Royal Rumble (2007) was the twentieth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It took place on January 28, 2007 at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown! and ECW brands. The main event was the annual 30-man Royal Rumble match, which featured wrestlers from all three brands. The primary match on the Raw brand was a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Championship between John Cena and Umaga. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was Batista versus Mr. Kennedy for the World Heavyweight Championship. The featured match on the ECW brand was between Bobby Lashley and Test for the ECW World Championship.

After being released from prison, Dr. Nise da Silveira is back at work in a psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro where she refuses to employ the new and violent electroshock in the treatment of schizophrenics. Ridiculed by doctors, she is forced to take on the abandoned Sector for Occupational Therapy, where she would start a revolution through paintings, animals and love.

The ancient Chinese game of Go has long been considered a grand challenge for artificial intelligence. Yet in 2016, Google's DeepMind team announced that they would be taking on Lee Sedol, the world's most elite Go champion. AlphaGo chronicles the team as it prepares to test the limits of its rapidly-evolving AI technology. The film pits man against machine, and reveals as much about the workings of the human mind as it does the future of AI.

Woo-jin, a furniture designer who wakes up in a different body every day, falls for Yi-soo, a woman he meets through his work.

Cole Thornton, un pistoler a sou, uneix forces amb un vell amic, el xèrif JP Hara. Juntament amb un vell lluitador indi i jugador, ajuden un ranxer i la seva família lluitar contra un ranxer rival que està tractant de robar la seva aigua.

An unappreciated old granny magically turns 20 years old again and decides to make the most of her newfound youth.

Richard Nixon (Frank Langella) va romandre en silenci durant tres anys després de renunciar a la presidència dels Estats Units. El 1977 va accedir a una entrevista per tal d'aclarir alguns punts foscos de l'època en què era al govern i utilitzar-la per a un possible retorn a la política. L'entrevistador va ser el jove David Frost (Michael Sheen), a qui Nixon creia que doblegaria. Però el resultat va ser una gran batalla dialèctica entre tots dos, vista per 45 milions de persones en quatre nits.

A con-team couple head west after taking a city businessman for his BMW. But an encounter with a naive young carpenter traveling home with his life savings challenges their fate as thieves.

Mentre el cap de l'inspector Clouseau, Paul Dreyfus, es recupera de mica en mica d'una crisi nerviosa provocada pel seu temible subordinat, aquest decideix anar a l'hospital a visitar-lo. En veure'l a la seva habitació, Dreyfus, pateix un rampell de bogeria i jura que en endavant dedicarà la seva vida a la venjança.

Daisy Gamble, an unusual woman who hears phones before they ring, and does wonders with her flowers, wants to quit smoking to please her fiancé, Warren. She goes to a doctor of hypnosis to do it. But once she's under, her doctor finds out that she can regress into past lives and different personalities, and he finds himself falling in love with one of them.

A 12-year-old Jewish boy hides with a family of Catholic peasant farmers to escape the Nazis.

When partygoers at a deserted funeral home decide to have a séance on Halloween night, they awaken something evil with a thirst for blood.

Frederick Fitzell is living his best life—until he starts having horrific visions of Cindy, a girl who vanished in high school. After reaching out to old friends with whom he used to take a mystery drug called Mercury, Fredrick realizes the only way to stop the visions lies deep within his own memories, so he embarks on a terrifying mental odyssey to learn the truth.

A Oklahoma, Agnes, una solitària cambrera que viu en un aïllat i ruïnós motel de carretera, coneix Peter, un home tranquil i misteriós amb qui estableix una peculiar relació.

Underwater deep-sea miners encounter a Soviet wreck and bring back a dangerous cargo to their base on the ocean floor with horrifying results. The crew of the mining base must fight to survive against a genetic mutation that hunts them down one by one.

Michael Burrows, un jove inspector d'homicidis, té un petit problema: pateix hematofòbia, és a dir, que es desmaia quan veu sang. Per la seva condició de policia, aquest fet resulta una font de maldecaps constant. Una nit, Michael deté un sospitós d'assassinats en sèrie i li ha de donar un cop de puny perquè no se li escapi. Com que li fa sang, es desmaia i, per acabar-ho d'adobar, resulta que tot queda enregistrat en vídeo perquè Michael havia accedit a col·laborar en un documental sobre la policia.

An elusive serial killer known as the Zodiac terrorizes the San Francisco Bay in the late 1960s, while detectives aim to stop him before he claims more victims. Based on a true story.

He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls himself Volkodav, and is the last man from the tribe of Serie Psi (Grey Hounds). After escaping certain death, Volkodaw — accompanied by Neletuchaya Mysh — is on a mission to kill Ludoed who is responsible to what happened to Serie Psi.

In a small college in North Carolina, only a select few students are left to take mid terms. But, when a killer strikes, it could be everyone's final exam.

Frannie Avery, professora d'escriptura creativa, viu sola a Nova York. Intel·ligent i reservada, es dedica a investigar sobre el llenguatge del carrer i la novel·la policíaca. Però una nit canvia alguna cosa a la seva vida: presència involuntàriament un moment d'intimitat entre un home i una dona. La càrrega eròtica de la situació la paralitza i, encara que no arriba a veure la cara de l'home, no oblidarà el tatuatge del canell ni la mirada sensual. Al cap de poc temps, s'assabenta, en ser interrogada per un policia, d'un fosc crim comès a prop del seu apartament. El detectiu Malloy, un home seductor, que a Frannie li resulta estranyament familiar, creu que ella en pot saber alguna cosa. Tot i que Frannie intenta mantenir les distàncies, no pot evitar sentir-se atreta per ell.