Glimpses of Western Germany (1954)
Glimpses of California (1946)
Holland in Tulip Time (1934)
Hong Kong: 'The Hub of the Orient' (1937)
Land of the Zuider Zee (1951)
Glimpses of Florida (1941)
Glimpses of Old England (1949)
Jerusalem: The Covenant City (2000)
Honolulu: The Paradise of the Pacific (1935)
Glimpses of Ontario (1942)
Glimpses of Washington State (1940)
A Word for the Greeks (1951)
In Old Amsterdam (1949)
In the Land of Diamonds (1952)
Ireland: 'The Emerald Isle' (1934)
Java Journey (1939)
Land of Alaska Nellie (1939)
Old Barak (1947)
Pindi Events (1940)
Local Scenes in India and the Taj Mahal (1947)