The Ball of Letters (from the Spanish: La Pelota de Letras) is a stand-up comedy DVD released by Colombian comedian Andrés López Forero. In 2005 he won the HOLA Award from the Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors for the "Outstanding Solo Performance" after sold out shows in New York and Miami.

Three simultaneous stories of social inclusion, led by a single mother of two autistic teenagers, a marriage trying unsuccessfully to have a child, and the father of a Special Olympics athlete.

Starring Mexican star Pedro Infante, "Black Angels" is about a couple formed by a beautiful woman and a singer, both white, who are parents of a black girl. The woman blames him, but the girl will suffer the racist treatment from her own mother. Mexican version of the famous novel by Fannie Hurst "Imitation of Life"

A documentary that follows six young dancers from around the world as they prepare for the Youth America Grand Prix, one of the most prestigious ballet competitions in the world.

Testament of Youth is a powerful story of love, war and remembrance, based on the First World War memoir by Vera Brittain, which has become the classic testimony of that war from a woman’s point of view. A searing journey from youthful hopes and dreams to the edge of despair and back again, it’s a film about young love, the futility of war and how to make sense of the darkest times.

A man reflects on the lost love of his youth and his long-ago journey from Taiwan to America as he begins to reconnect with his estranged daughter.

Armed with sly wit, a fresh outlook and plenty of style, French comedy star Fary veers from dating to stereotypes and beyond in this exclusive special.

Basada en una història real, narra la vida de Roberta Guaspari, una violinista que va deixar la carrera de músic professional en casar-se. Anys després, tot i que el seu marit la va abandonar a ella i als seus dos fills, Roberta aconsegueix refer la seva vida personal i professional ensenyant música als nens pobres de l'East Harlem, un barri de Nova York.

Fa nou anys, Julianne i Michael van passar de ser amants a ser només amics. Va semblar que a ell li costava prendre aquesta decisió, però el fet és que van acordar que, quan fessin vint-i-vuit anys, es casarien si cap dels dos havia trobat parella. Semblava una broma, però un dels dos s'ho va prendre seriosament. Ara falten quatre dies per arribar a aquesta data i, quan Michael anuncia a Julianne que es casa amb una altra dona, ella s'adona sobtadament de tot el que està a punt de perdre i fa córrer la seva imaginació per impedir aquest casament.

Jerry Fletcher és un taxista de Nova York que s'imagina conspiracions recargolades que publica a Internet. Comença a enamorar-se obsessivament d'una dona que contempla des de lluny, sense arribar a donar-s'hi a conèixer. Es tracta d'una funcionària governamental i ell és un crític compulsiu d'aquest govern. Curiosament una de les seves teories conspiratives es converteix en realitat i ell en resulta la víctima. Aleshores necessitarà més que mai la dona de qui s'ha enamorat.

La Laura i el Martin van estar casats durant quatre anys i semblaven una parella perfecta. Tot i això, la realitat era molt diferent: Martin va resultar ser un marit obsessiu i brutal que la maltractava contínuament. La situació va arribar a ser tan insostenible que la Laura va decidir simular la seva mort per alliberar-se'n i començar una nova vida amb una nova identitat. No obstant això, quan ell s'adona de l'engany, decideix perseguir-la per venjar-se.

Having already left three grooms at the altar, Maggie Carpenter is branded "the runaway bride" by jaded New York journalist Ike Graham. But, after his facts are called into question, Ike races to Maggie's hometown to save his reputation and report on her upcoming fourth trip down the aisle – during which he's convinced she'll run again. Though he's there on a muckraking mission, Ike can't help but fall for this breathtaking heartbreaker.

Max Baron is a Jewish advertising executive in his 20s who's still getting over the death of his wife. Nora Baker is a 40-something diner waitress who enjoys the wilder side of life. Mismatched or not, their attraction is instant and smoldering. With time, however, their class and age differences become an obstacle in their relationship, especially since Max can't keep Nora a secret from his Jewish friends and upper-crust associates forever.

What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?

In Pietrasanta all are excited for the annual party of summer end. Here we find four characters: Merigo, a naive guy passionate of bike; Pierre, son of the mayor; Simone, a pestiferous kid; Mario, lifeguard of "Bagnomaria".

George Bynum, un pacient del psiquiatre de Manhattan Dr. Sam Rice (Roy Scheider), és brutalment assassinat. Poc després, el doctor Rice rep la visita d?un company de treball de Bynum i el seu amant Brooke Reynolds (Meryl Streep), a més del detectiu Vitucci, a càrrec de la investigació. Rice revisa les notes de les sessions amb Bynum i comença la seva pròpia investigació. Alhora, s'enamora de l'enigmàtica Brooke, tot i que el seu comportament és cada cop més sospitós. Com més s'acosta Rice a la veritat, més posa la seva vida en perill…

In the late '60s, the self-proclaimed belles of the rock 'n' roll ball, rocked the worlds of every music legend whose pants they could take off -- and they have the pictures to prove it. But it's been more than two decades since the Banger Sisters earned their nickname -- or even laid eyes on each other. Their reunion is the collision of two women's worlds; one who's living in the past, and one who's hiding from it. Together they learn to live in the moment.

A man suspects his girlfriend of being unfaithful, so he sends her a letter, but then finds out that he was wrong. He has 24 hours to stop the package, prevent a disaster, and fall in love. The only problem is the delivery man will not stop until the package has been delivered.

Santa Claus develops amnesia after accidentally falling out of his sleigh and only the innocence of a small child can save him. Meanwhile, Santa has to battle the disbelief of a newsman.

Rival Chicago reporters Sabrina Peterson and Peter Brackett join forces to uncover a train wreck conspiracy.