El gat amb botes descobreix que la seva passió per l’aventura li ha passat factura! Per això, emprèn un viatge èpic per trobar el mític “últim desig”...

Pel·lícula sobre el físic J. Robert Oppenheimer i el seu paper com a desenvolupador de la bomba atòmica. Basada en el llibre 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird i Martin J. Sherwin.

Mario, un lampista de Brooklyn, viatja pel Regne dels Bolets amb la princesa Peach i el bolet antropomòrfic Toad per trobar Luigi (el germà de Mario) i per salvar el món del despietat Bowser.

Ambientada més d’una dècada després dels esdeveniments de la primera pel·lícula, “Avatar: El sentit de l’aigua” explica la història de la família Sully, els seus problemes, les batalles que lluiten per sobreviure...

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 43–45, with new footage and special end credits. Together with his comrades, Zenitsu and Inosuke, along with one of the top-ranking members of the Demon Slayer Corps, Tengen Uzui, Tanjiro embarks on a mission within the Entertainment District, where they encounter the formidable, high-ranking demons, Daki and Gyutaro.

Elena is in charge of the library in a private school. His monotonous life is affected when a new child arrives at school with whom he is obsessed and whom he treats like his son. One day he decides to take him away, generating a crisis in his real mother, Andrea, who will do everything possible to get him back.

After a disastrous first date, wild-child Nicole and socially-anxious Max vow to lose each other’s numbers until they learn that their dogs found a love match, and now puppies are on the way! The hilariously mismatched Nicole and Max are forced to become responsible co-parents, but may end up finding love themselves.

A group of survivors take refuge in a shopping mall after the world is taken over by aggressive, flesh-eating zombies.

En aquesta quarta part de la saga, en Po ha estat designat líder espiritual de la Vall de la Pau i ha de trobar i entrenar un nou Drac Guerrer. Mentrestant, una bruixa perversa planeja reunir de nou tots els malvats que han estat vençuts per en Po.

Billy Batson i els seus germans adoptius, que es transformen en superherois en dir "Shazam!", es veuen obligats a tornar a l'acció i lluitar contra les Filles d'Atlas, a qui han d'evitar que faci servir una arma que podria destruir el món.

AA is a portrait of the dream diaries of Russian avant garde feminist poet and photographer Anna Alchuk.

Two meddling grannies trick their adult grandkids into a meet-cute that reignites a childhood crush and old grudges.

Something goes wrong when a girl attempts to alter her appearance.

Like any other teenage girl, Tara is just surviving high school — yet her father and mother seem strangely distant. Amidst a nearby spree of gruesome ax murders, Tara has sightings of terrifying entities, forcing her to question her own sanity and shocking ancestry.

A disgraced internet personality attempts to win back his followers by livestreaming one night alone in a haunted house. But when he accidentally pisses off a vengeful spirit, his big comeback event becomes a real-time fight for his life.

Durant la infància i l'adolescència, Mitch (Ryan Reynolds) i Dave (Jason Bateman) van ser amics inseparables, però amb el pas dels anys s'han anat distanciant. Dave és un advocat enganxat a la feina, s'ha casat i té tres fills. Mitch segueix solter, és força immadur, treballa de vegades i viu sense lligams de cap mena. Mitch creu que Dave ho té tot: una preciosa esposa (Leslie Mann), uns nens que ho adoren i una bona feina en un prestigiós bufet. Dave, per la seva banda, enveja Mitch perquè viu sense estrès ni pressió ni obligacions. Un dia, després de compartir una gran borratxera, els mons de Mitch i Dave es tornen de l'inrevés: quan es desperten cadascú ocupa el cos de l'altre, de manera que no tindran cap més remei que intercanviar els seus papers.

Before becoming queen, Uberta lived a humble life with her husband Maximillian when she is suddenly thrust into royalty. Through triumph and tragedy, she learns the lessons needed to become a beloved Queen, all while raising the next generation of rulers. When it's time for Uberta to pass the royal scepter to Odette and Derek, rival Queen Wixom has plans of her own to ruin the kingdom's greatest coronation.

In Fethiye, the team that organizes crazy island tours for tourists with a pirate ship will try to prevent a war that is about to break out in Turkey. The team members, who are not soldiers by profession, will try to do this in their own way. Unexpected events will occur in the Blue Homeland.

Joanna Eberhart és acomiadada de la seva feina com a productora de televisió. Aleshores decideix donar un tomb a la seva vida, i es muda amb la seva família cap a Stepford, una petita vila perfecta.

"AA" is a documentary about Akira Aida (mostly known as Aquirax Aida), a japanese music critic who introduced free jazz, improvisation, and progressive rock to Japan. It's based on interviews with 12 critics and musicians who had connections with him. This is a documentary that considers the past, present and future of improvisation.