Simone Veil's life story through the pivotal events of Twentieth Century. Her childhood, her political battles, her tragedies. An intimate and epic portrait of an extraordinary woman who eminently challenged and transformed her era defending a humanist message still keenly relevant today.
L'Hortense és una jove negra que viu a Londres. Quan moren els seus pares adoptius, l'Hortense sent la necessitat de conèixer la seva mare biològica, que la va donar en adopció tot just quan ella va néixer. Quan per fi la troba, descobreix que és una dona blanca anomenada Cynthia.
A mitjans del segle XIX, el professor James Murray comença a compilar paraules per a la primera edició de l'Oxford English Dictionary, un diccionari que té la tasca ambiciosa de recopilar totes les paraules de la llengua anglesa. Per sorpresa de Murray, un doctor d'un asil psiquiàtric serà una de les ajudes més grans.
Brussels, Belgium, 1959. Michel and Charly Kichka, two Jewish brothers, enjoy a happy childhood with their parents and their two sisters. Henri, their discreet and usually silent father, does not speak at all about his past, so they imagine that as a young man he was an adventurer, a pirate or a treasure hunter.
En 1969, Pierre Goldman, un intel·lectual d'esquerres francès, és detingut per tres atracaments comesos a París. De rebot, se l'acusa d'un altre robatori, a una farmàcia, que va posar fi a la vida de dues dones. Goldman reconeix els tres primers cops, però no la seva participació en el sagnant atracament de la farmàcia. Secundat per amplis sectors de l'esquerra francesa, el judici de Pierre Goldman desferma àmplies passions i un enorme interès mediàtic.
In France during World War II, a poor and illiterate man, Henri Fortin, is introduced to Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Misérables and begins to see parallels between the book and his own life.
When a mysterious caller puts a bomb under his car seat, Matt Turner begins a high-speed chase across the city to complete a specific series of tasks- all with his kids trapped in the back seat.
Forty-eight-year-old Alain Evrard is obliged to return home to live with his mother. This situation causes all the violence of their past relationship to rise to the surface. Alain then discovers that his mother has a fatal illness. In the last months of her life, will they finally be capable of taking a step toward each other?
Ali, a blind man, is attempting to commit suicide when he is interrupted by the concierge of his building. He is informed that the police is in search of a woman who has escaped and hidden somewhere in the building. Little by little, Ali finds out that the fugitive woman, Leila, is inside his apartment. After participating in a workers’ protest that led to chaos, she is distraught about her four-year-old son who was lost when she was taken in a police van. Gradually, Ali becomes emotionally attached to her. Wishing to flee reality, helping Leila becomes a refuge in his own world of imagination.
Serge és l'únic metge d'urgències la vespra de Nadal. Afectat per un terrible mal d'esquena, rebrà l'ajuda d'un repartidor de pizza a qui no li quedarà més remei que fer la seua feina durant unes quantes hores.
En Peter acaba de perdre el pare i hereta la seva fabulosa mansió. Decideix reunir la colla d'amics, que no veu des de la seva graduació a la Universitat, per celebrar-hi la nit de Cap d'Any. Passats deu anys, tots sembla que han tingut vides plenes i reeixides, però durant l'estança els problemes personals comencen a aflorar. Recordaran històries passades i descobriran que les coses ja mai no podran ser com abans. Així i tot, s'esforçaran a passar-ho tan bé com puguin, com als vells temps.
François Cluzet, Adèle Exarchopoulos i Vincent Lacoste protagonitzen aquesta reivindicació de la professió de l'educació i el seu paper com a pilar fonamental de qualsevol societat. A través d'un excel·lent treball d'interpretació coral que donen vida a un grup divers de docents, ens ofereix un retrat realista dels professionals que ens acompanyen des de la nostra infància posant un èmfasi especial en els valors que forgen la vocació de mestre.
When French painter Pierre Bonnard met Marthe de Méligny, he didn’t know this self-proclaimed aristocrat would become the cornerstone of his life and work. From this moment, she became more than just a muse for the “painter of happiness”, appearing in more than a third of his work. Together, they reached their artistic fulfillment thanks to a colourful love, different from the standards of their time, nurturing the great mystery around their relationship. Based on a true story.
Decidits a viure una nova vida més a prop de la natura, una parella parisenca i els seus dos fills es muden a una petita comunitat rural. Però quan descobreixen que tots els nous veïns són caçadors entusiastes, han de fer tot el possible per eliminar-los.
The life of two men changed unexpectedly when Ajith, an Indian sailor who was robbed and lost everything, appears out of nowhere in front of Pierre, a single and grumpy Frenchman.
Estiu de 1910. Diversos turistes han desaparegut a les platges de Costa Canal, i els inspectors Machin i Malfoy descobreixen que l'epicentre d'aquestes misterioses desaparicions és la Badia Slack.
The Grandmother of Ryane was kidnapped by a Mexican cartel and he has three days max to free her.
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, Le Parfum vert, that seems to have ordered the murder.
In a time when breakfast is ruled by milk and cereal, a fierce corporate battle begins over a revolutionary new pastry.
An air hostess gets involved in Naples, against her will, in the in-fighting amongst rival gangs.