Filmen handler om den dæmoniske teltholder Dr. Caligari, der fremviser søvngængeren Cesare på markedspladser, og om, hvordan det afsløres, at han får Cesare til at myrde for sig. Dr. Caligari blev det igangsættende hovedværk i den tyske filmekspressionisme med sit tyran-tema og sine malede kulisser, grotesk forvrængede scenerier og stærkt stiliserede spil.

Six vignettes follow the Allied invasion from July 1943 to winter 1944, from Sicily north to Venice.

The frustrating adventures of a humble employee who all the time has to fullfill the wishes and desires of his bosses.

Katia og Maurice Krafft elskede to ting - hinanden og vulkaner. I to årtier vandrede det dristige franske vulkanolog-par rundt på planeten og jagtede udbrud og dokumenterede deres opdagelser. I sidste ende mistede de livet i en vulkansk eksplosion i 1991 og efterlod en arv, der for berigede vores viden om den fysiske verden. Instruktør Sara Dosa har skabt en poetisk hyldest til de frygtløse forskeres eventyrlyst, hentet fra Kraffts eget spektakulære billed- og videoarkiv. 'Fire of Love' fortæller en historie om skabelse og ødelæggelse, der følger to modige opdagelsesrejsende, mens de begiver sig ud i det ukendte, alt sammen for kærlighedens skyld.

A bad day gets worse for young detective Murakami when a pickpocket steals his gun on a hot, crowded bus. Desperate to right the wrong, he goes undercover, scavenging Tokyo’s sweltering streets for the stray dog whose desperation has led him to a life of crime. With each step, cop and criminal’s lives become more intertwined and the investigation becomes an examination of Murakami’s own dark side.

Woody Grant er gammel, sur, alkoholiseret og en smule senil. En husstandsomdelt lotterireklame får Woody til at tro, at han har vundet en million dollar. Hans voksne sønner, David og Ross, prøver at tale ham fra at afhente "gevinsten" i Nebraska. Men Woody insisterer og får David til at agere chauffør. På turen, der går igennem Woodys fødeby, lærer David flere nye ting om sin stædige far.

'Inside Llewyn Davis' er et komediedrama af Coen-brødrene og foregår i New York anno 1961. Sangeren Llewyn Davis er den ene halvdel af en moderat succesrig folkduo, indtil hans makker, Mike, begår selvmord. Llewyn prøver at stable en solistkarriere på benene, men det er i den grad op ad bakke. Samtidig byder Llewyns privatliv på mange udfordringer. Akut pengemangel tvinger ham til at sove på venners sofaer, og en kvindelig, gift kollega venter hans barn efter en kort affære.

Denne forrygende spillefilm starter, hvor Stargate SG-1 sluttede, og kaster Stargate holdet - Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), Vala (Claudio Black), Teal'c (Christopher Judge), Sam (Amanda Tapping) og Cam (Ben Browder) - ud i deres mest spændende eventyr nogensine. De tvinges ud i en desperat søgen efter et århundredegammelt våben, der kan hjælpe til med at overvinde de stærkt offensive Ori'er. Men det viser sig også at være i sidste øjeblik, for ikke alene går det op for dem, at Ori angrebet på Jorden er umiddelbart forestående, men også, at der temmelig sikkert er en dobbeltagent ombord på Odyssey!

The third film in the saga of the unlucky clerk Ugo Fantozzi, played by its creator, Paolo Villaggio.

Makunouchi Ippo is the new Featherweight champion of Japan and is now ready for his first title defense. His opponent, the former Jr. Featherweight champion and a medical student, Sanada Kazuki. In addition to this feud, Sanada is being coached by Kamogawa's former rival, Hama Dankichi. What makes things worse is that Sanada works at the same hospital where Kumi is a nurse at and everybody at the hospital wants Sanada to win. Not only does Ippo have to defend his title, he has to reclaim his love.

Amanzio Rastelli appointed several of his relations to managerial positions in his firm. They decided to think internationally and now business is heavily in debt. Luckily for the Rastellis, Bolta the accountant uses all the tricks of his art to cook the books, but catastrophe awaits.

After a hard day at work and a condominium-board meeting, accountant Ugo Fantozzi goes on a trip with his family. Unfortunately, he will face a nasty surprise upon his return.

Yonosuke Hikura appears to be an ordinary high school student. Yet he has inherited the important role of protecting the harmony between Heaven and Earth. With the help of the magical sword Chitentai, and Tsukinojo Inbe, he courageously battles the demons, sending them back to the Earth World, from which they have escaped.

Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.

One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live

If Sergio Colombo, a middle age man, doesn't want to lose his job, has to attend a full immersion English course in UK. So Sergio leave his wife and son and reaches a school full of terrible kids. Obviously he is the only adult and the worse student. Learning English hasn't been never so hard.

Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?

De uniformerede fjolser er til kongres i Miami for at hædre deres afholdte chef Lassard, men forbryderne holder ikke ferie, selv om vore helte gør. Lassard bliver bortført, og selv ikke løftet om limbodans og fester på stranden kan forpurre vore frygtløse fjolser tumultagtige redningsforsøg.

Ugo Fantozzi was resurrected from the company where he worked because of a crisis, how it will end?Tenth and final chapter of the film series of Fantozzi character.

This coarse bedroom farce takes place at the St. Moritz ski resort over a Christmas vacation. Among the couples whose lives intersect are a widowed artist honeymooning with his second wife, a gay man traveling with his son and his lover (and hiding each from the other), a snobbish couple from Milan who have been forced to share a suite with a pair of crass Romans, etc.