A taxidermist decides to murder his wife after having to put up with her after twenty years of hellish marriage.

A Trinitat i al seu germà "el nen" no els surt gens bé fins al punt que, quan atracaran una diligència, ningú no porta diners. L'atzar fa que es trobin en el seu camí una noia, que els condueix a un poble on tots es creuen que són rangers. Allà hi viuen nombroses aventures, fins que la situació es complica perquè arriben els veritables rangers.

Kid i Ben, amics però rivals, participen en una cursa de cotxes el premi dels quals és un fantàstic "dune-buggy", un minibòlid vermell amb capota groga. Després d'innombrables peripècies, Kid i Ben arriben junts a la meta, per la qual cosa el minibòlid els pertany a tots dos. Kid proposa que s'ho juguin a "cerveses i salsitxes"

A musical romantic tragedy about a famous composer who moves back to his small hometown after having had heart troubles. His search for a simple everyday life leads him into teaching the local church choir which is not easily accepted by the town yet the choir builds a great love for their teacher.

Jack Beauregard, an ageing gunman of the Old West, only wants to retire in peace and move to Europe. But a young gunfighter, known as "Nobody", who idolizes Beauregard, wants him to go out in a blaze of glory. So he arranges for Jack to face the 150-man gang known as The Wild Bunch and earn his place in history.

In spring 1976, a 19-year-old beauty, her German-born mother, and her crippled father move to the town of a firefighter nicknamed Pin-Pon. Everyone notices the provocative Eliane. She singles out Pin-Pon and soon is crying on his shoulder (she's myopic and hates her reputation as a dunce and as easy); she moves in with him, knits baby clothes, and plans their wedding. Is this love or some kind of plot? She asks Pin-Pon's mother and aunt about the piano in the barn: who delivered it on a November night in 1955? Why does she want to know, and what does it have to do with her mother's sorrows, her father's injury, this quick marriage, and the last name on her birth certificate?

An attempted robbery turns to be an unexpected recruitment when two unemployed men mistakenly break into a police office instead of a store.

Anne and Lore, neighbors and best friends, barely into their teens, board at a convent school where they have taken a vow to sin and to serve Satan. Anne keeps a secret diary, they read a salacious novel, they get a classmate in trouble, they spy on the nuns, they set aside their communion wafers; they make a pact of devotion.

El jove Bowie aconsegueix escapar de la presó amb altres dos reclusos. Es refugien a casa del germà d'un d'ells, on coneix la Keechie. Se senten atrets l'un per l'altre i volen començar una nova vida, lluny del món del delicte. La il·lusió d'en Bowie és reunir diners per contractar un advocat que l'alliberi de la presó. Les intencions dels seus companys van per una altra banda i es troba arrossegat a un seguit d'atracaments que posaran la policia sobre la seva pista. Llavors en Bowie i la Keechie emprendran una fugida desesperada.

By his dying father's last wish Joe is sent to the Wild West to become a real guy. The dreamy young man despises guns and fights likes poems and prefers bicycles to horses. Now his three teachers footpads all of them shall teach him otherwise. This doesn't work until Joe has to defend himself against gunman Morton who's jealous of Joe's love to rancher Ohlsen's beautiful daughter.

After Cacopoulos manages to save himself from being hung on a false charge, he robs Cat Stevens and Hutch Bessy of a lot of money and steals their horses. This results in a merry chase and Stevens and Bessy become unwilling allies in Cacopoulus' revenge against the people who deserted him and framed him to get their money back.

Two missionaries (Bud Spencer and Terence Hill) come into conflict with the authorities when they turn their missionary into a parrot farm. The Bishop of Maracaibo calls them his 'black sheep' and the Monsignore has been called to check on their behavior. Like usual, our heroes help the poor to defend themselves and provoke some funny fist fights in the process. (from Wikipedia)

12-year-old Florian and his beloved dog Lassie live in an idyllic village in the German countryside. When Florian's father loses his job, the family have to move into a small apartment where there are no dogs allowed. Lassie is given away to another family, but Florian and Lassie yearn to be reunited again so Florian sets out on an adventure to find his best friend.

A young humanoid alien who gets stranded on earth hooks up with a grizzled old sheriff in a western town and tries to help him solve a tough case, but the sheriff doesn't want any help from a "kid."

Two brothers who hate themselves are going to spend Christmas with their mother. She tries to get them together.

A Los Angeles police detective tracks a fugitive who heads for the desert with a deputy sheriff as hostage.

Mimi is 29 years old and still dreaming about a job she could get. She meets Paul, a sidelined lawyer, as she decides to seek employment. Together, they will defend Christophe, a conman who proclaims his innocence.

Hitler no longer believes in himself, and can barely see himself as an equal to even his sheep dog. But to seize the helm of the war he would have to create one of his famous fiery speeches to mobilize the masses. Goebbels therefore brings a Jewish acting teacher Grünbaum and his family from the camps in order to train the leader in rhetoric. Grünbaum is torn, but starts Hitler in his therapy ...

A couple's children bring a magic ball, which allows them to bring snowmen to life, to a Christmas mountain chalet holiday.

In a small rural community, local police officers Zoe and Patrick begin their shift as normal but soon, strange events unfold. Residents begin behaving erratically, and suicidal panic spreads amongst the township they are trying to protect. Zoe and Patrick realise alien machines are taking hold, cutting their small group of survivors off from the outside world. Can the determined humans band together to save their community, and all mankind, from extinction?