Una Unitat de Forces Especials ha organitzat una sèrie d'exercicis de combat per a seleccionar als candidats que representaran a la Xina en una competició internacional. Fins que un dia reben l'encàrrec d'una missió secreta.

A la Layla des de petita li ha fet il·lusió casar-se al mes de desembre aprofitant l'alegria de les festes nadalenques. Quan ja estava promesa, el seu promès la deixa per la seva cosina. Quan arriba el moment, en ser família, conviden la Layla al casament i es veu obligada a anar-hi, però no hi vol anar ni sense parella ni amb el seu germà per no semblar desesperada. Finalment, l'única opció que troba és fer veure que s'ha promès amb l'amic, en Seth, que precisament va presentar el seu antic promès a la seva cosina, i per tant el culpable, encara que involuntari, que la Layla es quedés sense promès. Després de tot un seguit de malentesos i situacions inesperades mentre la Layla i en Seth fan veure que estan promesos, que els obliguen a allargar la mentida més del que havien pensat inicialment, es produeix un desenllaç inesperat.

Dr. Markway, doing research to prove the existence of ghosts, investigates Hill House, a large, eerie mansion with a lurid history of violent death and insanity.

Un ranxer a la frontera d'Arizona es converteix en l'improbable defensor d'un jove mexicà que fuig desesperadament dels assassins del cartell que l'han perseguit fins als Estats Units.

The crew of Ukrainian NAVY minesweeper U311 "Cherkasy" is resisting seizure of the vessel by Russian army in Crimea in 2014.

Jake, a New York policeman poses as an actor to expose the making of martial-arts death movies in Thailand.

Chapman is an ex-marine in Brazil's slums, battling the yakuza outfit who attacked his sister and left her for dead.

An ex-mercenary known for finding missing children is hired by a mixed martial arts fighter whose daughter has been kidnapped.

Tilo is an Indian shopkeeper in America with an ability to see the future and a magical connection to powerful spices, which she uses to help her customers satisfy their various needs and desires. One day she falls in love with an American man. But the spices forbid it.

Ben Archer, an ex-mob enforcer, seeks revenge against a ruthless Chinese kingpin responsible for his wife's brutal murder. When Archer joins forces with his old underworld friends, an all-out war is waged against the Chinese Triad.

After a detective rescues a mute disfigured woman from being murdered, he takes her into his home to prevent her from staying in a mental hospital, a move which alienates his family and soon turns to obsession.

Anthony Stowe és un policia enganxat a l'heroïna, i tothom l'odia. Després d'un greu accident, es posa en coma induït, però en surt una persona millor que vol arreglar les coses.

When Eastern European criminals Oleg and Emil come to New York City to pick up their share of a heist score, Oleg steals a video camera and starts filming their activities, both legal and illegal. When they learn how the American media circus can make a remorseless killer look like the victim and make them rich, they target media-savvy NYPD Homicide Detective Eddie Flemming and media-naive FDNY Fire Marshal Jordy Warsaw, the cops investigating their murder and torching of their former criminal partner, filming everything to sell to the local tabloid TV show "Top Story."

Després d'una fugida aventurada d'un camp de concentració vietnamita, el capità de les Forces Especials James Braddock rep la missió de localitzar i rescatar un grup de soldats.

Scientists create a genetic clone of a serial killer in order to help catch the killer, teaming up with two cops.

When terrorists threaten nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl, the world's only hope is to reactivate decommissioned Universal Soldier Luc Deveraux. Rearmed and reprogrammed, Deveraux must take on his nemesis from the original Universal Soldier and a next-generation "UniSol" that seems almost unstoppable.

Chechen rebels take over a Russian nuclear plant and it's up to a mysterious agent (Snipes) to stop them.

A fashion designer and his CIA agent business partner must join forces to stop a group of terrorists from smuggling explosives in counterfeit jeans during the handover of Hong Kong.

In a world governed by commerce, Ricky and Kate, dedicated employees, find their lives forever changed when they encounter the enigmatic stranger G. As they navigate the realm of commerce, their paths intertwine in a surreal dance of love, loss, and redemption. G's presence, amplified through the pervasive influence of globalized television, casts a spell that reverberates beyond Ricky and Kate, impacting the lives of those who bear witness to their intertwined destinies.

Chris Kody, imprisoned member of the US military, is released from prison and reunited with his old team in order to pursue a renegade scientist. The catch, the scientist has developed mind control technology that can make even your friends into heartless killers.