Mike Birbiglia shares a lifetime of romantic blunders and misunderstandings. On this painfully honest but hilarious journey, Birbiglia struggles to find reason in an area where it may be impossible to find: love.

Jenhee (Kim Sae-ron, 'The Man from Nowhere'), una nena coreana de 9 anys, és abandonada pel seu pare en un orfenat, sense ni tan sols acomiadar-se'n. Els primers dies Jenhee manté l'esperança que el seu progenitor la torni a buscar, però transcorregut el temps la petita es fa a la idea que la seva estada serà més llarga del que s'esperava, i que potser ja no tornarà a veure mai més. el seu pare. Tot i que al principi no és fàcil, l'òrfena aconsegueix integrar-se amb la seva companya, arribant fins i tot a fer amigues. Malauradament, algunes d'aquestes amistats s'esfumaran abans d'haver-se consolidat, ja que algunes de les noies seran adoptades progressivament. El de l'abandó i la separació són sentiments molt arrelats a la petita, que haurà de bregar amb la por d'haver de separar-se dels nous pares quan sigui adoptada.

Marx Dixon (Dana Andrews) és un conflictiu policia marcat pel fort caràcter del seu pare. En el transcurs d'una investigació, fereix de mort un sospitós i amaga el crim. Un taxista (Tom Tully) és acusat com a presumpte autor de l'assassinat. I, mentrestant, Mark s'enamora de la seva bella filla (Gene Tierney).

Kirby Dick's provocative documentary investigates the secretive and inconsistent process by which the Motion Picture Association of America rates films, revealing the organization's underhanded efforts to control culture. Dick questions whether certain studios get preferential treatment and exposes the discrepancies in how the MPAA views sex and violence.

Rússia, 1936. El general Kótov, heroi revolucionari de la Guerra Civil Russa, gaudeix d'un estiu idíl·lic a la datxa amb la seva esposa Marússia, la seva filla de sis anys Nàdia i altres familiars i amics. Aquestes vacances són interrompudes per l'arribada inesperada d'en Mítia, un vell amic de qui feia temps que no se'n sabia res. En Mítia és acollit calorosament per la família, en especial per la petita Nàdia. Malgrat l'encant i la simpatia del nouvingut, en Kótov sospita ben aviat que no es tracta només d'una visita social.

The residents of vacation spot Seal Island find themselves terrorized by a pack of dogs -- the remnants of discarded pets by visiting vacationers.

New York City English professor Axel Freed outwardly seems like an upstanding citizen. But privately Freed is in the clutches of a severe gambling addiction that threatens to destroy him.

The Brothers Bloom are the best con men in the world, swindling millionaires with complex scenarios of lust and intrigue. Now they've decided to take on one last job – showing a beautiful and eccentric heiress the time of her life with a romantic adventure that takes them around the world.

Tres històries d'amor lèsbic tenen lloc a la mateixa casa, però en èpoques diferents (1961, 1972 i 2000). La primera mostra una relació entre dues dones madures, que és rebutjada pels seus familiars, i la situació d'indefensió legal en què en queda una quan mor l'altra. A la segona, una noia té problemes amb les seves amigues, totes lesbianes i feministes, pel fet d'haver-se enamorat d'una dona molt masculina. El tercer relat aborda el debat de dues dones sobre la concepció del fill.

An old gangster is advised that Freddie Mays would leave jail after thirty years in prison. His mood changes and he recalls when he was a young punk and who joined Freddie's gang—a man he both envied and ultimately betrayed.

Paris-Tehran. A rootless love story between Gecko, young and free, and Anahita, an Iranian woman in exile - tangled up in History and steeped in Internet, unique and spontaneous

Dan Merrick comes out from a shattering car accident with amnesia. He finds that he is married to Judith who is trying to help him start his life again. He keeps getting flashbacks about events and places that he can't remember. He meets pet shop owner and part time private detective Gus Klein who has supposedly done some work for him prior to the accident. Klein helps Merrick to find out more...

A Romanian police officer, determined to free from prison a crooked businessman who knows where a mobster's money is hidden, must learn the difficult ancestral whistling language (Silbo Gomero) used on the island of Gomera.

Arnulfo Rubio smuggles weapons from Arizona to Mexico for a drug cartel, but he is being investigated by agent Harris. When agent Harris blows his covers, he and Arnulfo end up in a journey where he will be the hostage of this young criminal.

An escaped convict and a woman ponder what to do with a not-quite-dead body.

Bryan, an unassuming pet photographer has action and adventure thrust upon him when he is forced to wed Masha, a Croatian crime lord's daughter, and she is subsequently kidnapped while on their honeymoon in a tropical paradise.

A trio of beautiful girls set out to revolutionize life at a grungy American university: the dynamic leader Violet Wister, principled Rose and sexy Heather. They welcome transfer student Lily into their group which seeks to help severely depressed students with a program of good hygiene and musical dance numbers.

England, 1969. The fascinating Abbie and the troubled Lydia are great friends. After an unexpected tragedy occurs in the strict girls' school they attend, a mysterious epidemic of fainting breaks out that threatens the mental sanity and beliefs of the tormented people involved, both teachers and students.

Abby is a sought after massage therapist and a free spirit, while her brother Paul thrives on routine, running a failing dental practice with his assistant and daughter Jenny. Suddenly, Abby develops an aversion to bodily contact, which not only makes her unable to do her job, but also severely affects her relationship with her boyfriend. As Abby navigates her way through an identity crisis, her brother's dental practice receives new life when clients seek out his “healing touch.”