The Scooby gang visits a culinary resort run by Fred's uncle, Bobby Flay. While enjoying the sights, a ghost attacks the guests and destroys the resort, leaving the gang to put a stop to its threat.

The brothers Sultan and Bekzat Ibrayev are serving faithfully in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, and at the same time they are in family disagreement. Sultan is a valiant intelligence officer and Bekzat is a talented fighter pilot. While an international terrorist organization prepares a carefully planned attack on the country's strategically important facilities, the brothers have to face not only a mortal threat, but also face a family confrontation related to their dead father. Circumstances force them to unite in order to save human lives, and the brothers eventually understand that their homeland and family are the most valuable thing they have.

It's officially Spring Break at Monster High, and Lagoona takes her gilfriends across the sea to the Great Barrier Reef, but they are ship wrecked and end up on a mysterious skull shaped island. Here they enjoy the local hospitality until they realize that they are being used by a slippery showman named Farnum to lure the rarest, most mysterious monster of them all, "the Beast" into a trap. Frankie is taken by the Beast but tables turn and she ends up rescuing him and returning with him to Monster High. The story goes to high voltage when they realize that Frankie has inadvertently led Farnum to the location of the greatest gathering of monsters anywhere...Monster High.

It’s a new school year at Monster High™, and the little sister of Clawdeen Wolf™, Howleen, is determined to be more fangtastic than ever. Her dream of popularity turns out to be easier than anyone imagined when she stumbles upon a genie named Gigi Grant™ who grants her not 3, but 13 Wishes! But the ghouls quickly learn to be s-careful what you wish for because each wish comes with a dark side, and soon the student disem-body of Monster High™ is turned upside-down! Join Frankie Stein™, Clawdeen Wolf™, Draculaura™ and the rest of their creeperiffic ghoulfriends as they journey deep inside the magic lantern to save the very soul of Monster High™… while flashing their killer style every step of the way!

The Rock returns home to be The World’s Most Electrifying Host of WrestleMania XXVII from Atlanta, GA. The Great One will lay the SmackDown on all of the pomp and festivities that makes WrestleMania the world’s greatest, annual pop culture extravaganza. John Cena looks to dethrone the self-proclaimed “most must see WWE champion in history” the Miz. Undertaker’s legendary 18-0 WrestleMania winning streak has never been in greater peril when Triple H challenges the Phenom. Alberto Del Rio looks to fulfill his destiny and take Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship. A bitter and personal rivalry comes to a head when Randy Orton battles CM Punk.. All this and more when the Superstars of WWE invade the Georgia Dome for WrestleMania XXVII.

Durant les vacances a Austràlia, l'Scooby-Doo i els seus amics assisteixen a un festival de música celebrat en un lloc anomenat La roca del vampir. Però la diversió perilla quan la colla s'assabenta que una llegendària criatura australiana, el Yowie Yahoo, està segrestant els participants del concert i convertint-los en vampirs. Fent-se passar per una banda de rock dur per investigar el misteri, l'Scooby-Doo i la seva banda s'hauran d'enfrontar a un trio de músics vampirs si volen revelar l'estrany misteri que envolta la llegenda del vampir.

Espanya, mitjans dels 80. Un grup d'amics capitanejats per Xavi Font acaba d'arribar a Eivissa perseguint el seu somni de dedicar-se a la moda. Allí els descobreix el productor José Luis Gil, un magnat de la indústria musical que busca nous talents per a llançar un grup. Sense tenir ni idea de cantar, el grup inicia una carrera que els porta de viure com hippies a Eivissa, a omplir estadis a Llatinoamèrica i, de pas, revolucionar les discoteques de mig món.

Wealthy socialite Charlotte Cartwright and her dear friend Alice Pratt, a working class woman of high ideals, have enjoyed a lasting friendship throughout several decades. Recently, their lives have become mired in turmoil as their adult children’s extramarital affairs, unethical business practices, and a dark secret threaten to derail family fortunes and unravel the lives of all involved. Charlotte and Alice decide to take a breather from it all by making a cross-country road trip in which they rediscover themselves and possibly find a way to save their families from ruin.

The action continues from [REC], with the medical officer and a SWAT team outfitted with video cameras are sent into the sealed off apartment to control the situation.

A l'únic poble del món romà que es resisteix a Cèsar, Obèlix s'enamora bojament d'una nouvinguda, Falbala. Al moment que, animat per Astèrix, li ofereix flors, ella es precipita en els braços del seu nuvi, Tragicómix. En el curs d'un passeig romàntic, els nuvis són detinguts per un inquiet però ignorant decurió, Effrayé, el cap del camp romà, que els envia a la legió, al Sàhara. Després de destruir al camp romà local, Astèrix i Obèlix, ajudats per Idèfix, decideixen enrolar-se en la legió per rescatar-los. Després de l'entrenament anormalment breu, arriben a un camp romà enmig del desert.

Axel Foley torna a Beverly Hills per investigar l'atac contra el capità de policia Andrew Bogomil mentre seguia la pista d'uns robatoris a joieries i bancs de tota la ciutat, on els atracadors hi deixen una carta amb un codi misteriós.

Darcy (Jennifer Lopez) i Tom (Josh Duhamel) viatgen amb les seves famílies per celebrar el seu casament, però quan tots els convidats són presos com a ostatges, la frase «fins que la mort ens separi» adquireix un nou significat en aquesta aventura divertida carregada de adrenalina en què Darcy i Tom hauran de salvar els seus éssers estimats, si no es maten entre ells abans.

Two decades after surviving a massacre on October 31, 1978, former baby sitter Laurie Strode finds herself hunted by persistent knife-wielder Michael Myers. Laurie now lives in Northern California under an assumed name, where she works as the headmistress of a private school. But it's not far enough to escape Myers, who soon discovers her whereabouts. As Halloween descends upon Laurie's peaceful community, a feeling of dread weighs upon her -- with good reason.

Lorenzo is a confirmed bachelor whose beliefs about commitment are put to the test when he meets a beautiful Colombian woman — whom, deserted by her fiancée, forces Lorenzo to take his place in the romantic trip she had planned.

La Jamie i la Melanie, unes mares d'una escola de primària, surten a sopar totes dues soles regularment per explicar-se la vida. Un dia decideixen convidar-hi una mare nova a l'escola, l'Emily, que, de retruc, hi convida una altra mare no gaire sociable, la Kate. El vi i la marihuana ajudaran a què totes quatre visquin una nit boja mentre els seus marits els agafen el relleu i s'ocupen de la canalla.

Stéphane defers his frustration at not having had a son on his sons-in-law. So when her younger daughter decides to leave a rugby player than the idolatrous father for a doctor he can not stand, he will do everything to get his son-in-law back. His daughter will not let it go.

Àngela Vidal, la jove reportera que va entrar a l'edifici amb els bombers, aconsegueix sortir convertint-se en l'única supervivent, però el que l'exèrcit no sap és que a dins duu una estranya infecció. Portaran l'Àngela a un centre de màxima seguretat a vàries milles de la costa, completament aïllat i rodejat d'aigua. Un vell petrolier que ha estat condicionat per a la quarantena.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

Donna's senior prom is supposed to be the best night of her life, though a sadistic killer from her past has different plans for her and her friends.