When a store clerk organizes a contest to climb the outside of a tall building, circumstances force him to make the perilous climb himself.

A mysterious woman comes in to town and inhabits the local haunted mansion, making everyone wonder if she's a witch or "The Grey Lady".

After studying in the capital, the young Cate, 18, returns to her small town in Minas Gerais, to teach in elementary school. Enthusiastic, free and communicative, she conquers the students in the act, but its leading behavior does not appeal to conservative teachers of the 40s. Every day she brings new ideas. While they discover the pleasure of learning, the school friends also have the first lessons about love, friendship and freedom. And the schoolmistress not only winning students: the most beautiful boys in town fall in love with her. Created by Tia Cida and niece of Bishop Aristides, Cate grew up with his uncle's godson, Beto, who became a priest and return to the city after studying outside.

William Wilberforce, der er en ivrig fortaler for britisk afskaffelse af slaveriet, holder i 1797 ferie for at tage vare på sit helbred. Men i stedet bliver han deprimeret og frustreret over håbløsheden ved sin kamp. Han møder den charmerende Barbara Spooner og finder i hende en nær ven, han kan lette sit hjerte over for. Wilberforce har kun ganske få allierede, og en af dem er hans mentor John Newton, en tidligere kaptajn på et slaveskib, der nu er blevet præst og forfatter til den velkendte salme Amazing Grace. Sammen med sine allierede kæmper Wilberforce mod folkets ligegyldighed og mod den økonomisk styrede opposition, der er fast besluttet på at lade slaveriet fortsætte. Alt dette til trods finder Wilberforce inspiration i sin nyfundne kærlighed og genoptager kampen med nye ideer, der fører til en stor sejr for social retfærdighed.

Caroline, a young waitress who seems to have bad taste in men, is on her way home one night when thugs attempt to rape her. Adam, the mysterious busboy who works at the same diner, helps fight off the assailants, and she begins a relationship with him -- but not all their fellow Minnesotans are happy for them. Meanwhile, the couple face their own difficulties when Caroline finds about Adam's past, including his unique health condition.

A woman is determined to stop the wedding of her best friend, since she has been secretly in love with him.

A fateful night in 1959, four people die when the bus they are riding crashes. They continue as ghosts; their souls become eternally entwined to the life of a child born at the moment of their deaths as his guardians. Baby Thomas grows up to be a businessman who has memories of his playmates, but assumes they are products of his youthful imagination. When the ghosts realize they need Thomas' help to move on to the afterlife, they decide to make an appearance once more.

From the team behind Man on Wire comes the story of Nim, the chimpanzee who in the 1970s became the focus of a landmark experiment which aimed to show that an ape could learn to communicate with language if raised and nurtured like a human child. Following Nim's extraordinary journey through human society, and the enduring impact he makes on the people he meets along the way, the film is an unflinching and unsentimental biography of an animal we tried to make human. What we learn about his true nature - and indeed our own - is comic, revealing and profoundly unsettling.

Denne opdaterede version af det berømte stykke, Richard III, udspiller sig nu i 1930'ernes England. Ian McKellen leverer en frygtindgydende præstation i titelrollen. Han har selv skrevet manuskriptet, og Richard Loncraine har sørget for den opfindsomme iscenesættelse.

Henry Hackett is the workaholic editor of a New York City tabloid. He loves his job, but the long hours and low pay are leading to discontent. Also, publisher Bernie White faces financial straits, and has hatchet-man Alicia Clark—Henry's nemesis—impose unpopular cutbacks.

Jeg ved godt, hvad I ønsker jer af mig..." siger Leland Fitzgerald: "I vil vide hvorfor. I søger efter grunden". Men der findes ingen fornuftig forklaring på, hvorfor en 16-årig knægt iskoldt udvælger en tilfældig handicappet dreng og myrder ham. Meningsløsheden i den grufulde forbrydelse plager ofrets og gerningsmandens familier - og forstærkes til det uudholdelige af, at Leland virker næsten ligegyldig over for det, han har gjort. For Pearl Madison, lærer i ungdomsfængslet, er Leland en udfordring. Det lykkes ham at trænge gennem den følelseskolde attitude og blotlægge en del af motiverne til den frygtindgydende handling - noget der får endnu større konsekvenser end selve mordet...

When Kanako, a model daughter and a brilliant student, disappears, her mother asks her ex-husband, a violent former policeman, to find her. As his investigation progresses, his idealized image of Kanako cracks: the girl hides a dark life that her father can not even imagine.

Côte d'Azur, 1915. I sit livs efterår kæmper Pierre-Auguste Renoir med tabet af sin kone, sin lammende leddegigt samt med nyheden om, at hans søn Jean er hjemvendt hårdt såret fra krigen. Men da den unge og frisindede Andrée træder ind i deres tilværelse, ændres livet og livsanskuelsen for evigt hos både den store kunstmaler Renoir og for hans søn - den kommende mesterinstruktør - Jean Renoir. Pierre-Auguste Renoirs arbejde taler for sig selv - han er en af de mest begavede malere verden nogensinde har set - og hans søn, Jean, en af verdens vigtigste filmskabere, der dikterede en helt ny filmform. Renoir skildrer tiden, hvor de begge finder en ny mening med livet.

Da Gracies storebror omkommer i en tragisk ulykke, bliver hendes familie slået i stykker. Men Gracie bearbejder sin sorg på en uventet måde. Hun beslutter sig for at slås for en plads på drengenes fodboldhold og opfylde hendes brors højeste ønske.

En ne er-gør-godt tredive-noget forsøger at formilde sin familie ved at kidnappe sig selv en attraktiv kæreste til familiens jul. På trods af usandsynlige odds og dysfunktionelle familieøjeblikke forelsker de to sig og deler en magisk jul.

Efter at have mistet sit job, haft en affære med sin snart eks-chef og fundet ud af, at hendes datter vil fejre ferien med sin kæreste, drager Claudia Larson (Holly Hunter) nedtrykt hjem til den årlige familiebegivenhed thanksgiving. Som altid en anstrengende aften med en kæderygende hønemor, en tavs far, en vanvittig moster, en neurotisk kontrolleret søster, en meget konservativ svoger og så heldigvis en elsket bror og dennes tilsyneladende mandlige kæreste.

High school senior Marlon Bowne is smitten with overachieving classmate Jessica Kailo. But, if he wants to have a shot with her, he'll have to find a way to get into Ramsey College, Jessica's top choice of schools. It won't be easy, since the college is highly selective and Marlon's grades are hardly impressive. That means the lovelorn teen will have to find a way to score high on the SATs and win over the college admissions committee.

Hester Page er en splittet kvinde. Hun er fanget i et lidenskabsløst ægteskab med en ældre dommer. Samtidig har hun en hed affære med Freddie Page, en tidligere pilot i luftvåbnet. Hester forlader sin mand for Freddie og skifter navn. Men efterhånden går det op for Hester, at Freddie slet ikke elsker hende så meget, som hun elsker ham - og at hendes nye liv ikke er spor bedre end hendes gamle.

A womanizer meets his match when he falls for the daughter of a gambling addict who is in debt to the mob.

Michael Burgess is an academic who has written a scholarly book on the American Revolution which Hollywood has bought the film rights to. The arrival of the film crew seriously disrupts him as actors want to change their characters, directors want to re-stage battles, and he becomes infatuated with Faith who will play the female lead in the movie. At the same time, he is fighting with his crazy mother who thinks the Devil lives in her kitchen, and his girlfriend who is talking about commitment.