Han Solo er fange hos den skruppeløse gangster, Jabba the Hut, og en redningsaktion fra Luke og Leia skal få ham ud. Imens lærer oprørerne om Imperiets nye og farligste våben. Han og Leia må lede oprørsstyrkens sidste slag mod Imperiet og den nye, ufuldendte dødsstjerne. Luke rejser mod Imperiet for at redde sin far, mens Kejseren og Darth Vader forsøger at omvende ham til den mørke side.

Good Witch Cassie Nightingale is back to her bewitching ways, but this time she’s also juggling a newborn daughter and her job as town Mayor. With such a busy schedule she and her husband, town sheriff Jake Russell, aren’t getting much sleep. Hoping for a break, Cassie plans a much needed vacation with her new family. But things go awry when a crime wave sweeps through town and an investigative reporter tries to ruin Cassie’s image after a video of her magically disappearing turns up on the internet. To make matters worse, Cassie’s estranged foster mother appears in town and Cassie’s stepdaughter is suddenly accused of the recent robberies. Supported by her loyal family and friends, Cassie must rely on her signature charm to put a stop to the rumors before they completely destroy the town, and a Good Witch’s reputation!

Kampen om tid og rum begynder igen...! Den legendariske Arceus. For lang tid siden tildelte Arceus lidt af sin mægtige kraft i form af Livets juvel for at hjælpe byen Michina i nødens stund – men blev forrådt, da denne kraft skulle leveres tilbage til sin ejermand. Nu vil Arceus vende tilbage for at generobre den stjålne kraft – hævngerrig og tilsyneladende ustoppelig. Ikke engang de forenede kræfter fra Dialga, Palkia og Giratina kan stoppe Arceus i at ødelægge på tværs af adskillige dimensioner. Men Ash og hans allierede kan have opdaget en måde at få gjort op med dette ældgamle forræderi. Vil der være tid til at returnere Livets Juvel, før Arceus udrydder alt og alle, de nogensinde har kendt til?

The Straw Hats visits an island, known as Mecha Island, where a fisherman sings an old folk song about a Golden Crown. Searching for that mysterious treasure, they find a hidden entrance into the island. The island's leader, Ratchet, impressed with the find and in search of the Golden Crown himself, invites the crew to join him in his search and the crew along with Ratchet and his henchmen enter the cave. As it turns out, the islands true form, is that of a giant turtle. Ratchet, who had known this all along, uses his mechanical castle to take control of the turtle, in order to use it, to take over the world. Now the Straw Hats have to stop not only Ratchet, but also the helpless turtle, from crashing into a nearby island.

In the legendary past, before Poké Balls were invented, an aura-guiding hero Pokémon named Lucario sensed two groups of armies about to clash, and a threat of a massive war in front of Oldoran Castle in Kanto that would leave no survivors. He transferred this message to his master, the legendary hero Arlon, while he was being attacked by a violent group of Hellgar. During the battle, his sense of sight was lost and he was rendered unable to see. He used the detection of his Aura, and so with the offensive Wave Bomb, he eliminated them. Though by the threat, the queen of Rota, Lady Rin was resolute to die with her civilians, and so Arlon made a choice.

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

The third film in the saga of the unlucky clerk Ugo Fantozzi, played by its creator, Paolo Villaggio.

En tryllekunstner forsøg på at bruge magt af Millennium komet til at vække den legendariske Pokémon Groudon.

Da Ash og hans venner melder sig til en konkurrence i Eindoak Town, møder de den mystiske Pokémon, Victini, som bliver deres nye ven. Men katastrofen rammer, da den vildledte vandrer, Damon, snupper Victini af egoistiske grunde. Kan Ash bevise, at han er en helt og fortjener hjælp fra den legendariske Reshiram - eller Zekrom - til at redde Victini og Endoak Town?

On their way through the Battle Frontier, Ash and friends meet up with a Pokémon Ranger who's mission is to deliever the egg of Manaphy to a temple on the ocean's floor. However, a greedy pirate wants the power of Manaphy to himself.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

The supermarket giant that rose high by taking prices low.

Flynn Carsen vogter over alverdens største skatte, men det er hårdt job, og selv Flynn har også brug for ferie. Den bruger han i New Orleans, hvor han møder den dejlige sangerinde Simone, der desuden viser sig at være vogter af den navnkundige Judas Kop, som efter sigende skulle kunne vække vampyrer til live. Det er der nogle onde folk, der godt kunne tænke sig, og så må Flynn Carsen på overarbejde midt i ferien.

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a decoration workshop. But he deceives them and spends the money in gambling. They force him to sign a waiver of his workshop but he wants to get it back.

After thirty years in the big corporation, Ugo Fantozzi retires. Suddenly, he needs things to do in everyday life and he tries a number of activities: helping Pina shopping; babysitting grand-daughter Uga; a trip to Venice; learning golf. He then fakes documents to get a new job, but in the end he becomes a hypochondriac and doesn't even take a long-awaited chance with Miss Silvani.

Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).

Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?

Da hans bedstemor dør, er Recep utrøstelig, indtil en fjernt beslægtet pige, som har brug for et hjem, flytter ind hos ham og ændrer hans liv.