El final ha arribat. Harry, Hermione i Ron hauran de recuperar l'espasa de Gryffindor per trobar i destruir els últims horrocruxes. Mentrestant, Lord Voldemort és a punt d'apoderar-se per complet de Hogwarts i d'aconseguir el seu objectiu: matar a Harry Potter. L'única esperança d'Harry és trobar els horrocruxes abans que Voldemort el trobi a ell. Buscant pistes, descobreix una antiga i oblidada història: la llegenda de les relíquies de la mort, que podria donar al malvat Lord el poder definitiu. Però el futur d'Harry està escrit des que va néixer i inclou una missió per la que s'ha estat preparant des que va arribar a Hogwarts: la batalla final contra Voldemort.

Les avorrides vacances a casa dels seus oncles encara no han acabat i Harry es troba més inquiet que mai. Tot just ha tingut notícies de Ron i Hermione, i pressent que una cosa una mica estranya està succeint en Hogwarts. En efecte, quan per fi comença altre curs en el famós col·legi de màgia i bruixeria els seus temors es tornen realitat. El Ministeri de Màgia nega que Voldemort hagi regressat, iniciant una campanya de desprestigi contra Harry i Dumbledore, per a això ha assignat a l'horrible professora Dolors Umbridge la tasca de vigilar tots els seus moviments. Així doncs, a més de sentir-se sol i incomprès, Harry sospita que Voldemort pugues endevinar els seus pensaments, i intueix que el temible mag tracta d'apoderar-se d'un objecte secret que li permetria recuperar el seu poder destructiu...

El Marty McFly torna al 1985 amb l'ajuda del Doc del 1955, que no entén com, immediatament després que hagi marxat la màquina del temps, el Marty aparegui de nou. El noi li explica que, efectivament, ha anat al futur i que té una carta escrita pel Doc l'any 1885 des d'un poble de l'Oest americà, amb instruccions perquè trobi i repari el DeLorean i pugui tornar un altre cop al futur. Quan van a buscar el cotxe, amagat en una mina, passen per un cementiri on hi ha una làpida dedicada a l'Emmett Brown, que va morir només una setmana després d'haver escrit la carta a mans d'un perillós pistoler, Buford Tannen. El Marty decideix retrocedir en ell temps i anar al poble del salvatge Oest on viu el Doc per evitar que mori.

On December 12, 1969, a bomb kills 17 people at the Piazza Fontana national bank in Milan, Italy, marking the beginning of the Years of Lead. Local anarchists are scapegoated for the massacre by police and the media, but a lone prosecutor uncovers a conspiracy of far-right groups, corrupt secret services, and other interests that seek to undermine democracy.

In a future where Mars is terraformed and colonized by the best humanity has to offer, two very different college students wind up joining forces and sneak onboard a space shuttle to the red planet in order to be united with their significant others.

SHREK'S THRILLING TALES is the ultimate Halloween DVD compilation for your family. Shrek's Thrilling Tales review Featuring the scariest, ugliest, and funniest characters from DreamWorks Animation's successful SHREK and MONSTERS VS. ALIENS franchises. DVD includes 'The Pig who Cried (Were)Wolf' and 'The Ghost of Lord Farquaad' from the Shrek movies, and 'Night of the Living Carrots' from Monsters vs. Aliens, featuring B.O.B.

Disillusioned with life in the city, feeling out of place in suburbia, and frustrated that her happily ever after hasn’t been so easy to find, Giselle turns to the magic of Andalasia for help. Accidentally transforming the entire town into a real-life fairy tale and placing her family’s future happiness in jeopardy, she must race against time to reverse the spell and determine what happily ever after truly means to her and her family.

Brian O'Connor, un policia caigut en desgràcia, va ser un addicte a la velocitat i ara n'està pagant un preu. Tal com ho veuen els seus antics caps i els alts comandaments de l'FBI, aquest agent d'incògnit els va fer malbé una de les investigacions més importants que havien emprès.

Identical twins Kate and Chris Lockhart plot to be the other sister – at Kate’s office and Chris’ school – and take on planning their sister’s Christmas events. One rule, though: no romance.

L'agent especial Strahm és mort i el detectiu Hoffman és el successor de Jigsaw i el seu joc macabre. No obstant això, quan la Brigada d'Investigació Criminal comença a estrènyer el setge a Hoffman, el forçaran a posar en marxa el joc complex de Jigsaw, i per fi a entendre'l...

Three martial-arts students search for the Golden Ninja Warrior, a statue reputed to have magic powers.

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

As viable water is depleted on Earth, a mission is sent to Saturn's moon Titan to retrieve sustainable H2O reserves from its alien inhabitants. But just as the humans acquire the precious resource, they are attacked by Titan rebels, who don't trust that the Earthlings will leave in peace.

In 2050, a nuclear war broke out all over the world. With the help of a military industry family, Tanahashi, Japanese Imperial Army plans to conquer the world and sets up new government NEO YAMATO. In order to against the tyranny of the new government, a rebellious army of the government fights for peace.

Superenalotto winner Pasquale Esposito with his family, two penniless students from Emilia and the Colombo and Covelli families, who accidentally rent the same chalet, will spend the Christmas holidays in Cortina d'Ampezzo.

Ruben, Durex and Nora are three students in their last year of college. Ruben has already failed his exams once due to his lack of self-confidence. He's been as useless with Nora, to whom he dares not confess his feelings. And his childhood friend Durex, the most embarrassing guy in the world, is no help at all. When Ruben discovers that Nora is a dealer and that she's going to Amsterdam to bring back a new kind of drug, Ruben bucks up the courage to accompany her. This trip to Amsterdam is an ideal situation in which to at last seduce Nora. But his bad luck: Durex comes along for the ride. While the trio discover Europe's craziest capital, their lives really get complicated when they realize that the drug they've just picked up belongs to one of Amsterdam's most dangerous gangsters. Very quickly, Ruben, Durex and Nora will understand that to get their old lives back, they must stop being nerds in order to become true heroes.

Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...

En Jack és un pare de família que ha d'afrontar un greu problema: l'arribada per Nadal de la seva odiada germana Jill. Per si no fos poc, la que havia de ser una visita de pocs dies s'allarga més del previst, i tots dos es veuen obligats a tenir una convivència no desitjad

Brice is back. The world has changed, but not him. When his best friend, Marius, calls for help, he goes on a wild adventure that will lead him to the other side of the world... Travel shapes youth but will he remain the king of the "casse" ?