Papillon is a man, happy in his unusual job: he is a table man. He offers his services in weddings, banquets and every other kind of receptions. He simply gets down on all fours so he can use his back as a stable support. One day, Papillon is struck by love at first sight. This lightning of love totally shakes him physically and mentally: from now on, he has a huge lightning bolt stuck in his back that makes it nearly impossible for him to work properly.

Pablo, a wandering laborer, has imprisoned himself in a hell of alcoholism. Cruz, a widow, reaches out to the troubled man, but even her compassion may not be enough to save him.

A Soviet Ukrainian made violent farcical yet quite faithful adaptation of the famous Robert Louis Stevenson's book that combines animated sequences with live action parts. This film covers the second half of the book.

Per intentar superar la pèrdua recent i tràgica de la seva filla, l'arquitecte John Baxter i la seva dona Laura es traslladen a Venècia amb l'encàrrec de restaurar una vella església. Durant la seva estada coneixeran un parell de dones grans que diuen haver entrat en comunicació amb la seva difunta filla i que els adverteixen d'un perill imminent.

A 40-year-old world-famous chef with anger management issues is assigned to run a cooking class at a centre for young people with autism.

Madeline is married to Ernest, who was once arch-rival Helen's fiance. After recovering from a mental breakdown, Helen vows to kill Madeline and steal back Ernest. Unfortunately for everyone, the introduction of a magic potion causes things to be a great deal more complicated than a mere murder plot.

A bad Polish actor is just trying to make a living when Poland is invaded by the Germans in World War II. His wife has the habit of entertaining young Polish officers while he's on stage, which is also a source of depression to him. When one of her officers comes back on a Secret Mission, the actor takes charge and comes up with a plan for them to escape.

Joey Boca, un italià casat i amo d'una pizzeria, és un faldiller empedreït a qui la seva dona, Rosalie, decideix assassinar quan s'assabenta de totes les seves infidelitats.

Three young boys pool their money and pay V, a kindhearted prostitute, to strip for them. Afterward, she drives them home to the suburbs -- but then her car breaks down. It's just as well, though, because a mobster named Waltzer is after her, and V realizes the suburbs are the perfect place to hide. But things get a lot more complicated when V falls in love with Tom, a single father who is unaware of her real profession.

When Jack and Diane find themselves in an unexpected adult situation, the A-Squad comes to their rescue. In order to help their friend Diane, the A-Squad goes where no cheerleader has gone before: taking on a little after-school project known as bank robbery. But the A-Squad does things their way -- with sugar and spice -- forever changing their friendship, their future and the nation's notion of teen spirit.

Earth, a shiny jewel floating in the blackness of space... and for the robot known as Brainiac, the last piece to capture for his collection of planets. Not if the Justice League has anything to say about it!

La Mollie espera un fill de l'Albert, un home casat que l'abandona poc abans del part. James, xofer de taxi, porta la Mollie fins a la maternitat. James es fa amic de la Mollie i es converteix en una mainadera indispensable. Mentrestant, la Mollie s'esforça per trobar un pare per al seu fill, però totes les seves temptatives fracassen. Després de nombroses baralles, la Mollie considera que James podria ser la persona ideal per a ella i el nen.

A princess in the Amazon rain forests tries to fight a conglomerate threatening the forests by going to Los Angeles. There she links up with a rich kid who tells her that she must get on television to succeed with her mission. Quick as a wink, the two come up with the idea of winning a lambada dance contest.

Frank Morrison (John Travolta) ja no viu amb la seva exdona Susan (Teri Polo) ni amb el seu fill Danny de dotze anys (Matt O’Leary). Susan i Danny viuen ara amb Rick Barnes (Vince Vaughn), el nou marit de Susan. El petit Danny, que té tendència a explicar mentides, intenta fer un esforç per conviure amb el seu padrastre, però passa una cosa inesperada que provocarà un gir brusc dels esdeveniments...

Four intertwined stories on the joys and sorrows of love.

Eddie Hawkins, més conegut com “el gran falcó”, és un lladre de guant blanc que, després de complir una condemna de deu anys de presó, ha decidit viure com una persona honrada. Però el boig Mayflower amenaça de matar el seu amic Tommy, si no roba unes obres de Leonardo Da Vinci.

Sherman McCoy, un exitós agent de borsa de Wall Street, veu com la seva acomodada vida perilla quan atropella un home de raça negra i es fuga al cotxe d'alta gamma; a partir d'aquell moment s'haurà d'enfrontar als grans centres de poder de la societat moderna de Nova York.

In a depressed Texas town, British foreign exchange teacher Anna attempts to inject some life into her hopeless kids by introducing them to soccer. They're terrible at first, but Anna and her football-hero assistant whip them into shape. As they work overtime, the pair help kids build their self-esteem and also get involved in solving family squabbles.

En Mickey i la Julie ja són grans i parlen amb les seves pròpies veus. Els seus pares, la Mollie i en James, encara estan junts i comparteixen la criança dels seus fills. La Mollie s'ha quedat sense feina i es passa el dia a casa, mentre que en James s'ha convertit en el pilot privat de la Samantha, una atractiva executiva que el sotmet a un implacable assetjament. A més a més, han arribat dos nous membres a la família: en Rocks, un gos de carrer, i la Daphne, una caniche consentida.

The rivalry between the manipulative boss of an advertising agency and her talented protégée escalates from stealing credit to public humiliation to murder.