocket to the Russians for crazy money. Unfortunately for them, the rocket was hijacked before they could get it of their hands. However, not just any fool is up to neutralizing this threat, but only the craziest and most stupid of them can cope with such a task.

Tim (Ben Stiller) i Nick (Jack Black) són íntims amics, veïns i companys de feina. L'èxit que arriba Nick amb un invent seu, en què Tim no va voler participar, farà que aquest es mori d'enveja.

The global war on terror rages on. When a government official goes missing, Lance, a man with an impressive record of service to his country, finds himself protecting the man who embodies everything he has dedicated his life to fight against.

When a tough-as-nails reporter is lead to a mysterious cult and the evil Pinhead, any moment could be her last.

In a series of sexual mishaps, a high school senior tries to lose her virginity on the last night before graduation.

That infamous whale is bigger, badder and a whole lot stronger in this sci-fi reimagining of Herman Melville’s classic tale of the battle between man, sea and sea creature starring “Xena” alum Rene O’Connor as the (traditionally male) narrator. But the boat — now a high-tech submarine — is also bigger, and Capt. Ahab is as determined as ever to settle the score and take down the mighty sea mammal that maimed him.