La Cléo, de sis anys, vol la seva mainadera Gloria més que res al món. Quan la Gloria ha de tornar al Cap Verd a cuidar els seus propis nens, totes dues han de treure el màxim partit del seu darrer estiu juntes.

Leila and Damien struggle with his bipolar disorder.

Un estiu calorós i sec, com tants en els darrers anys. Els incendis forestals són incontrolables. Quatre joves es reuneixen en una casa de vacances al costat del mar Bàltic, no gaire lluny d'Ahrenshoop. Lentament i imperceptible són tancats per les flames. Un cel vermell plana sobre ells. Dubten, tenen por -no pels incendis-, és l'amor allò que els espanta.

Adaptació d'una novel·la de l´escriptor anglès Arthur Conan Doyle. Sobre els Baskerville pesa una maledicció que ha portat mort i desgràcies a les successives generacions de la família. Quan Sir Charles Baskerville apareix mort als erms, Sherlock Holmes sospita que l'únic membre de la família que roman viu, Sir Henry, serà la següent víctima, però no a causa de la maledicció, sinó a causa de l'ambició d'algú que en sortiria molt beneficiat de la seva mort. El famós detectiu sap que ha de descobrir l'assassí abans que sigui massa tard.

A clumsy maid of honor gets help from her handsome nemesis when things go awry at her best friend’s Costa Rican wedding.

Set in 1949 on a remote farm near a nuclear testing site, Dina is living a quiet, unremarkable life with her father until two suitors enter her life.

Sophie is a brilliant student. Encouraged by her maths teacher, she leaves the family farm to attend a science preparatory class. Between new encounters, successes and failures, and faced with fierce competition, Sophie realizes that her dream of joining the Polytechnique represents more than an entrance examination but a true challenge of social climbing.

François Cluzet, Adèle Exarchopoulos i Vincent Lacoste protagonitzen aquesta reivindicació de la professió de l'educació i el seu paper com a pilar fonamental de qualsevol societat. A través d'un excel·lent treball d'interpretació coral que donen vida a un grup divers de docents, ens ofereix un retrat realista dels professionals que ens acompanyen des de la nostra infància posant un èmfasi especial en els valors que forgen la vocació de mestre.

Noémie, an experienced screenwriter, meets up with Vincent, her first childhood love, at the film school where he is now the director. Through an extraordinary masterclass where intimacy rubs shoulders with the universal and reality flirts with fiction, Noémie will teach Vincent and his students that the art of writing a screenplay is the art of living passionately.

The ambiguous suicide of a local beauty, weathergirl, cheese model, and Marilyn Monroe look-a-like finds an eager sleuth in David Rousseau, best-selling crime novelist. When Rousseau visits a remote Alps village for the reading of his friend's will he unwittingly, but irresistibly, gets caught in the tangled web of murder and small town politics in this off-beat mystery.

One night, a woman in danger calls the police. Anna takes the call. A man is arrested. Weeks go by, the courts are looking for evidence, Aly, Anna and Dary have to deal with the echoes of that night they can't shake off.

When French painter Pierre Bonnard met Marthe de Méligny, he didn’t know this self-proclaimed aristocrat would become the cornerstone of his life and work. From this moment, she became more than just a muse for the “painter of happiness”, appearing in more than a third of his work. Together, they reached their artistic fulfillment thanks to a colourful love, different from the standards of their time, nurturing the great mystery around their relationship. Based on a true story.

Anaïs té trenta anys, però no té gaires diners. Té un xicot que creu que ja no estima. Anaïs coneix Daniel, que immediatament se n'enamora. Però Daniel viu amb Émilie... que també s'interessa per Anaïs.

Wisi is in trouble. He arrives in Bordeaux in the hope of finding a job and crosses paths with Marina, a humanitarian with a big heart. To get accommodation with her, he pretends to be undocumented. One evening, he meets Jérôme, himself on the street after the death of his mother.

El film es desenvolupa en el context d'un futur proper, catastròfic, on homes i dones mantenen una guerra despietada. Violents o confusos, els esdeveniments es desenvolupen al marge de la nostra moral" (Louis Malle).

Marc és un cineasta sensible. Quan els productors li diuen “la teva pel·lícula és lletja i grisa, hem de recuperar la nostra inversió”, ell espetega els dits i el seu pla s’activa: s’endú els arxius sense editar al mig del bosc, a casa de la seva tia Denise. Però allí només troba excuses, cadascuna més increïble que l’anterior, per a escapar de la sala d’edició.

Marked by years of prison, Djo, a parcel delivery man in the Paris suburbs, lives modestly with his mother and daughter. One day, an aunt who has just fled the Ivorian conflict arrives at their home with her three children. In a hurry, Djo manages to find them a place to live. But faced with the growing demand and with the prospect of offering a decent life to his daughter, Djo switches and becomes a sleep merchant.

After years of traveling, Anyas parents have decided to return from Australia to their native France, and she has to attend a public school for the first time in her life. But normal everyday school life quickly causes problems for the girl. On the first day, she gets a shot with a soccer ball on the head. When no one wants to apologize for this, a violent argument immediately ensues. So she messed it up with the locals right from the start. Anya becomes an outsider, which doesn't even really bother her. But Zoé, Nils and Jade, who are also a bit different, take care of her. A new clique is formed. But the pretty outsider would prefer to be friends with Nathan, the school director's son. But he gives her the cold shoulder because it wouldn't be cool to be interested in girls in front of his buddies. Meanwhile, the girls hatch a plan to win their place in the schoolyard. A real fight ensues between the students. Now it's girls against boys. But how far can a dispute between children go?

Alexandre finds out his wife Juliette is cheating on him. They quarrel with each over, Juliette runs away during the night, and has a fatal fall. The next day, torrential rain have taken her body away. The police force is investigating and Patrick, Juliette's father, shows up to find out what happened. Fearing to be charged, Alexandre convinces his 18 years old daughter Lison to cover him. But his lies make things worse, and Patrick has doubts about him. It's the beginning of a dreadful chain of events.

Després de 30 anys de matrimoni, la Sandra descobreix que el seu marit li està sent infidel amb la seva millor amiga. Això fa que decideixi deixar-lo immediatament. Com a resultat, no li quedarà més remei que tornar a casa de la seva infància, on viu la seva germana Danie. Però la convivència no serà fàcil, i encara que les diferències són més grans que les afinitats, hi ha alguna cosa que les uneix: la dansa. El ball esdevindrà una via d'escapament per a totes dues i una nova forma de viure la vida.