When Alex is caught using magic to clean her room she is forced to go to wizard school with Justin. Max and Jerry camp out on the terrace to prove their manhood.

After being bullied for months at school, 16-year-old Jonathan douses himself with gasoline and lights a match. Now, in an induced coma, his body covered in burns, his life is on hold, his parents are in shock and the school is in turmoil.

Based on the true life story of California gymnast Ariana Berlin. As she zoned in on her Olympic goals, 14 year old Ariana Berlin's life took a sharp turn when she was involved in a debilitating car accident. Gaining her confidence and movement back through learning hip hop dance, she unexpectedly found herself called back to the gymnastics world thanks to world renowned UCLA Coach Valorie Kondos Field. With Val's help, Ariana was eventually able to secure a spot on the UCLA gymnastics team and win an NCAA championship, a lifelong goal that she had always dreamed of. This is a wonderfully inspiring story of persistence, confidence, and the heart and courage to make a somewhat impossible comeback in life.

Mentre busca la seva mare desapareguda, l'intrèpida adolescent Enola Holmes utilitza les seves habilitats de detectiu per superar el seu germà gran Sherlock i ajudar a un lord fugitiu.

L'Scooby-Doo i tota la colla se'n van a Hawaii amb motiu del concurs de surf del Gran Kahuna. Però el concurs es veurà afectat per la desaparició d'un dels surfistes i l'amenaça del Wiki Tiki, l'antic esperit maligne que viu al volcà de Pulanana, que creu que la gent del continent ha anat a l'illa a fer-la malbé i se'n vol venjar! Els que havien de ser uns dies d'oci, fent snorkel, surf i parapent a l'illa, es convertirà per a l'Scooby-Doo i companyia en una nova aventura on hauran d'investigar la misteriosa aparició del Wiki Tiki i resoldre el misteri abans que el volcà entri en erupció. Hi seran a temps?

Perquè segueixin arribant visitants i diners Isla Nublar crea dinosaures modificats genèticament. La nova creació té unes dimensions colossals, és intel·ligent i vol sortir del tancat on l’han criat...

A talented photographer stuck in a dead-end job inherits an antique Advent calendar that may be predicting the future -- and pointing her toward love.

A sickly girl Ju-ran transfers to a new sanitorium boarding school to regain health. But she discovers that students are disappearing and notices abnormal changes happening to her body. She suspects the school for what's happening and tries to discover what secret is hidden.

Struggling to make ends meet, former special ops soldiers reunite for a high-stakes heist: stealing $75 million from a South American drug lord.

Rumb a un remot planeta a l'altra banda de la galàxia, la tripulació de la nau colonial Covenant descobreix el que creuen que és un paradís inexplorat, però resulta tractar-se d'un món fosc i hostil l'únic habitant del qual és un "sintètic" anomenat David (Michael Fassbender), supervivent de la malaguanyada expedició Prometheus. Seqüela de "Prometheus" (2012), alhora preqüela d'"Alien, el vuitè passatger" (1979).

En trobar uns vells quaderns en una caixa oblidada, Marguerite Duras recorda el seu passat. A la França ocupada pels nazis de 1944, la jove i brillant escriptora participa activament en la Resistència junt amb el seu marit, Robert Antelme.

After solving their last mystery at Spooky Island, the Mystery Inc. gang is back in Coolsville, where they are being honored with their very own exhibit at the Coolsonian Criminology Museum. However, when a masked villain steals costumes of classic monsters on display and brings them to life, the gang must come out of retirement to solve the case.

Two disconnected sisters are summoned to clean out their childhood bedrooms before their parents sell their family home.

Estiu de 1959. La família Lodge es muda a Suburbicon, una comunitat residencial pacífica i idíl·lica amb habitatges assequibles i gespes impecables ... el lloc perfecte per criar una família. Però l'aparent tranquil·litat amaga una realitat pertorbadora. El cap de família dels Lodge, Gardner (Matt Damon) es submergirà en el costat fosc del poble, ple de traïció, enganys i violència. Aquest és un conte de gent imperfecta que pren molt males decisions.

A young camgirl discovers that she’s inexplicably been replaced on her site with an exact replica of herself.

Un pare ocupat fa nombrosos viatges per Àfrica, Amèrica del Sud i Orient Mitjà. La passió que sent pel seu treball l'ha distanciat dels seus éssers estimats. Fa tres anys que es va divorciar, i des de llavors ha vist el seu fill en comptades ocasions.

Stéphane defers his frustration at not having had a son on his sons-in-law. So when her younger daughter decides to leave a rugby player than the idolatrous father for a doctor he can not stand, he will do everything to get his son-in-law back. His daughter will not let it go.

Al cor fosc d'una ciutat anònima, Terminal segueix les recargolades històries de dos assassins que duen a terme una missió sinistra, un mestre que lluita contra una malaltia mortal, un enigmàtic conserge i una cambrera curiosa que porta una doble vida perillosa. Els assassinats es desenvolupen a la foscor de la nit, ja que les seves vides s'entrellacen per ordre d'un misteriós cervell criminal entestat a la venjança.

Veronica, the new girl in town, is lured into the woods by a group of senior boys looking to make her a victim. But the boys don't know that Veronica's been trained to handle herself in surprisingly lethal ways.

A young man comes to possess a supernatural notebook, the Death Note, that grants him the power to kill any person simply by writing down their name on the pages. He then decides to use the notebook to kill criminals and change the world, but an enigmatic detective attempts to track him down and end his reign of terror.