La Mitsuha és una estudiant que es plany de la seva vida al camp al costat de la germana petita, l'àvia i el pare, un polític que no veu mai. No suporta els costums pintorescs de la seva família i somia amb l'estil de vida meravellós dels habitants de Tòquio. D'altra banda, en Taki és un estudiant que viu a Tòquio, treballa a mitja jornada en un restaurant italià i necessita allunyar-se de la seva família. Una nit la Mitsuha somia que és un noi de Tòquio i en Taki somia que és una noia que viu al camp.
En Tsuneo, un estudiant de biologia enamorat de l’oceà. Un vespre, salva la Josee d’una caiguda amb la cadira de rodes mentre la seva àvia la passejava. Arran d’aquesta trobada casual, ell comença a cuidar-la, però el caràcter egoista i exigent d’ella el posa a prova. Junts poden fer realitat els seus somnis, superant les pors i les renúncies, tot submergint-se en un viatge compassiu i inspirador.
Des del 2014, a França, la justícia restauradora ofereix a les víctimes i perpetradors de delictes l'oportunitat de diàleg a través de sistemes segurs, supervisats per professionals i voluntaris com Judith, Fanny o Michel. Nassim, Issa i Thomas, sentenciats per robatori amb violència, Gregoire, Nawelle i Sabine, víctimes de robatori i bossa. Chloe, víctima d'una violació incestuosa, també s'involucra en mesures de justícia restauradora. En el viatge, hi ha ira i esperança, silenci i paraules, aliances i desamor, consciència i confiança recuperada. I al final del camí, de vegades, reparació.
En Hodaka Morishima, un adolescent que ha fugit a Tòquio, passa els dies de manera solitària, però finalment troba feina com a redactor en una revista d'ocultisme. Després de començar a treballar, es troba que cada dia plou. En un racó de la ciutat, acaba coneixent una noia anomenada Hina, té un poder especial: pot aturar la pluja i fer que torni a sortir el sol.
After pining for one another and plotting for so long, Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane finally have their climactic first kiss. However, they struggle to define their relationship. After all, how much of their true selves have they really shown to one another?
A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 6–10, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro ventures to Asakusa, Tokyo for his second mission with the Demon Slayer Corps.
En Ballister és falsament acusat d’un crim que no ha comès i una adolescent caòtica, la Nimona aconseguirà que pugui netejar el seu nom. Tot està ambientat a una societat medieval futurista on cavalls robot i espases làser es barregen amb éssers mitològics.
Al segon any de batxillerat, en Ryota es classifica per al campionat nacional amb l'equip de bàsquet de l'institut Shohoku junt amb els seus companys Sakuragi, Rukawa, Akagi i Mitsui. I ara ha arribat el moment de desafiar el vigent campió, l'Institut Sannoh Industrial.
In ancient Disboard, Riku is an angry, young warrior intent on saving humanity from the warring Exceed, the sixteen sentient species, fighting to establish the "One True God" amongst the Old Deus. In a lawless land, humanity's lack of magic and weak bodies have made them easy targets, leaving them on the brink of extinction. One day, hope returns to humanity when Riku finds a powerful female Ex-machina, whom he names Schwi. Exiled from her Cluster because of her research into human emotions, Schwi is convinced that humanity has only survived due to the power of these feelings. Forming an unlikely partnership in the midst of the overwhelming chaos, Riku and Schwi must now find the answers to their individual shortcomings in each other, and discover for themselves what it truly means to be human as they fight for their lives against all odds. Each with a powerful new ally in tow, it is now up to them to prevent the extinction of the human race and establish peace throughout Disboard!
En Kaoru Tono i l'Anzu Hanashiro són dos companys de classe que tenen un buit a dins seu i que alberguen un desig. En Kaoru té una personalitat esquiva i un passat traumàtic, mentre que l'Anzu lluita per conciliar la seva imatge. Tots dos s'ajunten per investigar el Túnel d'Urashima, un lloc que les llegendes urbanes diuen que hi pots aconseguir qualsevol cosa, però no sense pagar un preu.
Mario, un lampista de Brooklyn, viatja pel Regne dels Bolets amb la princesa Peach i el bolet antropomòrfic Toad per trobar Luigi (el germà de Mario) i per salvar el món del despietat Bowser.
A short kid from a Canadian army base becomes the international pop culture darling of the 1980s—only to find the course of his life altered by a stunning diagnosis. What happens when an incurable optimist confronts an incurable disease?
Three moments in Takaki's life: his relationship with Akari and their forced separation; his friendship with Kanae, who is secretly in love with him; the demands and disappointments of adulthood, an unhappy life in a cold city.
An urban legend says that lighting fireworks at an abandoned airfield will beckon the "summer ghost," a spirit that can answer any question. Three teenagers, Tomoya, Aoi, and Ryo, each have their own reason to show up one day. When a ghost named Ayane appears, she reveals she is only visible to those "who are about to touch their death." Compelled by the ghost and her message, Tomoya begins regularly visiting the airfield to uncover the true purpose of her visits.
A drug squad attempts to take down a criminal organization and they must go undercover to do so, so they begin working at a chicken restaurant, that becomes famous for its delicious chicken. Due to the unexpected popularity, the detectives find themselves in a situation they never expected.
Mio is a girl in high school who slacks off. She and her childhood friend Arata and best friend Madoka spend their after-school days in Ikebukuro hanging out. One day, Madoka tells Mio that she loves Arata, and Mio realizes that she loves Arata, too. But she’s scared of their relationship falling apart and lies, saying she’ll help them. Mio deliberately acts coldly to Arata, and they get into a fight. She decides to work things out with Arata, but gets into a car accident on her way to meet him. She wakes up in a mysterious world. It's the Ikebukuro she knows, but something’s different...
En Beau (Phoenix) és un home que haurà d'enfrontar-se a les pors i paranoies en aventurar-se en una èpica odissea per arribar a casa de la seva controladora mare.
Martial artist-in-training Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister Lena from her impending marriage. After enlisting the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of independence and sisterhood.
The roguishly charming and endlessly troublesome Fletch becomes the prime suspect in a murder case while searching for a stolen art collection. The only way to prove his innocence? Find out which of the long list of suspects is the culprit - from the eccentric art dealer and a missing playboy to a crazy neighbor and Fletch’s Italian girlfriend. Crime, in fact, has never been this disorganized.
Koyomi Hidaka and Shiori Sato meet at his father’s research center and begin to fall in love, but so do their parents, who eventually marry. To avoid becoming stepsiblings, they decide to run away to a parallel universe. Traveling between dimensions is common in their world, but not without repercussions. Does a universe exist for the young couple, and what will it cost them to find it?