In the sequel to Turma da Mônica: Laços, we follow Mônica, Jimmy Five, Maggy and Smudge dealing with the consequences of a mistake made at school. At the same time, they face transformations from childhood to adolescence and are about to discover the value of friendship.
El final ha arribat. Harry, Hermione i Ron hauran de recuperar l'espasa de Gryffindor per trobar i destruir els últims horrocruxes. Mentrestant, Lord Voldemort és a punt d'apoderar-se per complet de Hogwarts i d'aconseguir el seu objectiu: matar a Harry Potter. L'única esperança d'Harry és trobar els horrocruxes abans que Voldemort el trobi a ell. Buscant pistes, descobreix una antiga i oblidada història: la llegenda de les relíquies de la mort, que podria donar al malvat Lord el poder definitiu. Però el futur d'Harry està escrit des que va néixer i inclou una missió per la que s'ha estat preparant des que va arribar a Hogwarts: la batalla final contra Voldemort.
Harry ha de trobar i destruir els horricreus, set objectes màgics que emmagatzemen un fragment de l’ànima de Voldemort i en garanteixen la immortalitat. El jove aprenent de mag Harry Potter acompanyat pels seus amics Ron Weasley i Hermione Granger viatgen per la Gran Bretanya per trobar els horricreus. La tasca no serà fàcil ja que els cavallers de la mort cada cop cobren més poder i totes les lleialtats són posades a prova.
Amb setze anys complerts, Harry inicia el sisè curs en Hogwarts enmig de terribles esdeveniments que assolen Anglaterra. Elegit capità de l'equip de Quidditch, els entrenaments, els exàmens i les noies ocupen tot el seu temps, però la tranquil·litat dura poc. Malgrat els ferris controls de seguretat que protegeixen l'escola, dos alumnes són brutalment atacats. Dumbledore sap que s'acosta el moment, anunciat per la Profecia, que Harry i Voldemort s'enfrontaran a mort: «L'únic de poder per vèncer al Senyor Tenebrós s'acosta... Un dels dos ha de morir a les mans de l'altre, perquè cap dels dos podrà viure mentre segueixi l'altre amb vida». L'ancià director sol·licitarà l'ajuda de Harry, i junts emprendran perillosos viatges per intentar debilitar l'enemic, per a la qual cosa el jove mag comptarà amb l'ajuda d'un vell llibre de pocions pertanyent a un misteriós príncep, algú que es fa dir Príncep Mestís.
Les avorrides vacances a casa dels seus oncles encara no han acabat i Harry es troba més inquiet que mai. Tot just ha tingut notícies de Ron i Hermione, i pressent que una cosa una mica estranya està succeint en Hogwarts. En efecte, quan per fi comença altre curs en el famós col·legi de màgia i bruixeria els seus temors es tornen realitat. El Ministeri de Màgia nega que Voldemort hagi regressat, iniciant una campanya de desprestigi contra Harry i Dumbledore, per a això ha assignat a l'horrible professora Dolors Umbridge la tasca de vigilar tots els seus moviments. Així doncs, a més de sentir-se sol i incomprès, Harry sospita que Voldemort pugues endevinar els seus pensaments, i intueix que el temible mag tracta d'apoderar-se d'un objecte secret que li permetria recuperar el seu poder destructiu...
To mark the release two weeks ago of the eighth and final movie in the series, Robbie Coltrane narrates a countdown of the movie franchise's best moments. From Harry's first meeting with Ron and Hermione aboard the Hogwarts Express through to magical mysteries.
Explore the myths and legends that inhabit the real world of Harry Potter. Follow award-winning documentary filmmakers as they offer insights to witches, wizards, Greek gods, ancient Celts, ghosts, magical creatures, alchemy, and ancient spells. Narrated by British actor Hugh Laurie, this fascinating documentary brings new dimensions to the historical and scientific world behind the Harry Potter series.
You are thousands of years old. You have amazing powers. You have watched civilizations rise and fall. So why does no one remember any of this? Best-selling author, Neil Gaiman (Marvel: 1602) is joined by superstar artist, John Romita. Jr. (Amazing Spider-Man), to bring you the extraordinary tale of The Eternals. Medical student Mark Curry's world is turned upside-down when he meets Ike Harris, a man who believes that he is part of a centuries-old race of super-powered beings put here on Earth by aliens to preserve and safeguard the planet — and even crazier, tried to convince Mark that he is one too.
A talented photographer stuck in a dead-end job inherits an antique Advent calendar that may be predicting the future -- and pointing her toward love.
Un grup de turistes arriba a Costa d'Ivori amb la intenció de passar-s'ho tan bé com sigui possible i oblidar tots els seus problemes.
Made-for-television documentary about Daniel Radcliffe and his role as Harry Potter.
When Lady Tremaine steals the Fairy Godmother's wand and changes history, it's up to Cinderella to restore the timeline and reclaim her prince.
He invents puzzles. He’s committed body and soul to his work and needs silence to be able to concentrate. She is an accomplished pianist and can’t live without music. She must prepare for a competition that could change her life. They are going to be forced to coexist without seeing each other.
When a romance between a widow and a notorious libertine takes an unexpected turn, Mademoiselle de Joncquières becomes instrumental to one lover’s plans for revenge.
Craig and his cousin Day Day have finally moved out of their parents' houses and into their own crib, working nights at a local mall as security guards. When their house is robbed on Christmas Eve they set out to track down the culprit.
Following the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York, Roger proposes to his boyfriend Tyler , and the gang embarks on a road trip to Provincetown, Massachusetts for Bear Week.
Ugo Fantozzi has been ejected from Heaven and is sent back to Earth for a short period of time until the staff in Heaven can get Fantozzi a place there. Fantozzi goes through a variety of unfortunate experiences, such as rescuing his retro punk granddaughter Uga, and having to pay a vast telephone bill due to frequent chat line conversations. He ends up getting arrested instead of his ex-boss, who was originally charged with corruption. Just as he is about to enjoy the World Cup Final with Italy, he is called back into Heaven. Can he find peace once again?
Everyday teen hero Kim Possible and her best friend Ron Stoppable embark on their freshman year of high school, all while saving the world from evil villains. While Kim and Ron have always been one step ahead of their opponents, navigating the social hierarchy of high school is more challenging than the action-hero ever imagined. With Drakken and Shego lurking in the wings, Kim must rely on her family and Team Possible—Ron, tech-genius Wade, new friend Athena, and Rufus, a Naked mole-rat.
Ducobu goes on holiday in the south of France.