

ある夏の午後、ショーバー一家は休暇を過ごすためにレンジローバーでクラシック音楽のクイズをしながら別荘に向かっていた。途中、隣人のベーリンガーと挨拶をかわす。そこには白いシャツと白いズボン、白い手袋を身に着けた2人組の見知らぬ男たちがいた。 別荘につくと妻アンナは夕食の支度に取りかかり、夫ゲオルクと息子は明日のセーリングの準備をはじめる。そこに、ベーリンガーの所にいた2人組の男のうちの1人が、卵がなくなったので譲ってほしいとアンナに話しかけてきた。 アンナはそれを受け入れて卵を渡すが、男は2度も落として割ってしまう。そして3度目の訪問時、態度を見かねたゲオルグに平手打ちを食わされた途端に男の態度は豹変し、近くにあったゴルフクラブでゲオルクの脚を殴りつけ、一家全員をソファーに縛り付ける。2人は悪びれた態度を微塵も見せず、くつろぐように家を占領し続けた。 夜になると、2人は一家に「明日の朝まで君たちが生きていられるか賭けをしないか?」と持ち掛ける。 こうして、残酷でおぞましいゲームの幕開けが告げられた。

The true story of Trish Weir who in 1963 was kidnapped and brutally raped by Ernesto Miranda. Committed to putting her assailant in prison, Trish’s life is destroyed by America’s legal system as she triggers a law that transforms the nation.

記念すべき第 10 回ハンガー・ゲームの新しい試みとして、贄の教育係に任命された 18 歳の少年スノーは、貧しい境遇から抜け出す為に優勝を心に決める。だが、彼が担当する事になったのは、最も弱い第12 地区の少女ルーシーだった。そして、彼女の唯一の武器は歌だった...

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

The heir to a Burger Baron franchise, the filmmaker chases clues through rural Alberta, capturing the trials and tribulations of Arab immigrants while uncovering the saga of a rogue fast-food chain with mysterious origins and a cult following.





An ex-special forces operative takes a job to provide security for a journalist as she interviews a dictator, but a military coup breaks out in the middle of the interview, they are forced to escape into the jungle where they must survive.

A corrupt cop gets in over his head when he tries to assassinate a beautiful Russian hit-woman.

In college, attorney Molly Singer was the life of every party. Now, she's about to be fired because she can't leave her partying ways behind. Molly's boss, Brenda, tells Molly there's one way to save her job: re-enroll at her old alma mater, befriend Brenda's socially awkward son, Elliot, and take him from zero to campus hero.

凄腕エージェントのアーガイルが世界中を飛び回り、謎のスパイ組織の正体に迫る大人気スパイアクション小説「アーガイル」。ハードなシリーズの作者エリー・コンウェイの素顔は、自宅で愛猫のアルフィーと過ごすのが至福の時という平和主義。しかし、新作の内容と実在するスパイ組織の活動がまさかの一致で、エリーの人生は大混乱に! 物語の続きをめぐり命が狙われる事になった危機的状況をエイダンと名乗るスパイに助けられる。 果たして、出会うはずのなかった二人と一匹の猫の危険なミッションの行方は...!?

Flanked by their two children, Simon and Adélaïde decide, like many Parisians today, to leave their two-room apartment for a quieter and more comfortable life in the country. They are seduced by a house in the middle of nature: space, a vegetable garden, a wood adjoining their garden and above all villagers who welcome them with open arms. A dream come true! But the young couple was soon to be disillusioned: the wood was actually a hunting ground for big game! Although the hunters are friendly, they are not willing to give up their territory, making Simon and Adélaïde's dream of the countryside a living hell. But true to their reputation, our Parisians are not going to let them do it.

Called to Rome to stop an imminent terrorist bombing, a soldier desperately seeks news of his imprisoned brother — a rebel with knowledge that could thwart the attack. Navigating the capital's darkened streets, he races to a series of ominous encounters to keep the Vatican from being blown to bits.

Three friends from California are filming an audition tape for an extreme reality game show. They document their journey to Australia where they will be doing their most dangerous activity.... Shark Cage Diving. A catastrophic turn of events leaves them in baited water full of Great White Sharks, turning their recording into a blood chilling diary of survival... and death.

When ‘Smiley’ takes over the Vala Drug Corporation, a masked vigilante, Rendel, will avenge the murder of his family.