A good-natured but unlucky Italian is constantly going on a difficult situations, but never lose his mood.

When two outcast teens hack into a drone to pull a prank on their neighbor, they accidentally find themselves on the run from the delivery corporation.


イングランド東部ノーフォーク州。上流階級の友人マーカスの広大な屋敷でひと夏を過ごすことになったレオ(ドミニク・ガード)。もうすぐ13才になる彼は屋敷に住む年上の美しいひとり娘マリアン(ジュリー・クリスティー)に淡い恋心を抱く。 ある日友だちと川へ水浴びに行ったとき、小作人のテッド(アラン・ベイツ)の姿を見た。だが、彼は屋敷の人間に気づくと慌てて姿を消した。帰り道、レオはマリアンにテッドのことを尋ねると「前に会ったかもしれない」と返答した。ある日戦争で頬に深い傷を負ったトリミンガム子爵(エドワード・フォックス)が屋敷を訪れた。 実はマリアンはこのトリミンガムと婚約を交わしていたが、まだレオはそのことを知らなかった。マーカスがはしかにかかり、遊べなくなったレオは一人で広大な敷地で遊んでいるうちに足を怪我する。だがレオを見つけたテッドが手当をしてくれた。そしてこれをきっかけにレオはマリアン宛の手紙を託される。こうしてテッドとマリアンの秘密の手紙の配達役となったが、ある日その手紙を盗み読みする。

Lydia, a midwife very invested in her work, is in the middle of a breakup. At the same time, her best friend, Salomé, announces to her that she is pregnant and asks her to follow her pregnancy. The day Lydia meets Milos, a one-night stand, while she is holding her friend's baby in her arms, she sinks into a lie, at the risk of losing everything.

Mathieu lives in Paris, Alice in a small seaside resort in Western France. He is a famous actor, about to turn fifty. She is a piano teacher in her forties. They were in love fifteen years ago, then separated. Time has passed. They each went their ways and slowly healed. When Mathieu goes try to overcome his melancholia in a thermal spa, he stumbles upon Alice.


The movie focuses on the little-known life and death moments of Chinese peacekeeping police! At the request of the United Nations and dispatched by the state, peacekeeping police officers shoulder the sacred mission and go to foreign countries to carry out peacekeeping tasks in war-torn mission areas. They will have to face terrorist attacks, armed riots, gangs and other dangerous situations, peacekeeping operations can not be delayed...

ジーは "死者の女王 "と呼ばれ恐れられている殺人請負業者だが、盲目の若い女性の殺害を拒否したことから、犯罪者の同僚と断固とした刑事の両方から追われる身となる。

Daniel Bird narrates the making of Andrzej Zulawski’s 1981 film- Possession- covering the film’s inception, casting, shoot, it’s release in Cannes, and it’s reevaluation and cult status.

Quique, Clara and little Lucas are vacationing in northern India. One night, sleeping outside during a storm, they are brutally attacked. Hours later, Quique is rescued by a native and taken to a remote isolated village in the mountains.

Episodes in the lives of two country girls at school in Paris and their opinions.


Gabrielle has just joined a prestigious news program. With no formal training, she must prove herself and find her place among an experienced team of special correspondents. In the heat of the action, she will learn the language and the code of these reporters, who are always passionate, often funny, and sometimes scarred by life and their profession. And then there’s Vincent, the program’s editor-in-chief, who she can’t help challenging...

199X年、魔道士レヴィ・ラーと十六夜弦一郎が激突。 その瞬間、ラーの邪悪パワーが魔震《デビルシェイク》を引き起こし新宿を崩壊させた。 それから10年・・・魔界都市と化した新宿を舞台に、この世と魔界とを合体させようとするラーと、弦一郎の息子・十六夜京也との宿命の対決が始まる―!

John and Mary meet in a singles bar, sleep together, and spend the next day getting to know each other.

A few days before Christmas, traveling entertainer Marc Stevens is stuck at nightfall in a remote wood in the swampy Hautes Fagnes region of Liège when his van breaks down. An odd chap who's looking for a lost dog then leads Marc to a shuttered inn.

Michel Houellebecq travels to Guadeloupe to take part in a look-alike contest, whose jury is chaired by Blanche Gardin. But unforeseen events will plunge our duo into the heart of a bizarre intrigue.

Mandy is a mother, a writer, a nihilist. Mandy is a modern woman in a crisis. Raising a son in the midst of a female revolution, mining the pain of her parents' separation and professionally writing about a love that no longer exists, she falls upon a troubled man, Pete, who’s searching for a sense of worth, belonging and ‘restored’ Male identity.

A teenage girl suffering from anxiety due to a tragic event from her past finds herself hunted through the woods by a sociopath on a murderous rampage.