帝国暦488年(宇宙暦797年)、ラインハルトは門閥貴族連合との内戦に勝利し、名実ともに銀河帝国の最高権力者となる。しかし、自らの半身ともいうべきキルヒアイスを喪った哀しみは、彼の心に暗い影を落としたままであった。時を同じくして、自由惑星同盟では、救国軍事会議によるクーデターを鎮圧したヤン・ウェンリーが、名将としての声望をますます高めていた。しかし、権力に固執する同盟政府の政治家たちは、ヤンへの警戒心を強めていく。 翌年、銀河帝国軍はイゼルローン要塞の奪還作戦を開始した。過去も現在も難攻不落を誇る軍事拠点に対し、ケンプ提督率いる帝国軍は驚くべき攻略法をもって攻めかかる。それは、これまでの歴史にない戦闘の始まりとなるのであった。

In humanity's distant future, two interstellar states-the monarchic Galactic Empire and the democratic Free Planets Alliance-are embroiled in a never-ending war. The story focuses on the exploits of rivals Reinhard von Müsel and Yang Wen Li as they rise to power and fame in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance.

言わずと知れたF・フェリーニ監督の代表的作品。映画監督のグイドはある日、自分の体が空中を落下する夢を見る。現実生活の日常に纏わる様々な精神的・肉体的な疲れを癒す為、彼は療養と称して温泉に出掛けるが、そこでも仕事や生活から逃れることが出来ない。そして彼はついに、自分が温泉で余生を過ごしている老人達の中にいるという幻覚を見はじめるが……。本作は、フェリーニ監督自身の自伝的な作品であり、その描き方も、現実と幻想を並行して描くなど秀逸! 絶対に見るべし!!

In humanity's distant future, two interstellar states-the monarchic Galactic Empire and the democratic Free Planets Alliance-are embroiled in a never-ending war. The story focuses on the exploits of rivals Reinhard von Müsel and Yang Wen Li as they rise to power and fame in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance.

When a impoverished widow’s family moves to the big city, two of her five sons become romantic rivals with deadly results.


帝国暦488年(宇宙暦797年)、ラインハルトは門閥貴族連合との内戦に勝利し、名実ともに銀河帝国の最高権力者となる。しかし、自らの半身ともいうべきキルヒアイスを喪った哀しみは、彼の心に暗い影を落としたままであった。時を同じくして、自由惑星同盟では、救国軍事会議によるクーデターを鎮圧したヤン・ウェンリーが、名将としての声望をますます高めていた。しかし、権力に固執する同盟政府の政治家たちは、ヤンへの警戒心を強めていく。 翌年、銀河帝国軍はイゼルローン要塞の奪還作戦を開始した。過去も現在も難攻不落を誇る軍事拠点に対し、ケンプ提督率いる帝国軍は驚くべき攻略法をもって攻めかかる。それは、これまでの歴史にない戦闘の始まりとなるのであった。


A day in the life of an unfaithful married couple and their steadily deteriorating relationship in Milan.

Amid a tense political climate, the opposition leader of an unnamed Cold War-era country is killed in what looks like an accident. When a prosecutor finds evidence of a government cover-up, witnesses start to get targeted... A thinly veiled account of the 1963 assassination of Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis and its aftermath, Z captures the outrage about the US-backed military junta that ruled Greece at the time of its release.


Jacek climbs into the taxi driven by Waldemar, tells him to drive to a remote location, then brutally strangles him, seemingly without motive.

Marty, a butcher who lives in the Bronx with his mother is unmarried at 34. Good-natured but socially awkward he faces constant badgering from family and friends to get married but has reluctantly resigned himself to bachelorhood. Marty meets Clara, an unattractive school teacher, realising their emotional connection, he promises to call but family and friends try to convince him not to.


A romantic drifter gets caught between a corrupt tycoon and his voluptuous wife.

Brandon Ma (Brandon Lee) is a regular working Joe who holds down two jobs, so he can support his girlfriend May and his dream of owning a motorcycle. Brandon's best friend is Michael, an ambitious and murderous dope peddler. Michael covets May and so he comes up with a plan that will win her for him, and solves a problem he's been having. It seems that an undercover cop named Sharky has been using his police connections to dominate the local cocaine trade, so Michael has him killed and uses Brandon as the fall guy. Brandon goes to jail, though he thinks that he will be released soon thanks to the efforts of his good buddy Michael. Eight years later Brandon finally gets out of jail and vows revenge.

結婚後14年が過ぎ、夫婦関係が破綻しかけたリチャード とマリアは、ある日決定的な諍いを起こし、互いに別々の夜を過ごす。リチャードは美しい高級娼婦ジェニー と、マリアは友人たちと行ったディスコで出会った青年、チェット と。翌朝マリアは衝動的に自殺を図り、チェットに救われるが、夫が帰宅し、チェットは逃げ出した。家には2人だけが残され、深い沈黙が夫婦を包みこんでいくのだった。

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.


Suffering from acute kidney failure, Boonmee has chosen to spend his final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside. Surprisingly, the ghost of his deceased wife appears to care for him, and his long lost son returns home in a non-human form. Contemplating the reasons for his illness, Boonmee treks through the jungle with his family to a mysterious hilltop cave—the birthplace of his first life.