We had to wait until the Spanish “Movida” of the 1980s to see films that did not emanate from Francoist propaganda. But Spain had already experienced a period of cinematic splendor, during the civil war, when the film studios were under the control of the Republicans. By describing the "competition" between Republican and Francoist cinemas of the time, Richard Prost provides a unique vision of the Spanish Civil War.

During the 30s, the young Catalan teacher Antoni Benaiges takes office at a rural school in northern Spain. Antoni has a simple project: he wants to teach his pupils to write and to be free through the use of the printing press. But his dream ends very soon. An individual and collective story in memory of the victims of the Franco's repression.

In this propaganda film intended to raise money for republicans fighting in the Spanish Civil War, Henri Cartier-Bresson first presents the achievements of the Spanish Republic in the field of public health. He then shows how members of the public and organizations across the world were supporting the fighters.

The victory of the fascist army in the Spanish civil war caused a mass exodus of republicans who had to take refuge wherever they could. Mexico, led by its president, Lázaro Cárdenas, was the only country that openly supported the republican cause and opened its doors to thousands of Catalans who found their second homeland in that land. This documentary aims to be a tribute to all the exiles and the people who welcomed them. "Mexico, you have opened your doors and your hands to the wanderer, the wounded, the exiled, the hero..." Pablo Neruda.

Documentary about the last days, death and subsequent search for the remains of Federico García Lorca.

After more than 75 years, Vicente Montejano tells us first-hand about his experience of more than 14 years in the Russian Gulag after the end of the Spanish Civil War.

A group of forensic doctors begins the exhumation of a mass grave in Vilagarcía de Arousa. This is the story of those who seek and those who seek them.

t narrates the repression suffered by the local population of Fuentes de Andalucía after the military coup of 1936.

Who made the dams of the Ebro, Entrepeñas, Barrios de Luna and many others? Who rebuilt towns and cities like Belchite, Brunete, Oviedo, Teruel... among many other populations? Who built from airports such as Sondica or Labacolla to municipal stadiums like those of Valladolid and Palencia, to prisions like Carabanchel or Cordoba? Republicans who were prisoners condemned to work as slaves, whose only "crime" had been to defend the democratically elected legality. This documentary tries to recover the memory of these events focusing on the battalion of Republican prisoners of Fabero del Bierzo. It investigates the mechanisms of social construction of silence, fear and forgetfulness that even today can be felt where the events occurred and where the descendants of many of those prisoners still live.

Analysis of Robert Capa's professional career and the historical impact of his visual treatment of the Spanish Civil War.

A story about the memory of the memory, which starts from the revenge perpetrated on October 15, 1936, when nine men were killed in Bayonne as a result of events that happened two days before, and which involved the death of a resident of that town and more than one Falangist .

The story of a journey to meet the latest republican voluntary fighters veterans of the Spanish Civil War.

During the Spanish Civil War, more than 500 young Spanish pilots went through the Russian Aviation School in Kirovabad, former capital of the current Republic of Azerbaijan. Once the Spanish war was over, some of them remained in Soviet territory and continued their fight against Fascism on the side of the Russian army.

Goazen gudari danok is a documentary that recounts the battle of San Miguel and its importance for the creation of the Basque Government.

The film, which shows the Battle of the Ebro and the last days of the Spanish Civil War, is an unpublished story by Patricio Azcárate (London, 1920- Alicante, 2018), son of the ambassador of the Second Republic in London, Pablo de Azcárate. Patricio Azcárate participated as a volunteer in the Ebro where, due to his knowledge of languages, he was assigned to the General Staff and served as a translator with the brigade members.

Many years have passed since Saturraran women's prison closed its doors in 1944. Thanks to the people working to recover the historical memory, numerous black points of the Civil War are gradually coming to light. Even so, the silence continues to reign. The list of forgotten names is long and there is still so much to be remembered...

Documentary about the bombing of Gernika carried out by Nazi aviation in support of Franco's troops. Contains testimonies from survivors and unpublished color images.