Berlin, 1942: it was the most beautiful summer for Hilde – madly in love with Hans and joyfully pregnant. But amid the passion there is grave danger. Hans becomes involved in the anti-Nazi resistance, with a group of young people who will later be called the “Red Orchestra”. Despite the huge risks, Hilde decides to get involved herself but is arrested by the Gestapo and gives birth to her son in prison. Now in a desperate situation, Hilde develops a quiet inspirational strength, but she only has a few months left with her son.
Emma and Anaïs are best friends and yet everything in their life seems to set them apart, their social backgrounds but also their personalities. From the age of thirteen to eighteen, Adolescentes follows the two teenagers during these years where radical transformations and first times punctuate daily life. Through their personal stories, the film offers a rare portrait of France and its recent history.
Arita and Balencha, two young girls and close friends are like sisters to each other. Most of their friends have moved to Buenos Aires, but even if your boyfriend is trying to tug you along, it takes courage (and money in your pocket) to say farewell to each other and the place you have grown up in. But time passes and change happens, no matter if you want it or not - and maybe even Arita and Belencha will one day grow apart. But until then their days are spent talking, dreaming and finding a new home for a cardboard box full of puppies among friends and neighbours.
En una classe d'interpretació, uns joves aspirants a actors segueixen les instruccions d'un influent professor, que els demana que participin en un peculiar exercici musical. Entre ells es troba en Tomàs, que s'enfronta als particulars mètodes del professor, al mateix temps que es qüestiona a si mateix què està disposat a fer (o a no fer) per a trobar l'anhelada «veritat».
Aquesta experiència cinematogràfica única se submergeix en la icònica obra de l’artista alemany Anselm Kiefer revelant la seva trajectòria vital, la seva inspiració i el seu procés creatiu. Explora la seva fascinació pel mite i la història. El passat i el present s’entrellacen per desdibuixar els límits entre el cinema i la pintura, permetent al públic submergir-se per complet en l’extraordinari món d’un dels més grans artistes contemporanis.
En un món assotat per una onada de mutacions que transformen gradualment alguns humans en animals, en François fa tot el possible per salvar la seva dona, afectada per aquesta malaltia misteriosa. Mentre la societat es veu abocada a un nou ordre, començarà amb l'Émile, el seu fill de 16 anys, una recerca que els canviarà per sempre.
París, 1985. Vanessa té tretze anys quan coneix a Gabriel Matzneff, un home molt intel·ligent i manipulador. El reconegut escriptor de cinquanta anys sedueix a la jove. L'adolescent es converteix en l'amant i musa d'un home celebrat pel món cultural i polític. Perdent-se en la relació, gradualment comença a adonar-se de com de destructiva i anormal és la situació.
As Brian cares for his severely mentally disabled brother over a sweltering summer holiday he is forced to grow up, and finds unexpected love and affection.
Mireille Stockaert is a lonely and broken woman. In love with painting and poetry, she makes do with her work in the cafeteria of the Beaux-Arts in Namur. Her life changes when she chooses to live in the large family house she inherits. Not having the means to maintain it, she decides to take in three tenants. Three men who will upset her routine.
Gabriel, dit Le Poulpe (The Octopus) is a laid-back private investigator who works on cases for his own pleasure. He is drawn to the fictional Loire Valley port of Angerneau, with his lover Clotilde who has been summoned by the police concerning the defacement of a deceased relative's grave. Since Angernau is her home town, she wants to leave it as soon as possible to avoid old acquaintances, but Gabriel stumbles on intriguing events concerning the cargo of a ship in port.
Biopic on the father of the nation of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The film will showcase his growing up as a child to his standing up against all injustice in his youth to fighting for the independence of his country. How he led a country to it's independence with his inspirational presence and fight for the justice.
La Venècia de mitjans del segle XVIII és l’escenari d’aquest relat sumptuós d’auge i caiguda al voltant de Josef Mysliveček, compositor txec ara poc recordat que va aconseguir fer-se un nom en el món competitiu de l’òpera italiana gràcies als contactes que obtenia ficant-se al llit amb diverses dones de l’alta societat veneciana, especialment amb una marquesa llibertina que el va introduir de ple en l’hedonisme burgès.
Two young friends embark on a road trip across France in a vehicle they built themselves.
Perdut en un bosc hostil, el marquès d’Urfé, un noble emissari del rei de França, troba refugi en la casa d’una misteriosa família que oculta un secret aterridor.
Set in Norway and has a crack team of Allies sent to blow up an underground Nazi factory where the Germans have taken a crashed Spitfire that contains a new radar system that the krauts want to copy.
At the height of the Oyo Empire, the ferocious Bashorun Ga'a became more powerful than the kings he enthroned, only to be undone by his own blood.
Gabriel Carvin, el xef més famós de França, se sent infeliç tot i que acaba de guanyar la seva tercera estrella. A través d’una sessió d’hipnosi reviurà un concurs en què, de jove, un xef japonès el va derrotar amb un bol de fideus. Carvin explorarà les raons d’aquell fracàs i, de passada, descobrirà per què la seva vida s’ha convertit en un desgavell.
In 1999, two friends use a webcam for the first time and stumble across a mysterious browser game that may be haunted.
Octubre de 2015. Els agents de duanes francesos confisquen set tones de cànnabis al cor de la capital. El mateix dia, Hubert Antonie, un antic talp amb un passat nebulós, contacta amb Stéphane Vilner, periodista de Libération. Assegura que pot demostrar l'existència d'un narcotràfic d'Estat liderat per Jacques Billard, figura mediàtica i policia francès d'alt rang. Encara que al principi es mostra suspicaç, el jove periodista finalment se submergeix en la recerca, que el porta als racons més obscurs de la República.
In an observation over four seasons THE STANDSTILL shows Vienna and its surroundings along with encounters with people during and after the Corona crisis. The film tells of the immediate and also the long-term effects, which can only be evaluated and classified in the future.