Life on an offshore oil drilling rig is becoming a burden for one of the riggers, who feels lonely and is frequently visited by a lone black dog that appears from nowhere.

The true story of WWII's notorious Sobibor Nazi death camp, where a courageous inmate orchestrates and leads the escape of over 300 prisoners.

Viatge íntim a l'etapa formativa de la seva vida, acompanyats pel propi David Lynch.

Introverted Girona student Nacho meets two delinquents from the city's Chinatown and gets caught up in a summer onslaught of burglaries and hold ups that will change his life.

El 1940, quan els alemanys han ocupat pràcticament tot el continent europeu, Anglaterra resisteix. Hitler prepara la invasió de les illes, però per fer-la, necessita aconseguir la superioritat aèria. La RAF i la Luftwaffe s'enfronten així en una cruenta batalla del resultat de la qual depèn el destí de Gran Bretanya.

Un professor de filosofia ja retirat i una jove parisenca es coneixen. I de cop, les seves vides canvien.

A blind Vietnam vet, trained as a swordfighter, comes to America and helps to rescue the son of a fellow soldier.

Soon after a newlywed learns that her husband had her father shot down, she flees from the Callahan ranch in fear. She's rescued by a gunman who safeguards her at a remote outpost as he staves off her husband's attempts to reclaim his bride.

Un grup de terroristes àrabs prenen el control d'un avió de passatgers en ple vol. Tot fa pensar que a canvi exigiran l'alliberament d'un dels seus líders empresonats. David Grant, un expert del servei d'intel·ligència nord-americà, haurà de reduir els terroristes amb el suport d'un comando integrat per diversos especialistes. Grant comptarà també amb la inestimable ajuda de Jean una de les hostesses del vol. Un thriller de tensa espera amb bones escenes d'acció.

Una jove funcionària apareix assassinada a la Casa Blanca. Harlan Regis és el detectiu d'homicidis a qui encarreguen la investigació. El cas no li resultarà fàcil perquè els membres del servei secret no estan disposats a col·laborar-hi. Només l'agent Nina Chance es decideix a ajudar-lo.

A passenger train has been hijacked by an electronics expert and turned into an untraceable command center for a weapons satellite. He has planned to blow up Washington DC and only one man can stop him, former Navy SEAL Casey Ryback.

When an EPA representative is murdered in a small Appalachian community, EPA undercover agent Jack Taggart is sent in—posing as a handyman working with a Christian relief agency—to determine what happened.

Two garbage men find the body of a city councilman in a trash can on their route. With help from a supervisor, the duo must solve the case and find the man's killer while hiding the body from the cops.

A big-game hunter for zoos books passage on a Greek shipping freighter with a fresh haul of exotic and deadly animals from the Amazon, including a rare white Jaguar – along with a political assassin being extradited to the U.S in secret. Two days into the journey, the assassin escapes and releases the captive animals, throwing the ship into chaos.

Three friends come together to defend their valuable mining company from…aliens?! What could possibly go wrong?

A former government operative renowned for his stealth, Jack Cole is now a Los Angeles police detective. When a series of horrible murders occurs in the metro area, Cole is assigned to the case, along with tough-talking fellow cop Jim Campbell. Although the two men clash, they gradually become effective partners as they uncover a conspiracy linked to the killings, which also involves terrorism and organized crime.

El comandant Lassard i el seu divers equip de policies són assignats a la difícil missió d'aturar una banda de lladres de bancs i joieries que té terroritzada a la ciutat. La banda, formada per tres delinqüents, l'èxit criminal dels quals és inversament proporcional a la seva intel·ligència, són també el malson del capità Harris que, juntament amb el comandant, no pararà fins a aturar el responsable últim dels robatoris, el malvat Mr. Big.

Animated character Fat Albert emerges from his TV universe into the real world, accompanied by his friends Rudy, Mushmouth, Old Weird Harold and Dumb Donald. Though the gang is flabbergasted by the modern world, they make new friends, and Albert attempts to help young Doris become popular. But things get complicated when Albert falls for her older sister, Lauri, and must turn to creator Bill Cosby for advice.

In 71 BC in Rome, utter disorder reigns in the form of political corruption and bribery involving the senator Cynic (Leslie Nielsen). The situation is claimed to be similar to the “Tangentopoli” situation in Italy in the 1990s: one of the politicians involved was Bettino Craxi.

Harmon is a CIA/DEA enforcer investigating Arab terrorists captured in Mexico. With his team--seductive FBI agent Zara and spy-drone pilot Sharp--he flies to Istanbul and uncovers a brutal plot: Islamic extremists plan to use Sonora drug-smuggling routes to bring deadly weapons, and leaders, into the U.S. To prevent an attack on America, Harmon must turn these two savage forces against one another before his time--and his luck--run out.