When the gang goes on safari, they encounter a variety of freaky, glowing demon animals.

Ki-woo bor sammen med sin familie i Seouls slumkvarter, hvor de lever af småsvindel. Han får tilbudt at undervise rigmandsdatteren Da-hye, men først skal hans søster lige lave et eksamensbevis. Hurtigt får familien Kim erstattet Park-familiens personale, men en uventet trussel lurer. Komedie-thrilleren er en skarp kritik af samfundets stigende ulighed.

A gay couple from Hong Kong takes a trip to Argentina in search of a new beginning but instead begins drifting even further apart.

A strange meteor lands in Japan and unleashes hundreds of insect-like "Legion" creatures bent on colonizing the Earth. When the military fails to control the situation, Gamera shows up to deal with the ever-evolving space adversary. However the battle may result in Gamera losing his bond with both Asagi and humanity.

For syv år siden overlevede han monsterapokalypsen. Den elskelige og uheldige Joel forlader sin bunker og begiver sig afsted for at blive genforenet med sin eks.

A woman who is unfairly institutionalized at a Paris asylum plots to escape with the help of one of its nurses. Based on the novel 'Le bal des folles' by Victoria Mas.

1945, Leningrad. World War II has devastated the city, demolishing its buildings and leaving its citizens in tatters, physically and mentally. Two young women, Iya and Masha, search for meaning and hope in the struggle to rebuild their lives amongst the ruins.

Det var ikke kun sin bil, Mateo Blanco mistede for 14 år siden på Lanzarote. Ulykken tog også hans syn, karrieren som filminstruktør og ikke mindst hans livs kærlighed, Lena. Nu skriver han manuskripter under navnet Harry Caine og har slettet alle spor af sit tidligere liv, indtil hans sekretær spørger ind til fortiden med Lena.

Tomek and Ania finally decide to get married. The wedding, according to the wishes of Ania, will take place at the family members of Tomek with whom he has had no contact for years. It turns out that his brothers and his mother are like an Italian family where every conversation threatens to lead to an explosion and where a loving relationship and a quarrel are close together. Also the mother of Ania does not make a good impression on the mother of Tomek when she appears at the wedding with a much younger partner. The unexpected arrival of Tomek's father, whom he has not seen for years, is the drop that makes the bucket overflow .

An ordinary man witnesses a cruel murder and becomes entangled in circumstances out of his control.

Svindleren Roy Courtnay møder den velhavende enke Betty McLeish online. Roy kan ikke fatte sit held, da Betty åbner sit hjem og liv for ham. Efterhånden ender svindleren dog med at holde af hende. Hvad der skulle have været et nemt svindelnummer viser sig at blive den mest besværlige balancegang i Roys liv.

Filmen 'After Yang' foregår i en nær fremtid, hvor en lille families harmoni forstyres, da deres elskede androide-hjælper Yang pludselig bryder sammen.I forsøget på at reparere Yang opdager familiens far, Jake, en hukommelses-disk i Yangs indre, indeholdende små optagelser fra androidens liv - heriblandt også fra Yangs tilværelse før at han blev en del af Jakes familie. En slags digitale minder, der antyder, at Yang måske er mere end en sjælløs kunstig intelligens.

Reporter Goro Maki stumbles upon scientists conducting weather experiments on Sollgel Island in the South Seas. He discovers the island is inhabited by giant mantis and a woman named Saeko who's been cast away since the death of her father. The pair soon find a helpless infant monster that Godzilla must adopt and learn to raise as one of his own.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

Den unge Jane drømmer om at blive filmproducer, og hun tager derfor til New York City, hvor hun starter som assistent for en magtfuld producer i et større filmselskab. Jane skal holde styr på producerens hverdag, men hurtigt går op for hende, at hun er en del af det system, der gør det muligt for den magtfulde mand at have en masse affærer på samme tid. Det bryder hun sig ikke om, men hvis hun åbner munden, er hun færdig i branchen.

Holly er på vej til et hotel for at møde sin unge elsker Everett. Dér venter der sedler med instruktioner, sexet undertøj, en øjenmaske og håndjern. Holly ifører sig det hele, men den, som nu dukker op, er ikke Everett. Han ligger nemlig bundet i værelset ved siden af. Nogen kender til deres affære og er villig til at gøre livet meget surt for dem...

A screener at the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), who has earned an unsavory reputation for being the strictest censor of violent films, begins to spiral out of control after viewing a low-budget horror with similarities to the disappearance of her sister.

A mother of two gathers her loved ones to celebrate her birthday in her big house near the Loire Valley. The festivities are disrupted by the arrival of her daughter, who is known for her unpredictable outbursts.

Et ungt pars drøm om at stifte familie brister, da de synker ned i paranoiaens dyb og må kæmpe for at overleve en ond tilstedeværelse, der ikke ønsker andet end deres helt eget liv.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.