A young girl recounts her girlhood and eventual marriage to a general of the Mexican revolution. by one of the most outstanding writers of the new feminist Mexican literature, it is at once a haunting novel of one woman's life and a powerful account of post-revolutionary Mexico from a female perspective.

Saint-Maurice, an ordinary peaceful village, lived healthily so much so that the local doctor's practice was scant. But that was before Dr. Parpalaid retired and was replaced by a charlatan by the name of Knock. A real genius this one, for he soon managed to persuade everyone that they were ill. And not only didn't they resent him but they even loved their physician, who made a fortune and brought prosperity to the village by turning it into a big hospital.

Humans built huge engines on the surface of the earth to find a new home. But the road to the universe is perilous. In order to save earth, young people once again have to step forward to start a race against time for life and death.

L'Óscar i en Teo (13 i 10 anys) són dos germans, molt diferents entre si, que viuen en un modest pis de barri. En Teo és futboler i una mica entremaliat; l'Óscar, un sabut tot que prefereix passar les tardes d'estiu estudiant la teoria de la relativitat. En realitat, cadascú torça a la seva manera amb la desaparició de la seva mare, una prometedora científica obsessionada amb els forats de cuc.

Two elite soldiers must escort civilians through a gauntlet of gunfire and explosions.

What happens when a machine makes life-or-death decisions? This documentary explores the dangers of artificial intelligence in military application.

On Christmas Eve, a fighter pilot on his way home gets lost mid-flight over water and needs a miracle to land safely.

Transcorre l'any 1870, el territori d'Arizona és escenari de cruentes lluites entre blancs i indis apatxes, capitanejats per Cochise, que defensen pam a pam el seu territori. En vista d'aquesta situació, un jove anomenat Tom Jeffords decideix entrevistar-se amb Cochise per proposar-li un tractat de pau. El cap indi se sent impressionat per la iniciativa del jove, per la qual cosa decideix rebre'l al campament. Fruit d'aquesta entrevista és l'autorització, per part de Cochise, que el correu pugui passar pels seus territoris. Però Tom, en marxar del campament, va quedar enamorat d'una jove índia anomenada Somseeahray.

Samuel, a widower, is taking care of his 7-year-old daughter alone. Overwhelmed and stressed out, he decides to isolate in a chalet he was renovating with his wife in the Italian Alps. Indifferent to the anger of locals who help police to hunt down migrants, he comes across a woman who fled Afghanistan. Samuel decides to help her reach the border, thinking it will take them a few hours. But an agressive group of men comes after them…

Un home acabat de jubilar surt de casa per enviar una carta a una vella amiga i companya de feina que, després d’un silenci de gairebé vint anys, acaba de comunicar-li que està ingressada en un hospital a punt de morir. Quan l’home es disposa a tirar la carta a la bústia, un impuls sobtat el commina a portar ell mateix el missatge a la seva destinatària en un viatge improvisat, a peu, d’un extrem a l’altre del país.

Julio returns with his family to Argentina after the downfall of the brutal dictatorship that overpowered long-standing democracy. Things soon take an ugly turn as his brother is kidnapped and Julio becomes the lead negotiator with the criminals.

Una parella divorciada s'uneix i viatja a Bali per evitar que la seva filla cometi el mateix error que creuen que van cometre fa 25 anys.

Ingrid becomes obsessed with a social network star named Taylor Sloane who seemingly has a perfect life. But when Ingrid decides to drop everything and move west to be Taylor's friend, her behaviour turns unsettling and dangerous.

When Sheriff Roy Pulsipher finds himself in the afterlife, he joins a special police force and returns to Earth to save humanity from the undead.

When best friends and total opposites Debbie and Peter swap homes for a week, they get a peek into each other's lives that could open the door to love.

Genius hacker Connor discovers Cicada 3301, an online treasure hunt that could be a recruiting tool for a secret society. Soon Conner, art-expert friend Avi, and secretive librarian Gwen are dashing from graffiti sites to ancient libraries to uncover real-world clues. But they must outrun aggressive NSA agents, also hot on the trail of Cicada, who want the glory for themselves.

A woman runs for her life though the streets of Los Angeles after her blind date suddenly turns violent.

El Dr. Feinstone és un dentista que ho té tot, una dona que l'estima i una gran carrera. De sobte descobreix que la seva dona té una aventura. Això fa que embogeixi, i comença a torturar els seus pacients.

El vell capità Lassard, el cap de l'acadèmia de policia, vola a Miami per rebre un guardó. Amb ell també viatja el cínic capità Harris, que vol ocupar el seu lloc. Harris vol ocupar un bon lloc durant l'esdeveniment, davant de tota la jerarquia policial. En arribar a l'aeroport, Lassard confon la bossa de viatge...

Set in San Tiburon, the world's most dangerous maximum-security penitentiary and home to the world's most treacherous superpowered criminals, where tensions among the inmates and staff heighten, leading to anarchy that engulfs the prison and order is turned upside down.