In Chinatown, law and order is turned upside down when a trio of feral Chinese gangsters arrive, start terrorizing civilians, and usurping territory. The beleaguered local gangsters team up with the police, lead by the badass loose cannon Ma Seok-do, to bring them down. Based on a true story.

The 'Beast Cop' Ma Seok-do heads to a foreign country to extradite a suspect, but soon after his arrival, he discovers additional murder cases and hears about a vicious killer who has been committing crimes against tourists for several years.

Seo Chang-dae, an ambitious political campaign strategist who ends up having ideological differences with his present client, receives a lucrative offer that will put his loyalty under the microscope.

An imprisoned ex-police inspector discovers that the entire penitentiary is controlled by an inmate running a crime syndicate and becomes part of the crime empire.

Soo-hyun, who has recently moved into a new house, buys a used washing machine through a second-hand app but finds out it doesn't work. Annoyed by the seller's irresponsibility, she leaves a comment calling the seller a con man, and reports it to the police. Little does she know that the seller is a psychopathic serial killer who uses an online second-hand market to lure his victims. Her comment renders his hunt for a new victim all but impossible so she becomes his next target. She starts receiving obscene phone calls, countless unwanted food deliveries, and strange men knocking on her door looking fora good time. A trip to the sender's address proves deadly serious when the police and Soo-hyun find a man's dead body.

'Monster Cop' Ma Seok-do investigates an illegal online gambling business led by a former STS Baek and an IT genius CEO Chang. Ma proposes an unexpected alliance to Jang and begins hunting down the criminals.

When Karate champion Michael Rivers wins the last tournament of his career, shady businessman Ron Hall offers him the opportunity to fight in an illegal Kumite in Bulgaria against the world’s best martial artists. When Michael declines, Hall has his daughter kidnapped and, in order to rescue her, Rivers is left with no choice but to compete in the deadly tournament. Arriving in Bulgaria, he finds out that he is not the only fighter whose loved one was taken. Rivers enlists the help of trainers Master Loren, and Julie Jackson but will it be enough for him to win the tournament and save his daughter’s life?

Un home solter de 70 anys ha perdut tot contacte amb la societat i sembla que ja no n’espera gaire, de la vida. A la residència on viu, joves manifestants ataquen la directora, i exigeixen la destrucció d'un mural que hi ha i que els sembla ofensiu. Mentre observa irònicament l’era postpandèmica, on tot sembla anar a la deriva, prendrà el control de la seva vida i el de la dels altres.

La Francesca és rica i molt bonica. Després de la mort del seu marit en un accident de cotxe, comprova que només li ha deixat deutes. Davant aquesta dramàtica situació, per poder subsistir i alimentar a la seva filla petita, recorre a les antigues amistats i als seus familiars. Lamentablement, només troba gent que vol ajudar-la si està disposada a oferir el seu cos a canvi. Amb una situació econòmica empitjorant, decideix muntar una rifa en la qual el premi serà ella mateixa.

To big brother Dai, nothing is more satisfying than dining with his two younger half-siblings. But when his old flame shows up as his brother's girlfriend, kitchen nightmare strikes and it's up to his part-time girlfriend to simmer down the situation.

El capità Rockwell Torrey i el comandant Paul Eddington formen part d'un destacament de la Marina americana que té com a missió respondre a l'atac perpetrat pels japonesos contra la base americana de Pearl Harbor. Torrey, enamorat de la infermera Maggie Haynes, intenta millorar la distant i tensa relació amb el seu fill Jeremiah, un jove oficial de la Marina.

Yang és un mestre amb l'espasa però ha d'abandonar el seu clan i marxar d'Àsia per anar a buscar un vell amic a un petit poble de l'oest americà. Yang viatja amb April, un nadó que és l'últim membre d'un llinatge enemic. Yang arriba al poble, on descobreix que el seu amic és mort i on s'assabentarà de secrets terribles. Per altra banda, el passat retorna i ben aviat el guerrer es veurà immers enmig d'una batalla en la qual tothom busca la seva mort, per una raó o per una altra.

Casper, Jasper i Jonathan viuen als afores de Cardamom Town i es guanyen la vida robant, però cap dels tres no està content amb el seu estil de vida. Un dia són capturats i empresonats, però un incendi a la ciutat els permetrà ensenyar als habitants del poble que en el fons tenen un gran cor.

Inspired by true and harrowing events, an ordinary man finds his world suddenly torn apart as devastating wildfires rip through the surrounding countryside. With precious moments ticking by, he must flee with his son and pregnant wife if they have any hope of surviving the rapid forces of mother nature.

Pilots Tae-in and Gyu-sik are set to fly to Gimpo. Under the guidance of flight attendant Ok-soon, passengers are busy boarding. However, shortly after takeoff, a homemade bomb explodes, turning the cabin into chaos.

3rd episode of a serie of 5. Chinny is stuck in a marriage with a disgusting midget, but is seduced and tricked into becoming the fifth concubine of sexy official Simon Hsin. While Chinny is mistreated by the other concubines, Simon has affairs with anything that movies, poisons Chinny's husband, and imprisons her brother-in-law. It soon becomes apparent that this is Simon's M.O. when he steals another man's wife and kills him as well

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Ralphie is an Uber driver and aspiring bodybuilder who is inducted into a libertarian masculinity cult and loses his grip on reality when his repressed desires are awakened.

Un militar retirat i campió de motocròs està cuidant el seu germà petit quan rep un misteriós encàrrec: recollir un paquet al Mar del Nord.