The major sub-plot circles around the youngest Griffin, Stewie, who has a near-death experience at a pool when a lifeguard chair falls on him, but he survives. After having a vision of being in Hell, he decides to change his ways, but this doesn't last long. While watching television, he and Brian spot a man that looks like Stewie. Brian is convinced that he is Stewie's real father, until Stewie learns that the man is actually himself as an adult, taking a vacation from his own time period. Baby Stewie visits thirty years later to discover that his adult self, going by the name Stu, is a single blue-collar middle-aged virgin working at a Circuit City-type store. Meanwhile, Peter and Lois are trying to teach their two older kids, Meg and Chris, to date. In the future, Chris, who hasn't changed much, is working as a cop and is married to a foul-mouthed hustler named Vanessa. Meg is now called Ron, since she had a sex-change after college.

Kyle Hadley, un magnat del petroli, i Mitch Wayne, el seu millor amic i empleat, s'enamoren de la mateixa dona: la secretària Lucy Moore. Kyle, que és un alcohòlic irresponsable, s'hi casa, tot i que Mitch està convençut que amb aquestes noces Lucy comet un gran error. Al cap d'un any, contra tot pronòstic, Kyle sembla un home nou: ha deixat de beure i presta més atenció als negocis.

A little boy whose dreams transcend reality is sucked into his own fantasy, which is everything he has dreamed of, until he unleashes an old secret that may not only destroy this perfect dream world but reality itself.

On September 1st, 1939, Nazi Germany invades Poland, unleashing World War II. On September 17th, the Soviet Red Army crosses the border. The Polish army, unable to fight on two fronts, is defeated. Thousands of Polish men, both military and government officials, are captured by the invaders. Their fate will only be known several years later.

A young mouse, mole and hedgehog risk their lives to find a cure for their badger friend, who's been poisoned by men.

Fleeing 1930s New York and leaving behind a chequered past, the giltzy divorcee Mrs Stella Erlynne travels to Italy's sun-dappled Amalfi coast. Mrs Erlynne's appearance causes a stir amongst the visiting aristocracy. Based on the Oscar Wilde play "Lady Windemere's Fan."

Boog és un ós domesticat que viu amb la Beth, la dona que se'n cuida. Boog, malgrat que no viu al bosc amb els altres óssos, és feliç, però tot canvia quan coneix l'Elliot, un cérvol salvatge molt xerraire a qui un caçador ha deixat sense una de les seves banyes.

Disney's irresistible talking puppies are back in an all-new movie that takes them halfway across the world to the ruins of ancient Egypt. With the help of some exotic new friends, this epic adventure is a treasure trove of pure Buddy fun. In a race against a devious cat, the Buddies and their new friends, Cammy and Babi, must avoid booby traps, solve puzzles and explore a mysterious tomb - all in search of the greatest treasure known to animalkind!

Bratz girls Cloe, Jade, Sasha, and Yasmin drive across the country in search of contestants for reality TV producer Byron Powell's America Rocks fashion show.

Un dia la família Little adopta Stuart, un petit ratolí que tracten com si fos un fill. Els Little estan encantats amb la manera de ser de Stuart, però George, el seu fill gran, no sap què fer amb el seu “nou germà”. Per la seva banda, Snowbell, el gat de la família, ordeix un pla per fer fora Stuart de casa per sempre.

A struggling songwriter named Dave Seville finds success when he comes across a trio of singing chipmunks: mischievous leader Alvin, brainy Simon, and chubby, impressionable Theodore.

Una nova aventura del valent i petit heroi Stuart Little. Dos nous personatges formen part de la família Little: una germana de nou mesos anomenada Martha i un ocell ple de vida anomenat Margalo.

Garfield és un gat mandrós que gaudeix cruspint-se un bon tros de lasanya i llançant pulles al seu propietari Jon, que adopta el gos Odie i el món de Garfield s’enfonsa. Quan Odie desapareix a les malvades urpes de la celebritat local Happy Chapman, Garfield se sent responsable del destí aliè, abandona la seva mandrosa vida i es proposa salvar-lo.

Snow White asks the seven dwarfs for help, because if they don't manage to find out the name of a little boy (Rumpelstiltskin) within two days, her newborn child will be taken away from her. The journey takes the dwarves to a depressive, rhyming Pinocchio and the omniscient wizard Helge, among others, and all the way to the world of humans.

An adolescent lion is accidentally shipped from the New York Zoo to Africa. Now running free, his zoo pals must put aside their differences to help bring him back.

Garfield i els seus amics s'hauran d'enfrontar a una invasió alienígena. Odie i Nerman, conscients del perill, decideixen convertir-se en superherois, cosa que Garfield no aprovarà al principi.

Anthony is in the Phillipines visiting his father. He inadvertently interferes with the affairs of local gangster Quino, who also happens to be a champion Karate fighter. After embarrassing Quino near a local tournament, Anthony is beaten up and left for dead. An old monk nurses Anthony back to health and teaches him the ways of martial arts so he may go back and fight Quino again.

Everyone's favorite lazy, lasagna loving, Monday hating orange tabby leaves his exciting star of a popular comic strip world for the real one. But as the novelty wears thin, Garfield begins looking for a way back before his strip is permanently cancelled.

In Baghdad the Magnificent reigns Haroun al Plassid, who is the Caliph. There also dwells Iznogoud, who wants to be the Caliph. The irascible Grand Vizier hatches plot after plot to remove his ruler and take his place—melting Djinn, invisibility spell, cursed diamond, voodoo doll… But no amount of cunning or obstinacy can make up for sheer, hilariously bad luck.