Through a series of auditions, a young actor in New York City struggles with his identity.

Avant garde/experimental film. A mesmerizing trip through the psychedelic vastness of space.

A deliciously scary story about a boy who outsmarts an old witch-woman before she can have him and his brothers for dinner.

A green-skinned demon places a woman and two courtiers into a flaming cauldron.

The film tells the back story about the characters and events leading up to the explosive oil truck heist in Fast & Furious.

The hilarious story of a restless young farm-thumb, Loke Groundrunner, and his tasty companion, Princess Bunhead, who go on an quest to combat Black Helmet Man and the Evil Thumbpire.

You'll never look at a statue of the Virgin Mary the same way again. Based on the assertion that divine apparitions aren’t what they always appear to be, Vesuvius is an interesting take on the psychopath with Catholicism smacked against the background. Gio Alvarez provides a convincing portrayal of a madman, and people can even argue if this short inclines toward the supernatural or the psychological. Whereas Grave Torture uses darkness impeccably, Vesuvius plays with light so well.

Mad God is a fully practical stop-motion film set in a Miltonesque world of monsters, mad scientists, and war pigs.

It's a classic boy-meets-girl story, boy-loses-girl, boy gets mistaken for an escaped convict and ruthlessly chased by armies of cops across the countryside in a thrill-packed stunt-addled climax.

Three men hammer on an anvil and pass a bottle of beer around. Notable for being the first film in which a scene is being acted out.

An alcohol/drug abuser re-examines his life until he nearly dies from an overdose. Then a friend convinces him to join a self-help group which turns out to be demonic.

The boozy mercenary of the title, based on the actual historical figure of Naoyuki Ban (1567-1615), attempts to rid a haunted castle of spooks.

A group of people is having a barbecue party when two Krishnas appear at their doorstep, both of which transform into hideous monsters and start killing everybody in gory ways. The survivors retreat to a friend's house and realize something bigger is going on...

A teen drops out of a gang when they mug his father for his pencil.

The ultimate manual when it comes to the proper handling of the living dead. Recommended behavioural patterns in case of imminent Zombie epidemics are explained in comprehensible steps and vividly executed.