



アトレイデス家の後継者、ポール。彼には”未来が視える”能力があった。 宇宙帝国の皇帝からの命令で、その惑星を制する者が全宇宙を制すると言われる、 過酷な《砂の惑星デューン》へと移住するが、それは罠だった…。 そこで宇宙支配を狙う宿敵ハルコンネン家の壮絶な戦いが勃発!! 父を殺され、巨大なサンドワームが襲い来るその惑星で、全宇宙のために立ち上がるー



A chronicle of three weeks in the lives of several high school teachers, administrators and students through the eyes of substitute teacher, Henry Barthes. Henry roams from school to school, imparting modes of knowledge, but never staying long enough to form any semblance of sentient attachment.



In the middle of a performance of the play "Le Cocu", a bad boulevard comedy at a Parisian theatre, Yannick gets up and interrupts the show to take the evening back in hand.


すべてが完璧で今日も明日も明後日も《夢》のような毎日が続くバービーランド! バービーとボーイフレンド? のケンが連日繰り広げるのはパーティー、ドライブ、サーフィン。しかし、ある日突然バービーの身体に異変が! 原因を探るために人間の世界へ行く2人。しかし、そこはバービーランドとはすべて勝手が違う現実の世界、行く先々で大騒動を巻き起こすことにー!? 彼女たちにとって完璧とは程遠い人間の世界で知った驚きの〈世界の秘密〉とは? そして彼女が選んだ道とはー? 予想を裏切る驚きの展開と、誰もの明日を輝かせる魔法のようなメッセージが待っているー!

When Blanche meets Grégoire, she thinks she has found the one. The ties that bind them grow quickly, and a passionate affair ensues. Together, they relocate. For Blanche, far from her family, from her twin sister, Rose, a new life begins. But little by little, she finds herself caught in the grip of a deeply possessive and dangerous man.

Az works for an oyster farmer in Sète. He knows oysters by heart, he opens them by the hundreds. In one of them, Az decides to hide a ring, to ask his girlfriend Jess to marry him. She doesn't say yes. Fortunately, his band of friends are ready to do anything to help him get his head out of the water.

Between her roles as mayor and teacher in the small village of Kerguen, Alice's days are very full. When an unexpected new student, 60-year-old Emile, finally decides to learn to read and write, her daily life threatens to become unmanageable. Especially since Alice will also have to save her village and her school...

Samuel, a widower, is taking care of his 7-year-old daughter alone. Overwhelmed and stressed out, he decides to isolate in a chalet he was renovating with his wife in the Italian Alps. Indifferent to the anger of locals who help police to hunt down migrants, he comes across a woman who fled Afghanistan. Samuel decides to help her reach the border, thinking it will take them a few hours. But an agressive group of men comes after them…

After closing his agency Alibi.com and promising Flo that he would never lie to her again, Greg's new life became quiet, too quiet... Not for long! When he decides to propose to Flo, Greg is up against the wall and has to introduce his family. But with his crooked father and his ex-charm actress mother, this could ruin his future union. He has no choice but to reopen his agency with his former accomplices for an ultimate Alibi and to find more presentable fake parents.


Irene is a fifteen-year-old who lives in a center for juvenile offenders. She just got pregnant and is determined to turn her life around with the help of Javier, an educator at the center. Javier offers her to secretly come live with him and his wife Adela in the house they have in a remote and rugged spot in the mountains so she can hide and comfortably carry out her pregnancy. The only condition is that in exchange, she agrees to give them the baby she is carrying in her womb. This feeble pact will be put in jeopardy when Irene starts to feel like the life growing inside her belongs to her.