An animated short based on Hans Christian Andersen's tale about a poor young girl with a burning desire to find comfort and happiness in her life. Desperate to keep warm, the girl lights the matches she sells, and envisions a very different life for herself in the fiery flames filled with images of loving relatives, bountiful food, and a place to call home.

It's Christmas night when Victor gets stranded in a deserted hotel in Baltimore. To pass the lonely hours, he decides that for first time in his life he's going to order the services of a call girl. When Victor mistakenly recognizes a beautiful young woman at the bar for the call girl, he is taken aback by her warm response to his shy approach. From this moment on, the line between real love and paid love quickly dissolves.

A man attempts to evade observation by an all-seeing eye.

Two gentlemen battle for the "prize". Things escalate quickly...

Sometimes first love is found in the most unlikely of places, like in the carpark outside the Te Kaha pub.

Shortly after the defeat of Majin Buu a mysterious Saiyan arrives on Earth warning Goku and his friends about a new, powerful enemy.

A boy leaves a party and gets on a passenger tram. Aboard, he shyly watches a girl, who soon falls asleep.

This is one of the four "animated comics" taking place in the same universe as the film "I Am Legend". In the early stages of the KV Pandemic, a refugee camp has been opened somewhere in central America, and is taking in patients infected with Krippin Virus for treatment. As a young boy and girl watch from the outskirts of the camp, a military convoy arrives.

Soldiers undertake the perilous task of removing a stockpile of World War II bombshells discovered during roadworks under the ground of a small village.

Saori, a school girl, is molested on the notorious "molester train" of the Hanagawa line and rescued by another school girl who witnesses the act. The girl who rescues her turned out to be a new student of the same high school Saori attends. The mysterious new student Yuriko is rumoured to be a "parent killer". Yuriko then leads Saori and her friends to hunt molesters.

This special collection features 10 spellbinding short works from Belgian experimental filmmaker Olivier Smolders, including "Adoration" (1987), "Mort a Vignole" (1998), "L'Amateur" (1997) and "La Philosophie Dans Le Boudoir" (1991). "Pensees et Visions D'une Tête Coupée" (1991), "Ravissements" (1991), "Point de Fuite" (1988), "L'Art D'Aimer" (1985), "Neuvaine" (1984) and "Seuls" (1989) round out the sampler.

A home movie version of the Dumas play. A young woman becomes a courtesan and tragedy befalls her. Appearances are made by many socialites of 1920s Paris and New York.

This compendium of six horror shorts starring Matthew Glave, Alice Cooper, Ewan McGregor and Rebecca Gayheart serves up a ghoulish cinematic buffet. Two pals discover the dangers of carnivals in "Freak Show"; a sea creature preys on victims in "Desserts"; a man has a "twin" who only surfaces when he sleeps in "Doppelganger"; and more. Also includes "Reducing Stanley," "Holiday on the Moon" and "A Fate Foretold."

By 2031, the Earth has exhausted its supply of fossil fuels. With the world on the verge of collapse, nations from around the globe form a coalition called AREN; the 'Manhattan Project' of clean self-replenishing energy. When an experiment goes wrong that threatens the world's existence, David Canterra and a team of elite soldiers are sent on a mission to stop the anomaly. What they find is a mind-bending alternate dimension, and their only way home is through the fabric of time.

A mother who writes children’s storybooks, ironically, doesn’t have enough time to create stories for her own son. The restless child finds a chance to create his own stories when his grandfather, comes up with a game. They fill an old milk can with pieces of paper, each containing a word which will be a “story-starter”. Tales of heroes and villains, magic and places fill up the child’s imagination. But the child’s made-up story is in need of a happy ending. Now, it depends on the storyteller mother to create the greatest ending of them all.

This is one of the four "animated comics" taking place in the same universe as the film "I Am Legend". ADX Florence, Colorado, USA, is the most secure prison facility in the United States. During the early stages of the Krippin Virus Pandemic, John Edward Lord, an imprisoned terrorist is deliberately left behind at the prison to die, with no information on the outbreak.