The Dark Horse is a story of struggle and redemption. Dana, a ballet teacher, reluctantly returns to her childhood home to discover it is about to be sold. To save the farm, and the family, she must tame her mother's dangerous black horse, and ride him to victory in the year's biggest dressage competition.

Will Kane és el xèrif d'un petit poble de l'Oest americà. El dia del seu casament arriben al poble una banda de pistolers encapçalats per un bandit a qui Will va enviar a la presó anys enrere. Will haurà d'enfrontar-se als delinqüents, que busquen venjança, però ho haurà de fer sol, ja que la gent del poble li gira l'esquena.

The most stupendous two-night WrestleMania in history concludes with The Biggest WrestleMania Match of All-Time as Brock Lesnar battles Roman Reigns in a WINNER TAKE ALL Championship Unification Match.

In the Valley of the Moon, follows a young man working as a hitman for the Italian mob in 1977. He takes a job in Petaluma, California, posing as a potential buyer at an open house to confront the realtor who he suspects has a sinister connection to his past.

Regne d'Escòcia, segle XI. Els nobles escocesos Macbeth i Banquo tornen a casa després d'una campanya victoriosa. Enmig d'un paratge llòbrec troben tres bruixes que els profetitzen honors desmesurats. Macbeth serà senyor de Cawdor i en el futur arribarà a ser rei. En canvi, Banquo serà l'origen d'una nissaga reial, encara que ell mateix mai no serà coronat. Tots dos cavallers jutgen inversemblants aquests auguris. Tanmateix, quan la primera predicció esdevé real, foscos pensaments assetgen Macbeth. Durant una visita del rei Duncan, l'ambiciosa Lady Macbeth encoratjarà el seu espòs a cometre un horrible crim.

Belgrade, 2074. Edit Stefanović, a psychology student, after failing the same university exam for the sixth time, decides to visit a dealer on the black market who installs a stolen military chip in her body that will record everything she sees to help her pass the exam. Edit also has a job at a scientific and social research company, in taking care of Abel Mustafov, an autistic math genius who discovered a formula that connects all forces in the world, but no computer was able to calculate it fully without becoming self-aware and shutting down immediately after that. After Edit sees the formula graph, the chip calculates the formula, and becomes able to "survive" thanks to its connection to Edit. It develops a parallel personality and affords her abilities greater than she ever imagined.

An aging horror-movie icon's fate intersects with that of a seemingly ordinary young man on a psychotic shooting spree around Los Angeles.

There's a deficit of good, honest women in the West, and Roy Whitman wants to change that. His solution is to bring a caravan of over 100 mail-order brides from Chicago to California. It will be a long, difficult and dangerous journey for the women. So Whitman hires hardened, cynical Buck Wyatt to be their guide across the inhospitable frontier. But as disaster strikes on the trail, Buck just might discover that these women are stronger than he thinks.

A famous singer Claire Lescot, who lives on the outskirts of Paris, is courted by many men, including a maharajah, Djorah de Nopur, and a young Swedish scientist, Einar Norsen. At her lavish parties she enjoys their amorous attentions but she remains emotionally aloof and heartlessly taunts them. When she is told that Norsen has killed himself because of her, she shows no feelings. At her next concert she is booed by an audience outraged at her coldness. She visits the vault in which Norsen's body lies, and as she admits her feelings for him she discovers that he is alive; his death was feigned. Djorah is jealous of their new relationship and causes Claire to be bitten by a poisonous snake. Her body is brought to Norsen's laboratory, where he, by means of his scientific inventions, restores Claire to life.

When hired killer John Gant rides into Lordsburg, the town's folk become paranoid as each leading citizen has enemies capable of using the services of a professional killer for personal revenge.

Un multimilionari (Yves Montand) s'enamora d'una estrella de Broadway (Marilyn Monroe) que protagonitza un espectacle en què es ridiculitza la figura del milionari. Amb el propòsit de conèixer-la, convenç Milton Berle, Bing Crosby i Gene Kelly (fent de si mateixos) perquè l'instrueixin en les arts de la comèdia, la cançó i el ball, per poder incorporar-se a la companyia de teatre. L'actriu cau sota el seu encanteri, però quant de temps podrà mantenir l'engany?

The sons of a disgraced British officer try to clear his name.

John Wilson és un famós director de cinema que decideix realitzar la seva nova pel·lícula a Àfrica. No obstant això, la captura d'un elefant es converteix en una obsessió tan gran que posa en perill el rodatge del seu recent projecte.

Buenos Aires, 1880. A journalist interviews Manuel Esteban Corvalán, one of the last living men who crossed the Andes in 1817 with José de San Martín, during the Argentinian and Chilean wars of independence, as one of his secretaries, when he was only 15 years old.

Three brothers - Marshall, Marty and Mark dream of becoming naturalists and portraying animal life of America. One summer their dream comes true, they travel through America, filming alligators, bears and moose.

In coastal Cornwall, England, during the early 19th Century, a young woman who's come there to visit her aunt, discovers that she's married an innkeeper who's a member of a gang of criminals who arrange shipwrecking and murder for profit.

A group of unlikely travelling companions find themselves on the same stagecoach to Cheyenne. They include a drunken doctor, a bar girl who's been thrown out of town, a professional gambler, a travelling liquor salesman, a banker who has decided to embezzle money, a gun-slinger out for revenge and a young woman going to join her army captain husband. All have secrets but when they are set upon by an Indian war party and then a family of outlaws, they find they must all work together if they are to stay alive.

John Breen és un soldat de Kentucky que torna des de Nova Orleans a la seva terra. A Alabama, coneix i s'enamora de Fleurette De Marchand, filla d'un general francès, que s'oposa a la relació. John comença a buscar feina a la ciutat i descobreix que existeix un pla per fer fora d'Alabama la comunitat francesa i acabar amb el pare de la seva estimada.

En Wayne, un conegut home de negocis, i la seva esposa Eileen són un matrimoni benestant que viu amb tota classe de comoditats. Però la pau familiar es trenca quan segresten en Wayne a plena llum. A mesura que avança la investigació de l’FBI, l'Eileen s’assabenta d'alguns dels secrets que amaga el seu marit. Per la seva banda, el destí d'en Wayne depèn completament del seu segrestador, un home que no té res a perdre. Aïllats enmig d'un bosc espès, en Wayne sap que haurà de negociar per la seva pròpia vida.

Los Angeles a la dècada dels trenta. Instal·lat en un sòrdid hotel als barris marginals de la gran ciutat, el jove aprenent d'escriptor, l'italoamericà Arturo Bandini (Colin Farrell), lluita per la dura supervivència diària mentre somia amb el triomf artístic i econòmic després d'haver aconseguit publicar un relat en una petita revista. Guiat pel seu mentor i editor, Arturo proclama qui vulgui escoltar-lo que és un geni de les lletres, mentre s'enfronta a una complexa relació amorosa amb Camilla (Salma Hayek), una noia mexicana que treballa com a cambrera. Incapaç de mostrar-li els seus autèntics sentiments, Arturo es veu abocat a una destructiva relació d'amor-odi mentre continua somiant assolir la glòria.