Hugo Barrett is a servant in the Chelsea home of indolent aristocrat Tony. All seems to go well until the playboy’s girlfriend Susan takes a dislike to the efficient employee. Then Barrett persuades Tony to hire his sister Vera as a live-in maid, and matters take another turn for the worse…

An attempted robbery turns to be an unexpected recruitment when two unemployed men mistakenly break into a police office instead of a store.


A group of dated appliances, finding themselves stranded in a summer home that their family had just sold, decide to seek out their eight year old 'master'.


Frank Leone is nearing the end of his prison term for a relatively minor crime. Just before he is paroled, however, Warden Drumgoole takes charge. Drumgoole was assigned to a hell-hole prison after his administration was publicly humiliated by Leone, and has now arrived on the scene to ensure that Leone never sees the light of day.

When a friendless old widow dies in the seaside town of Crythin, a young solicitor is sent by his firm to settle the estate. The lawyer finds the townspeople reluctant to talk about or go near the woman's dreary home and no one will explain or even acknowledge the menacing woman in black he keeps seeing.

Bill is worried that he is 'different' to his sister and parents. They mix with other 'upper class' people while Bill is more down to earth. Even his girlfriend seems a bit odd. All is revealed when Bill returns home to find a party in full swing. Not for the weak of stomach.

A married woman and her lover plot to kill her husband to make off with the insurance money. However, their attempt to murder him using poisonous fish toxins backfires in surprising ways.




A Los Angeles police detective tracks a fugitive who heads for the desert with a deputy sheriff as hostage.


A mysterious oriental skull transforms a father into his son, and vice versa.

A Beverly Hills housewife in the middle of a divorce tries to find focus in her life by taking over her daughter's Wilderness Girls troop.

『ミクロキッズ』で子どもたちをミクロ化し、『ジャイアントベイビー』では赤ん坊を巨大化させるなど、人類にとって意義あるはずの発明を次々と生み出しているにもかかわらず、なぜか結果として周囲を大パニックに陥らせてばかりいる天才科学者サリンスキー博士を主人公とした、『ミクロキッズ』シリーズの第3作。 今回は、ついに博士夫妻が友人夫婦まで巻き込んでミクロ化。 彼らにとって最大の脅威となるのはもはや巨人にしか見えない彼らの子どもたち。

Modern Stone Age family the Flintstones hit the big screen in this live-action version of the classic cartoon. Fred helps Barney adopt a child. Barney sees an opportunity to repay him when Slate Mining tests its employees to find a new executive. But no good deed goes unpunished.


In remote Chile, a vacationing young woman begins to mentally unravel; meanwhile, her friends ignore her claim until it's too late.